Aneh bgt kelakuan elit2 ke dua kubu masing2 bilang anti bujer tapi kolomnya di penuhin bujer dari kubu sendiri diem aje emang pada suka maen di aer keruh sama pengikut masing2 bikin pikiran sama2 keruh
Ibn Hisham's biography said hat Muhammad said he promised the Quraysh they would rule the Arabs and the non-Arabs would pay them or submit to them if they converted to Islam
Those hadiths were obviously talking about non-Muslims. Not about Muslims of different ethnicities.
In this Sunni Hadith Muhammad describes how Allah chose him out of his clan, his tribe and supra-tribe and so on above
And the one who's doing that it's should obviously scholar and thats why some of them agree and the other don't
Ghazi | غازی
返信先: @carasumarenyaさん
Because every chain should've at least three narrators and those three narrators go through a vigorous test before they're considered reliable. In Islam, we've thousands of Judith Narrators and we've a biography of each and everyone of them.
By your definition all the practice of mawali and sayyid according hanbali syafii and hanafi is wrong and they're not the real muslim isn't it? So it's make majority in muslim is not really muslim isn't it? Btw it's not opinion but it's already practiced in juristprudence
Ghazi | غازی
返信先: @carasumarenyaさん
I already stated that a direct Hadith from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is superior than any Fiqhi Opinion. You tried to critique the Hadith by attacking Sheikh al-Albani. Your attack falls short because the Hadith is graded Sahih by Sheikh ibn Hajar al-Asqalani.
And how you confirm the chains of narration? It's basically depent on scholar isn't it?
Ghazi | غازی
That's probably because the Hadith is graded Sahih by Sheikh al-Albani and Scholars before him like Sheikh ibn Hajar al-Asqalani based on the soundness of chain? Maybe it's you who isn't understanding the matter at hand.…
And you clearly miss the point, the different treatment that i mentioned how arab muslim treat another arab muslim according islamic juristprudence, and that hadith just only said friend of prophet is only muslim, it didn't even negate anything or answer the problem at all
Ghazi | غازی
Yeaaaaap. He isn't understanding the Hadith at all.…
Inferiority complex? it's very clearly in ottoman empire that non sayyid it's considered better than non arab muslim, you should embrace maliki sunni instead denying
Haram Police
返信先: @MajorARKさん
Don't respond to him. He's an inferiority complex individual. There is a lot of them in Twitter. so it's futile to reason with them…
Again you circling around, in that hadith clearly said my friend are believer, and the issue that i raised in arab supremacy that non arab muslim treated differently from arab muslim in society, that hadith didn't even mentioned how to treat non arab muslim and it refute nothing
Ghazi | غازی
You don't have to be a Sherlock Holmes in order to understand that in the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was disregarding a family close to him in lineage and prioritizing Muslims. That already refutes the concept of Arab Superiority among Muslims. Ya Allah.…
"Nowhere i said" and you cited
Article that clearly said that hadith regarded sahih by al-albani, so you don't understand article that you cited at all
Ghazi | غازی
Nowhere I said the Hadith I quoted is Sahih because Sheikh Al-Albani graded it Sahih. You're misrepresenting my position, you know.…
mentioned is different treatment between arab muslim and non arab muslim according madhab, and that hadith didn't even address thebissue that i raised above
Ghazi | غازی
返信先: @MajorARKさん, @carasumarenyaさん
Second, for the sake of your satisfaction, I've a Hadith from Bukhari and Muslim both.
Al albani is also clerics, and it also make your first argument about al albani said that hadith is sahih get debunked by your second statement, and make your argument inconsistent
Ghazi | غازی
返信先: @carasumarenyaさん
Actually, no. A Hadith is classed Sahih based on the soundness and reliability of the Chain of Narration, not the amount of Scholars agreeing on it. Video below explains the chain of transmission in the start:
Thread on Arab superiority in the Muslim world (particularly the Sunnis)
There are 4 madhabs (schools) of Sunni Islam
Note: Indian Muslims are largely Hanafi except Kerala where most are Shafi'i
Wait a second: is Kamala Harris born in the US? Of course she is! It is simply stupid to declare otherwise. Why can’t we have a proper debate on issues rather than demonize or dismiss the people who hold opinions we disagree with?
Without Islam, many online "Ex-Muslims" and other kinds of Islamophobes would be out of business. It is a pathetic irony therefore, that such people are reminded of their insignificance and dependence on Islam in their embarrassing bid to undermine it.
#Pakistan's founding leader #Jinnah,
"Continually emphasized equal citizenship for all Pakistanis irrespective of religion or ethnicity... and civilian supremacy over military."
Munculnya klaster baru di Hagia Sophia dikarenakan jemaah tidak menjaga jarak secara disiplin selama melaksanakan ibadah. Hingga saat ini, ada sekitar 500 jemaah, termasuk anggota parlemen dan jurnalis, yang dinyatakan positif virus corona. #TopNews
Turkey's exports to Israel have gone from $1.9bn in 2010 to $6.3bn in 2018.
Its imports from Israel stood at $1.6bn in 2018.
Would like to see Erdogan and Turkey put their money where their mouth is and end trading with Israel if they have an issue with the country!
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Erdogan says Turkey may suspend diplomatic relations with the UAE over its peace deal with Israel
Firaun ya nyuruh anaknya jd Firaun penggantinya lah.
Gimana sih.
Itu satu negara, walikota, gubernur sampai lurahnya ya ada hubungan kerabat sama Firaun ataupun menteri2nya
Aline Yoana Tan II
Serakus-Rakusnya Fir'aun Berkuasa, Dia Tidak Pernah Ajak Anak, Menantu, Besan Dan Iparnya Jadi Walikota
If you want to see the damage that Virus Ertrugul (drama series) has done to our brains, tell anyone that Turkey has diplomatic relations with Israel for many decades and watch out the denials. The Ertrugul virus infected brains refuse to believe.