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[–]AutoModerator[M] [score hidden]  stickied comment0 children

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[–][deleted]0 points11 points  1 children


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  0 children


[–]HeippodeiPeippo0 points4 points  1 children

The Base: international neonazi organization.

Al Qaeda: translates to "the base".


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  0 children


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  1 children


[–][deleted]0 points5 points  1 children


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  2 children


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  1 children


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  1 children


[–][deleted]0 points3 points  0 children


[–][deleted]0 points1 points  0 children


[–]akka-vodol0 points-7 points  1 children

After a quick browse through their current front page, it seems to be mostly an awefulness porn subreddit along the same line as NoahGetTheBoat, dedicated to sharing horrifying stories and images. I wouldn't be surprised to see sexism/racism/homophobia in a sub like this, but it doesn't seem to be the main focus.

[–][deleted]0 points1 points  0 children


[–]AutoModerator[M] points1 points  stickied comment0 children

Boycott Hate — Don't Participate!

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We are super serious. Don't. Feed. The. Trolls.

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* Sitewide Rule 1 "Identity or Vulnerability" All Sitewide Rules Reddit's Reporting FAQ BOYCOTT HATE — DON'T PARTICIPATE!

AHS Rules in Brief: Don't Participate in Linked Threads; Follow Ettiquette / Stay On Topic; No Bad Faith Participation; Don't Edit / Delete Comments; No Slapfights; No Subreddits < 1K members; Treat Hatred Seriously

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[–][deleted] points1 points  0 children


[–][deleted] points1 points  0 children


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