Someday I will explain in much greater details why I have changed my political views, but right now I need to focus on my mental health and my personal life.
I request all people to understand tricks of Western hypocrites and their tools and don't fall in their trap as falling in the trap of warmongering West and it's tools is not beneficial for anyone even Uighurs. Thanks to all for using your precious time in reading this small work
for the benefits of Uighurs. It will only benefit Western hypocrites.
This proved that these Western so called voice of Uighurs are not voice of Uighurs but are voice of West who are hiding behind the name of Uighurs
This confirms that these Western so called voice of Uighurs don't have any love or concern for Uighurs but are a bunch of liars who are blaming China and trying to support Western launched Crusade against China which is definitely neither beneficial for Uighurs nor is launched
Uighurs nor is launched for the benefits of Uighurs.This crusade launched against China by West is only for the benefits of West and these Western so called Uighur voices who are claiming to love Uighurs and want to help Uighurs clearly knows about it.
performed some activities which are not liked by West. By blaming Pakistan,Turkey these Western so called Uighur voices are trying to force Pakistan,Turkey to stand in the camp of West and support crusade launched by West against China which is definitely neither beneficial for
Through his tweet he is trying to show that though Muslim killers kill Muslims but at least they are supporting Uighur cause and in this way he is trying to show that Muslim killers are better than Muslim countries like Turkey and Pakistan. Remember both Pakistan and Turkey have
His tweet shows he knows that Muslim killers backed by him and his types don't love Uighurs but are using their name for launching a crusade against China which is definitely not beneficial for Uighurs as the crusade is not for Uighurs but for personal profits of Muslim killers
Arsalan who is a Western so called voice of Uighurs and is caught lying which is exposed in previous tweets can be seen using soft politics. Here through emotional trick he is trying to show that killers of Muslims are supporting them but Muslim countries are not supporting them
so that Turkey in order to stop these propogandas launched by West surrender itself to West and stand in the camp of Western Imperialists and no one else i.e accept all wishes of Western Imperialists
force Turkey to stand in the camp of Western Imperialists and no one else because Turkey has performed some activities which is not liked by Western Imperialists especially USA regime. We can see Western Imperialists like Kenneth Roth etc also have started to blame Turkey
Turkey who is another form of Saudi has played role in supporting propogandas launched by West and it's tools against both Syria and China but these Western so called voice of Uighurs who love West are blaming Turkey for not supporting Uighurs. In this way they are trying to
On one hand Western so called Uighur voices who are claiming to"liberate Muslims from evil China"are standing with Muslim killers. This is just like on one hand you claim to support humanity but on other hand you stand with serial killers i.e psycopaths
Now we should understand that these Western Uighur voices are staunch supporters of West especially USA regime who is known for killing Muslims of Palestine,Iraq,Iran,Syria,Yemen,Nigeria etc and spreading Islamophobia through Zionists,Wahabis and Khawarijs.
For example Arsalan Hidayat who lives in"West" and is known as Uighur voice shows a video which on investigation shows that the video was used out of context to fool everyone. There are many more examples like this used by Arsalan Hidayat and many more so called Western Uighur
happened. When Uighurs are asked to show proofs which can confirm their claim they either show you information cooked by"Western liars" or they show you some images and videos which on investigation shows that those images and videos are used out of context.
the beginning. If there was issue of annexation of Xinjiang by China as claimed by Uighurs living in Turkey and West then Uighurs would have raised their voices against China from the beginning just like Palestinians and Kashmiris did for their land and people but this doesn't
We all know that when Palestine was captured by Israel and when Kashmir was captured by India voice were raised by Palestinians and Kashmiris from the beginning. But in case of Uighurs this is not the case. Uighurs along with Western Imperialists have launched a campaign not from
Uighurs in Turkey,West are claiming that China harm Uighurs and is occupying East Turkistan i.e Xinjiang. OK. Where are the proofs for their claim against China? Why this issue is rising now by Uighurs and not in the beginning like Palestinians and Kashmiris did?
Xiaomi released world's first mass-produced see-through TV utilizing transparent OLED technology, with transparent components all the way through the stack that makes up the screen, no backlighting, and all processing units are kept in its base stand instead of behind the display
Popular Indian dishes that aren’t even Indian | ROGHAN GHOSHT |
“Roghan ghosht” originated in Persia, now a Kashmiri staple. Don’t understand how it’s considered Indian cuisine though. Can’t call it Indian until a plebiscite is held & Kashmir votes to join India.
Samosa did originate from Central Asia and it’s one of the Uzbek most popular dish. Whenever I’m at an Uzbek restaurant in Philly, I make sure to eat those delicious food.
sameera khan
Samosa isn’t Indian. Realized this after eating Uzbek “samsa” in Moscow. After researching, found out samosa originated in West & Central Asia. Thank your fav “Muslim invaders” for bringing samosa to India. As a gesture of gratitude, pls redirect all samosa profit to IND Muslims.
in russia, bill clinton has been often called BLIN clinton.
“blin” means crepe, but it is also an interjection, a milder, child-friendly version of similar sounding word “blyad” (whore): like “fudge” is to “fuck”.
russians be like:
China's economy continues its robust recovery in July, with key indicators continuing to warm up, and the revival is expected to extend throughout the rest of the year amid efforts to buoy domestic demand
To the #freeiran group: the two biggest opposition groups, Reza Pahlavi and the MEK, are both traitors to our nation. I don’t know what the future holds, but now is definitely not the right time for yet another revolution. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.
It’s unfair how they don’t add the mothers name in the National ID card. This is not right and needs to adjust it to add the mothers name next to the father name.
Me, on the other hand. I don’t have that experience yet with being with one so I can’t say much about it yet. But I can say is times time to break the stereotypes and live peacefully. That’s all I ask for.
I’m letting all of the girls in Afghanistan that there are Afghan Tajik, Uzbek, and Pashtun girls that do marry to Hazara guys and they live happily ever after. I know some half Hazaras that will explain it a lot better than me in terms of their parents interethnic marriages.
That has to change and stop discrimination on Hazara guys. Stop encouraging your daughters to discriminate them. And girls please open your mind & heart and start appreciating the Hazara men & their community with respect and don’t ever fall for your parents propaganda narrative.
This is downright negative and very stereotypical on the parents part to push these false narratives on their daughters like that resulting them in being racist. Encouraging them to marry to someone of your own ethnicity.
My ethnicities groups always made a big deal out of it discouraging their daughters to not be close to a Hazara guy at all, and encouraging them to make fun of them behind their backs. They make these types of discrimination normalized in Afghanistan society.
I thought at a very young age, that omg, I can’t be with them due to our differences and the fact that they make it sound like it’s impossible to being with Hazara guy. Very strong negative stereotypes against Hazara men is very prevalent among other ethnic groups.