This is the video in which they sexualized these little girls. I am astounded that we live in such a world where the mere act of little girls dancing is sexualized by grown men at such a young age. This is the epitome of rape culture. Harassment happens at a young age.
Please take a read and report those two accounts. These are GROWN men sexualizing little girls, and admitted to looking at their bodies and movements in a very sexual manner. Have we lived in such a world where little children dancing are being looked at in such a sexual manner?
Chai Tea
A thread on why you should report @_Slave_of_GOD_ and @DesertKhanate for sexualizing children on a simple video of two VERY young girls dancing and their brother getting mad.
is having a Virtual General Meeting this Wednesday, August 12th at 6PM. Our meeting is open to all who wants to become a BAPP Member and learn about Bangladeshi political organizing in the diaspora! Join us. Tell your friends, family, community to join as well
"Most of my siblings work in the care and service industry, thus making me the brown sheep of the family who decided to take on the Arts..."
Full link to the podcast with
Bangladesh is ground zero for climate change. We as Bangladeshis should be more invested in reducing our carbon footprint as it hits close to home. I’d like to show my kids where my parents grew up, but at this rate, I’ll be showing them an ocean where land once stood.
Please help donate to cover the funeral costs of a beloved member of the community who lost his life too soon.
Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi rajioon.
Please donate to cover the funeral costs
•Offspring take on their mother’s last name. All daughters get a share of property equally but cannot sell it. In fact, daughters get larger shares than their sons.
•Girls are responsible for performing most of the important customs and ceremonies.
•The tribe is very matrilineal. According to the tribe’s proverb, the civilization originated from the female. There is an equal respect to woman as there is to men.
•It’s actually considered a blessing to have a daughter than a son in a family.
•Divorce is easily attainable. The husband must hand his wife 5 paisa which the wife hands back with 5 of her own. The husband then gives it to the village elder or throws it away. But present-day divorce is through the Bangladeshi legal system.
•Once a man finds a potential bride, he tells his parents. The parents get a mediator to make arrangements with the woman’s family. The woman’s family makes sure the groom isn’t from the same clan, and after checking, a wedding date is set
•Traditional dress worn by males is called the jymphong, a longish sleeveless coat without collar, fastened by thongs in front. But nowadays, they wear Western attire unless for special occasions.
•The tribe set up a system of administration during the 1950s, who would elect councils, which helped them enjoy a measure of political autonomy under the guidance of a deputy commissioner seats
•They first came in contact with the British in 1823, after the British captured Assam. The area inhabited by the tribe became part of the Assam province after the Khasi Hill States (which numbered to about 25 kingdoms) entered into an alliance with the British.
Although not anymore, the tribe was a warring community. In 1744, they were known to be territorial and even burnt the capital of a feudal king. Later on the Mughals and British would post armies around the tribe to repel any attacks from the tribe.
•The tribe use the rooster as a symbol because they believe that it was he who aroused God and also humbly paved and cleared the path for God to create the Universe at the beginning of time.
•The rooster is the symbol of morning marking a new beginning & sunrise.
•Before the arrival of Christian missionaries, the majority would practice indigenous tribal religion (Ka Niam Khasi). The main Christian denominations they follow is Catholicism, Anglicanism, and Presbyterianism (being the largest).
•Primarily an oral language, they had no script of their own. They often used the Bengali script until the arrival of Welsh missionaries where they transcribed the language into Roman script.
•Majority are Christian (85%), some belong Ka Niam Khasi (13%) and Islam (2%).
•The tribe is divided into several matrilineal clans such as the Mawlong, Khongweer, and Symley.
•The term Khasi is actually a generic term given to various tribes living in the Khasi and Jaintia hills of Meghalaya.
• Villages are called “punjis” which are a cluster of houses within the cultural boundary of their own community. But in search of better opportunities, they do move to a new place and abandon their punjis.
•They’ve migrated from Assam to Bangladesh, and 500 years before that, they came from Tibet.
•They were considered a nomadic tribe, and some members of the tribe still do roam.
•Today the tribe lives between Habiganj and Maulvi Bazar in Bangladesh, and some areas in Sylhet, Bangladesh.
•According to the census of 1991, the total number was 12,3000 but the tribe claimes the number is 30,000.
•An mongolite ethnic group residing in Meghalaya, India and in certain parts of Bangladesh.
•Previously they lived in Bangldesh’s northeast border of Sunamganj district, while in India they had settled in the foothold of the Jaintia hills in Meghalaya.