description: Learn about node auto-repair functionality, and how AKS fixes broken worker nodes.
services: container-service
ms.topic: conceptual 03/10/2020 06/02/2020
#Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) node auto-repair
@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@ kubectl get nodes
> [!Note]
> AKS takes repair action on nodes with the user account **aks-remediator**.
This behavior is for **Virtual Machine Scale Sets**. Auto-repair takes several steps to repair a broken node. If a node is determined to be unhealthy, AKS attempts several remediation steps. The steps are performed in this order:
This behavior is supported for clusters with a VM set type of **Virtual Machine Scale Sets**. Auto-repair takes several steps to repair a broken node. If a node is determined to be unhealthy, AKS attempts several remediation steps. The steps are performed in this order:
1. After the container runtime becomes unresponsive for 10 minutes, the failing runtime services are restarted on the node.
2. If the node is not ready within 10 minutes, the node is rebooted.
3. If the node is not ready within 30 minutes, the node is re-imaged.
1. If the node is not ready for an additional 6 hours, the node is soft rebooted.
Afterwards if the not ready state remains after the above actions, escalating remediations may occur in constant backoff increments.
> [!Note]
> If multiple nodes are unhealthy, they are repaired one by one