Washington is the 18th largest state, with an area of 71,362 square miles (184,827 km2), and the 13th most populous state, with more than 7.4 million people. Approximately 60 percent of Washington's residents live in the Seattle metropolitan area.
INFP 4w5
Added on 1/13/2020 by 🦊フェニックス🦊
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INFP (17)
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INTP (4)
4w5 (7)
1w2 (1)
Chaotic Evil (1)
INTP - 1w2 - Chaotic Evil
Do you really think the state of Washington is INFP? INTP because I've met smart people, with severe lack of social skills and decency. In the USA, INFPs are simply kicked out of the country or die trying. Oregon state may have some INFPs flourishing, but thats it.
no wonder I loved visiting my grandparents there
it's very nice....I like the rain and how the air smells.
INFP - 4w5
INFP 4w5 because gloomy looking state with high suicide rates