ソースコードエディタであるVisual Studio Code(以下、VSCode)は多くのエンジニアに利用されています。VSCodeにはソースコードのシンタックスハイライトやデバッグなど、さまざまな拡張機能をインストールして使うことができますが、公開されている拡張機能は膨大にあります。
その中から、はてなのエンジニアはどんな拡張機能をインストールして、日頃の開発に使っているのでしょうか? 前回と同様にアンケート調査してみました。
ターミナルでcode --list-extensions
# | 拡張機能 | 人(%) |
1 | ESLint |
32 (88.8%) |
2 | Go |
29 (80.5%) |
3 | Live Share |
27 (75.0%) |
4 | EditorConfig for VS Code |
26 (72.2%) |
5 | Docker |
20 (55.5%) |
6 | GitLens |
19 (52.7%) |
Python |
〃 | |
8 | Prettier - Code formatter |
17 (47.2%) |
9 | YAML |
16 (44.4%) |
Vim |
〃 | |
11 | npm |
14 (38.8%) |
perltidy-more |
〃 | |
Template Toolkit |
〃 | |
14 | GitHub Pull Requests and Issues |
13 (36.1%) |
Ruby |
〃 | |
VSCode Ruby |
〃 | |
Template Toolkit Tag Pair |
〃 | |
18 | Japanese Language Pack for Visual Studio Code |
12 (33.3%) |
19 | PlantUML |
11 (30.5%) |
Code Spell Checker |
〃 | |
21 | perl-syntax |
10 (27.7%) |
Perl |
〃 | |
Scala Syntax (official) |
〃 | |
Settings Sync |
〃 | |
Perl insert package |
〃 | |
26 | Remote - Containers |
9 (25.0%) |
TSLint |
〃 | |
28 | AWS Toolkit |
8 (22.2%) |
Bracket Pair Colorizer |
〃 | |
md2hatena |
〃 | |
markdownlint |
〃 | |
Scala (Metals) |
〃 | |
Open In GitHub |
〃 | |
34 | Bookmarks |
7 (19.4%) |
Apollo GraphQL |
〃 | |
vscode-ghq |
〃 | |
Visual Studio IntelliCode |
〃 | |
38 | Perl |
6 (16.6%) |
HashiCorp Terraform |
〃 | |
Perl |
〃 | |
auto-programming |
〃 | |
perl-outline |
〃 | |
GraphQL for VSCode |
〃 | |
zenkaku |
〃 | |
SQL Server (mssql) |
〃 | |
C/C++ |
〃 | |
Debugger for Chrome |
〃 | |
Rust |
〃 | |
49 | TSLint (deprecated) |
5 (13.8%) |
Rainbow CSV |
〃 | |
Remote - SSH |
〃 | |
Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files |
〃 | |
TabNine |
〃 | |
NGINX Configuration |
〃 | |
Better Align |
〃 |
人数 | 拡張機能 | 割合 |
1人 | 205 | 60.3% |
2人 | 35 | 10.3% |
3人 | 28 | 8.2% |
4人 | 17 | 5.0% |
5人以上 | 55 | 16.2% |
インストール数 | 人数 |
10未満 | 6人 |
10〜19 | 7人 |
20〜29 | 10人 |
30〜39 | 6人 |
40〜49 | 4人 |
50以上 | 4人 |
alefragnani.Bookmarks apollographql.vscode-apollo artdiniz.quitcontrol-vscode benjpas.close-all bibhasdn.unique-lines bungcip.better-toml casualjim.gotemplate cohalz.vscode-md2hatena dbaeumer.vscode-eslint EditorConfig.EditorConfig eg2.vscode-npm-script esbenp.prettier-vscode filipesabella.live-p5 GitHub.github-vscode-theme GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github golang.go hitode909.auto-programming hitode909.perl-outline jackkaramanian.perl-syntax jebbs.plantuml jock.svg Kaktus.perltidy-more mathiasfrohlich.Kotlin mosapride.zenkaku ms-azuretools.vscode-docker ms-python.python ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome mtxr.sqltools redhat.vscode-yaml richterger.perl samosad.tt sysoev.vscode-open-in-github TabNine.tabnine-vscode utgwkk.perl-insert-package waderyan.gitblame yaamaa.template-toolkit-tag-pair yassh.copy-with-line-numbers
Live Share大好きです。auto-programmingやPerl insert packageは、Perlを書いてた頃に愛用してました。
Template Toolkit Tag Pairは、TT2風のテンプレートを書く人におすすめです。
md2hatenaは、はてな記法に慣れてない頃よく使ってました。EditorConfig for VS Code、Go、ESLint、Prettier - Code formatterと「フォーカス外したときにフォーマット」の組み合わせで、常にインデントの治安を保っています。
Unique Linesは、名前と関係ないけど、選択した行をアルファベット順にソートするのに使っています。Quit Control for VSCodeは、command+Wやcommand+Qをpromptしてくれるので、うっかりミスが減って便利です。
Close Allは、タブがめちゃくちゃになってきたら実行して、スッキリさせてます。GitHub Pull Requests and Issuesを入れておくと、歴史を探ったりするのに何かと便利です。
< 拡張機能それぞれの使い方の紹介が細やかで、普段のコーディングの様子がなんとなく想像できます。
13xforever.language-x86-64-assembly alexnesnes.makeRunner amazonwebservices.aws-toolkit-vscode andrejunges.Handlebars bungcip.better-toml casualjim.gotemplate cfgweb.vscode-perl chef-software.chef CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2 cohalz.vscode-md2hatena dbaeumer.vscode-eslint dob6458.dracula-theme eamodio.gitlens EditorConfig.EditorConfig felipe.nasc-touchbar foxundermoon.shell-format gerane.Theme-Dracula golang.go jackkaramanian.perl-syntax Kaktus.perltidy-more lanza.lldb-vscode lostintangent.vsls-whiteboard ms-azuretools.vscode-docker ms-python.python ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers ms-vscode.cpptools ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare oderwat.indent-rainbow PKief.material-icon-theme rebornix.ruby redhat.vscode-yaml rust-lang.rust streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker timonwong.shellcheck vadimcn.vscode-lldb Vallentin.vscode-bnf vscodevim.vim william-voyek.vscode-nginx wingrunr21.vscode-ruby xaver.clang-format
clangでコンパイラやOSを作ってた名残りで、clang関連(C/C++など)やassembly関連(x86 and x86_64 Assemblyなど)の拡張機能が入ってます。 RustとPythonは、AtCoderでいつも使っています。
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2は、今いるブロックがどこなのか視覚的にわかりやすくて好き。
< 拡張機能一覧を見て、コンパイラやOSを作っていたことを思い出せるのはおもしろいですね。
ちなみにアンケート結果では、Bracket Pair Colorizerを7人がインストールしていたのに対して、より新しいBracket Pair Colorizer 2は3人で、数人から「2が出ているのを知らなかった!」という声が上がっていました。
akamud.vscode-theme-onedark AlDuncanson.react-hooks-snippets alefragnani.Bookmarks bungcip.better-toml castwide.solargraph CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer cssho.vscode-svgviewer Dart-Code.dart-code Dart-Code.flutter dbaeumer.vscode-eslint denniskempin.vscode-include-fixer dracula-theme.theme-dracula dtsvet.vscode-wasm eamodio.gitlens EditorConfig.EditorConfig eg2.vscode-npm-script EQuimper.react-native-react-redux esbenp.prettier-vscode fivepointseven.vscode-theme-onedark-vivid formulahendry.vscode-mysql GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github golang.go henriiik.vscode-perl jackkaramanian.perl-syntax jithurjacob.nbpreviewer jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components Kaktus.perltidy-more kumar-harsh.graphql-for-vscode kuscamara.electron llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd mammothb.gnuplot marp-team.marp-vscode mattn.Lisp mechatroner.rainbow-csv misogi.ruby-rubocop mortenhenriksen.perl-debug ms-azuretools.vscode-docker MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-ja ms-python.python ms-vscode.cpptools ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare octref.vetur Orta.vscode-jest pnp.polacode Prisma.prisma rebornix.ruby richterger.perl RobbOwen.synthwave-vscode RReverser.llvm rust-lang.rust samosad.tt stevencl.addDocComments stringham.copy-with-imports sysoev.vscode-open-in-github teabyii.ayu tinkertrain.theme-panda vadimcn.vscode-lldb vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag wingrunr21.vscode-ruby wmaurer.change-case xaver.clang-format Yukai.map-replace-js yzhang.markdown-all-in-one zhuangtongfa.material-theme
シンタックスハイライト系では、Bracket Pair Colorizer、Rainbow CSV、Highlight Matching Tagあたりが気に入ってます。
< 拡張機能のインストール数は、最多の65! おすすめのmap-replace.jsを使ってみましたが、当たり前に
new Date()
< インストールしている拡張機能の数は最も少なく、なんと3! 暮らしにはっきりとした意志を感じます。
SublimeとWebStormだけで、VSCodeは使っていないです。WebStormの便利プラグインは、GitToolBoxとRainbow Brackets。
Template Toolkit Tag Pair
Template Toolkit Tag Pair - Visual Studio Marketplace
by id:YaaMaa
Template Toolkit Tag Pairは、Template Toolkitのブロックのペアを色付けしたり、対応関係を示したりする拡張機能です。今回のアンケートでは、13人がインストールしていました。
Perl insert package
Perl insert package - Visual Studio Marketplace
by id:utgwkk
Perl insert packageは、Perlのパッケージのファイルパスを使って、パッケージ名を自動で挿入できる拡張機能です。今回は、10人がインストールしていました。詳細は次のブログ記事を参照してください。
md2hatena - Visual Studio Marketplace
by id:cohalz
auto-programming - Visual Studio Marketplace
by id:hitode909
auto-programmingは、コーディング時に、リポジトリ内をgit grep
Search in Current File
Search in Current File - Visual Studio Marketplace
Search in Current Fileは、検索結果一覧を見ながらファイル内を文字列検索できる拡張機能です。3人がインストールしていました。次のブログ記事を参照してください。
★印は本稿執筆現在(2020年8月13日)時点でVisual Studio Marketplaceに掲載されていない拡張機能です。
- Better TOML (bungcip.better-toml)
- Ruby Solargraph (castwide.solargraph)
- gotemplate-syntax (casualjim.gotemplate)
- Dart (Dart-Code.dart-code)
- GitHub Theme (GitHub.github-vscode-theme)
- Todo Tree (Gruntfuggly.todo-tree)
- vscode-styled-components (jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components)
- Remote - WSL (ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl)
- Remote Development (ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack)
- indent-rainbow (oderwat.indent-rainbow)
- Jest (Orta.vscode-jest)
- Active File In StatusBar (RoscoP.ActiveFileInStatusBar)
- VCL - Varnish Configuration Language (thomas-baumgaertner.vcl)
- shellcheck (timonwong.shellcheck)
- perl-auto-use (tjmtmmnk.perl-auto-use)
- Markdown All in One (yzhang.markdown-all-in-one)
- Open in GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, VisualStudio.com ! (ziyasal.vscode-open-in-github)
- Quit Control for VSCode (artdiniz.quitcontrol-vscode)
- npm Intellisense (christian-kohler.npm-intellisense)
- Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 (CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2)
- Flutter (Dart-Code.flutter)
- Flow Language Support (flowtype.flow-for-vscode)
- Code Runner (formulahendry.code-runner)
- Emacs Keymap (hiro-sun.vscode-emacs)
- vscode-copy-github-permalink (hogashi.vscode-copy-github-permalink)
- Output Colorizer (IBM.output-colorizer)
- MySQL Syntax (jakebathman.mysql-syntax)
- Document This (joelday.docthis)★
- Chat (karigari.chat)
- Kotlin Language (mathiasfrohlich.Kotlin)
- Lisp (mattn.Lisp)
- ruby-rubocop (misogi.ruby-rubocop)
- C# (ms-dotnettools.csharp)
- Live Share Audio (ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-audio)
- Live Share Extension Pack (ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-pack)
- Polacode (pnp.polacode)
- Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat (redhat.java)
- Search in Current File (shibayu36.search-in-current-file)
- Awesome Emacs Keymap (tuttieee.emacs-mcx)
- Debugger for Java (vscjava.vscode-java-debug)
- Project Manager for Java (vscjava.vscode-java-dependency)
- Java Extension Pack (vscjava.vscode-java-pack)
- Java Test Runner (vscjava.vscode-java-test)
- Maven for Java (vscjava.vscode-maven)
- vscode-icons (vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons)
- Better Comments (aaron-bond.better-comments)
- All Autocomplete (Atishay-Jain.All-Autocomplete)
- Re:VIEW (atsushieno.language-review)
- CloudFormation (aws-scripting-guy.cform)
- Path Intellisense (christian-kohler.path-intellisense)
- Regex Previewer (chrmarti.regex)
- Code alignment (cpmcgrath.codealignment-vscode)
- Git History (donjayamanne.githistory)
- open-daily-memo (hitode909.open-daily-memo)
- Crontab Syntax Highlight (hogashi.crontab-syntax-highlight)
- REST Client (humao.rest-client)
- Peacock (johnpapa.vscode-peacock)
- Swift Language (Kasik96.swift)
- GitHub (KnisterPeter.vscode-github)
- Live Share Whiteboard (lostintangent.vsls-whiteboard)
- Marp for VS Code (marp-team.marp-vscode)
- DotENV (mikestead.dotenv)
- vscode-elixir (mjmcloug.vscode-elixir)
- Azure Account (ms-vscode.azure-account)
- Vetur (octref.vetur)
- advanced-new-file (patbenatar.advanced-new-file)
- TypeScript Importer (pmneo.tsimporter)
- TypeScript Hero (rbbit.typescript-hero)
- Trailing Spaces (shardulm94.trailing-spaces)
- Auto Hide (sirmspencer.vscode-autohide)
- Instant Weather (sneezry.vscode-instant-weather)
- vscode-textlint (taichi.vscode-textlint)
- Ayu (teabyii.ayu)
- Perl Rename Symbol (utgwkk.perl-rename-symbol)
- CodeLLDB (vadimcn.vscode-lldb)
- Highlight Matching Tag (vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag)
- Import Cost (wix.vscode-import-cost)
- Clang-Format (xaver.clang-format)
- Markdown PDF (yzane.markdown-pdf)
- One Dark Pro (zhuangtongfa.material-theme)
- x86 and x86_64 Assembly (13xforever.language-x86-64-assembly)
- CharacterCount (8amjp.charactercount)
- CocoaPods Snippets (Agenric.cocoapods-snippets)
- commonlisp-vscode (ailisp.commonlisp-vscode)
- Strict Paredit (ailisp.strict-paredit)
- Can I Use (akamud.vscode-caniuse)
- Atom One Dark Theme (akamud.vscode-theme-onedark)
- Haskell (legacy) (alanz.vscode-hie-server)
- React Hooks Snippets (AlDuncanson.react-hooks-snippets)
- Project Manager (alefragnani.project-manager)
- makeRunner (alexnesnes.makeRunner)
- Handlebars (andrejunges.Handlebars)
- styled-jsx Language Server (AndrewRazumovsky.vscode-styled-jsx-languageserver)
- multi-cursor-emacs-mark (angelo-carrabba.multi-cursor-emacs-mark)
- Alignment (annsk.alignment)
- Nord (arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code)
- Swagger Viewer (Arjun.swagger-viewer)
- AsciiDoc (asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode)
- Neo Vim (asvetliakov.vscode-neovim)
- One Dark Theme (azemoh.theme-onedark)
- vscode-database (bajdzis.vscode-database)
- Close All (benjpas.close-all)
- Unique Lines (bibhasdn.unique-lines)
- vscode-styled-jsx (blanu.vscode-styled-jsx)
- vscode-ripgrep (bokuweb.vscode-ripgrep)
- Rails (bung87.rails)
- vscode-gemfile (bung87.vscode-gemfile)
- Ayu Adaptive (ccy.ayu-adaptive)
- Chef Infra Extension for Visual Studio Code (chef-software.chef)
- Paredit (clptn.code-paredit)
- Iceberg Theme (cocopon.iceberg-theme)
- gitignore (codezombiech.gitignore)
- Clock in status bar (Compulim.vscode-clock)
- SVG Viewer (cssho.vscode-svgviewer)
- Mustache (dawhite.mustache)
- Monokai++ (dcasella.monokai-plusplus)
- Dash (deerawan.vscode-dash)
- clang-include-fixer (denniskempin.vscode-include-fixer)
- Dracula Theme (dob6458.dracula-theme)★
- Dracula Official (dracula-theme.theme-dracula)
- Dark++ Theme (DryWolf.dark-plus-plus-theme)
- TypeScript Toolbox (DSKWRK.vscode-generate-getter-setter)
- WebAssembly (dtsvet.vscode-wasm)
- RemoteHub (eamodio.remotehub)
- Graphviz Preview (EFanZh.graphviz-preview)
- Power Tools (ego-digital.vscode-powertools)
- Elm (elmTooling.elm-ls-vscode)
- React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7 (EQuimper.react-native-react-redux)
- Community Material Theme (Equinusocio.vsc-community-material-theme)
- Material Theme (Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme)
- Material Theme Icons (equinusocio.vsc-material-theme-icons)
- hadolint (exiasr.hadolint)
- XML Formatter (fabianlauer.vs-code-xml-format)
- Slack Theme (felipe-mendes.slack-theme)
- Nasc VSCode Touchbar (felipe.nasc-touchbar)
- PHP Debug (felixfbecker.php-debug)
- live-p5 (filipesabella.live-p5)
- Debugger for Firefox (firefox-devtools.vscode-firefox-debug)
- One Dark Vivid Theme (fivepointseven.vscode-theme-onedark-vivid)
- Auto Close Tag (formulahendry.auto-close-tag)
- MySQL (formulahendry.vscode-mysql)
- shell-format (foxundermoon.shell-format)
- OCaml and Reason IDE (freebroccolo.reasonml)
- Kotlin (fwcd.kotlin)
- Open in Editor (generalov.open-in-editor-vscode)
- Dracula Theme (gerane.Theme-Dracula)
- Sass Lint (glen-84.sass-lint)
- Excel Viewer (GrapeCity.gc-excelviewer)
- Activitus Bar (Gruntfuggly.activitusbar)
- Mayukai Theme (GulajavaMinistudio.mayukaithemevsc)
- SVG Editor (henoc.svgeditor)
- Docker Linter (henriiik.docker-linter)
- open Junkfile (hidenba.open-junkfile)
- zentabs (hitode909.zentabs)
- Beautify (HookyQR.beautify)
- vscode-find-pr (hotchemi.vscode-find-pr)
- Ruby on Rails (Hridoy.rails-snippets)
- Hopscotch (idleberg.hopscotch)
- Customize UI (iocave.customize-ui)
- Monkey Patch (iocave.monkey-patch)
- Path Autocomplete (ionutvmi.path-autocomplete)
- JenkinsFile Support (ivory-lab.jenkinsfile-support)
- ElixirLS: Elixir support and debugger (JakeBecker.elixir-ls)
- Code File Nav (File Navigator) (jakelucas.code-file-nav)★
- CTags Support (jaydenlin.ctags-support)
- code-eol 2019 (Line Endings) (jeff-hykin.code-eol)
- VS Code Jupyter Notebook Previewer (jithurjacob.nbpreviewer)
- Rufo - Ruby formatter (jnbt.vscode-rufo)
- asciidoctor-vscode (joaompinto.asciidoctor-vscode)
- Graphviz (dot) language support for Visual Studio Code (joaompinto.vscode-graphviz)
- SVG (jock.svg)
- jq Syntax Highlighting (jq-syntax-highlighting.jq-syntax-highlighting)
- Insert Date String (jsynowiec.vscode-insertdatestring)
- Haskell Syntax Highlighting (justusadam.language-haskell)
- IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings (k--kato.intellij-idea-keybindings)
- Better Haml (karunamurti.haml)
- CloudFormation Linter (kddejong.vscode-cfn-lint)
- Electron Color Theme (kuscamara.electron)
- LLDB VSCode (lanza.lldb-vscode)
- Simple icons (LaurentTreguier.vscode-simple-icons)
- Node.js Modules Intellisense (leizongmin.node-module-intellisense)
- expand-region (letrieu.expand-region)
- reStructuredText (lextudio.restructuredtext)
- Emacs Friendly Keymap (lfs.vscode-emacs-friendly)
- VS Color Picker (lihui.vs-color-picker)
- Noctis (liviuschera.noctis)
- clangd (llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd)
- Shaderc GLSL Linter (majicDave.vscode-shaderc)
- Gnuplot (mammothb.gnuplot)
- Git Branch-wise Session (mangano-ito.git-branch-wise-session)
- rust-analyzer (matklad.rust-analyzer)
- Beautify css/sass/scss/less (michelemelluso.code-beautifier)
- HTMLHint (mkaufman.HTMLHint)
- Perl Debug (mortenhenriksen.perl-debug)
- Auto NPM install (moshfeu.auto-npm-install)
- JSON5 syntax (mrmlnc.vscode-json5)
- Less IntelliSense (mrmlnc.vscode-less)
- Azure Pipelines (ms-azure-devops.azure-pipelines)
- Azure App Service (ms-azuretools.vscode-azureappservice)
- Azure Functions (ms-azuretools.vscode-azurefunctions)
- Azure Resource Groups (ms-azuretools.vscode-azureresourcegroups)
- Azure Storage (ms-azuretools.vscode-azurestorage)
- Azure Virtual Machines (ms-azuretools.vscode-azurevirtualmachines)
- Azure Databases (ms-azuretools.vscode-cosmosdb)
- .NET Install Tool for Extension Authors (ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-runtime)
- Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Tools for VSCode (ms-edgedevtools.vscode-edge-devtools)
- Remote - SSH: Explorer (ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-explorer)
- Atom Keymap (ms-vscode.atom-keybindings)
- Azure CLI Tools (ms-vscode.azurecli)
- CMake Tools (ms-vscode.cmake-tools)
- Hex Editor (ms-vscode.hexeditor)
- Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer (ms-vscode.sublime-keybindings)
- Azure Tools (ms-vscode.vscode-node-azure-pack)
- Visual Studio Codespaces (ms-vsonline.vsonline)
- Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Tools (msazurermtools.azurerm-vscode-tools)
- React Native Tools (msjsdiag.vscode-react-native)
- vscode-digdag (msysyamamoto.vscode-digdag)
- SQLTools (mtxr.sqltools)
- Dark Molokai Theme (nonylene.dark-molokai-theme)
- Docker Compose (p1c2u.docker-compose)
- Trailing Whitespace Highlighter (pajdziu.trailingwhitespacehighlighter)
- Cargo (panicbit.cargo)
- Copy/Paste Detector (paulhoughton.vscode-jscpd)
- erlang (pgourlain.erlang)
- Material Icon Theme (PKief.material-icon-theme)
- Go Test Explorer (premparihar.gotestexplorer)
- Prisma (Prisma.prisma)
- gitlink (qezhu.gitlink)
- Nicer High Contrast (rafmsou.nicer-high-contrast)
- Live Server (ritwickdey.LiveServer)
- Emacs Keymap Improved (rkwan94.vscode-emacs-improved)
- SynthWave '84 (RobbOwen.synthwave-vscode)
- Sass (robinbentley.sass-indented)★
- Bash Debug (rogalmic.bash-debug)
- LLVM (RReverser.llvm)
- vscode-dired (rrudi.vscode-dired)
- Edit with Shell Command (ryu1kn.edit-with-shell)
- Partial Diff (ryu1kn.partial-diff)
- multi-command (ryuta46.multi-command)
- Gruvbox Material (sainnhe.gruvbox-material)
- Remove backspace control character (satokaz.vscode-bs-ctrlchar-remover)
- Super One Dark Theme (seansassenrath.vscode-theme-superonedark)
- Jenkinsfile Support (secanis.jenkinsfile-support)
- crates (serayuzgur.crates)
- perltidy (sfodje.perltidy)
- nginx.conf (shanoor.vscode-nginx)
- Parinfer (shaunlebron.vscode-parinfer)
- SwiftLint (shinnn.swiftlint)
- Slim (sianglim.slim)
- Clipboard Ring (SirTobi.code-clip-ring)
- Liquid (sissel.shopify-liquid)
- File Utils (sleistner.vscode-fileutils)
- Shader languages support for VS Code (slevesque.shader)
- Multiple clipboards for VSCode (slevesque.vscode-multiclip)
- Auto Import (steoates.autoimport)
- Align (steve8708.Align)
- Add jsdoc comments (stevencl.addDocComments)
- Shader Toy (stevensona.shader-toy)
- Copy With Imports (stringham.copy-with-imports)
- Move TS - Move TypeScript files and update relative imports (stringham.move-ts)
- Sass (syler.sass-indented)
- open in browser (techer.open-in-browser)
- HTML Preview (tht13.html-preview-vscode)
- Panda Theme (tinkertrain.theme-panda)
- Firebase (toba.vsfire)
- TextMate Languages (Togusa09.tmlanguage)
- Formatting Toggle (tombonnike.vscode-status-bar-format-toggle)
- Gruvbox Themes (tomphilbin.gruvbox-themes)
- Visual Studio Code Snippets (torn4dom4n.snippets-support)★
- CMake (twxs.cmake)
- SourceKit-LSP (unpublished.sourcekit-lsp)★
- hatenablogger (uraway.hatenablogger)
- BNF & EBNF Highlighting (Vallentin.vscode-bnf)
- Ansible (vscoss.vscode-ansible)
- Git Blame (waderyan.gitblame)
- Highlight Bad Chars (wengerk.highlight-bad-chars)
- Palenight Theme (whizkydee.material-palenight-theme)
- change-case (wmaurer.change-case)
- Go Mod Grapher (xmtt.go-mod-grapher)
- pestfile (xoronic.pestfile)
- Copy With Line Numbers (yassh.copy-with-line-numbers)
- Highlight Trailing White Spaces (ybaumes.highlight-trailing-white-spaces)
- map-replace.js (Yukai.map-replace-js)
- json (ZainChen.json)
- styled-jsx Language Server (scss) (zhuangtongfa.vscode-styled-jsx-languageserver-scss)