The absolute state of Pakistani "doctors".
Plants do not have pain receptors like animals. Even insects have v poorly defined pain receptors.
Plants cannot feel pain because they don't have brains.
I don’t know if you are aware or not but plants do have lives, all senses like animals have and feelings. They also feel pain. Then why do you kill them ruthlessly and eat them mercilessly.
wouldn't be existing now.
But then again you people think animals don't even have souls...
Rehan Shabbir
返信先: @porbotialoraさん
That’s why we have #EidAlAdha
Islamic festival. In this festival we divide our whole sacrificial animal into three parts. One for the poor one for the friends,relatives,neighbours and remaining part for The owner.
"South Asian/Desi" are just terms used by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to hide their ethnic origin because they don't want people to think they are Islamists at first glance.
Guys this @SASIinNYC a Hinduphobic Islamist Group under banner Of South Asia Attacking everything That Is Hindu/Indian
They are planning A Protest in timessquare NYC with Hashtag #Fcukrammandir
wtf is Southasian @HinduAmerican@HinduAmericans
Anyone remember when the media was trying to manipulate the story of a rape of a Christian nun by a Bangladeshi Sunni into "Hindu majoritarian oppression"?
This is interesting. The high TFR of Kurds must be driven by ethnic zeal to become majority then.
A Kurd has twice as many kids as a Turk does.
Dana Nawzar Jaf
An average Kurdish citizen in Erdogan’s Turkey has:
-Higher income than Kurds from Iraq, Syria & Iran combined
-Greater Democratic rights than the rest (including KRG)
- Better access to education (Turkey’s unis are better than the rest)
- Better healthcare (see Covid crisis)
You also have an appendix, why don't you use it then?
Meat eating among masses is only a relatively new phenomenon. Historically, only the rich and powerful could afford to eat meat on a large scale.
Even Japan was largely vegetarian until the Meiji Restoration.
Both of these are highly condemned. Rakshasha and Paishacha literally translate to as demons.
I believe punishment for rape of a woman is death penalty.
Explain what
Paishacha Marriage
Rakshasa Marriage
Is in Hinduism?? Hinduism is some next level f*cked up religion u can marry a girl who u raped in her sleep or when she was intoxicated naaaaaa
A kid playing cricket ends up breaking the window of a church and these people cry genocide lmao.
Victimhood beyond compare.
Ashok Swain
Hindutva Gang is not after Muslims and Dalits only! Hate Crimes against Christians in India in last six month have Increased by 40.87%, including 5 rapes and 6 murders.…
Dude, just convert to the Maliki school. The founders of the other 3 Sunni schools literally promoted casteism.
Or you can just convert to Shi'ism or Ibadism idk.
Why is the issue of kafa’ah (marriage compatibility) in Islam completely disregarded among Muslim communities in the West vis-à-vis converts?
Paishacha and Rakshasha vivah are highly condemned and not accepted by society.
Anyone who thinks Khsatriyas are equivalent to demons needs to reconsider their life decisions.
I'm dead. Someone should probably jail this potential rapist.
Yeah, no. That isn't how it works.
Life expectancy is increasing in India. So, these illiterate people will be increasingly living longer as time passes by.
India's HDI will remain low for 50-60 years to achieve good literacy at that rate.
Or we can just wait for them to drop dead. Life expectancy is 69 years anyway. (at birth, but roughly speaking)…
India needs a literacy programme for old people.
In the 65+ age group, only 43% are literate.
Telangana:Mohammad Noorudin,a 51-year-old man from Hyderabad has cleared his Class 10 examination after 33 yrs. He says,"I have been appearing for exams since 1987 as I am weak in English I couldn't pass. I passed this year as govt has given exemption due to #COVID19."
Oh please! Abrahamic religions practically say that whatever is given by God should be eaten, i.e. animals he has not prohibited like pigs, shellfish, etc
PETA India
All religions call for compassion, and no religion requires meat-eating.
Bengalis posed wearing Lushai traditional dress in front of a centuries old Lushai village in Sajek, Rangamati, CHT, Bangladesh.
But...But, there's no Lushai live in that village. They are either evicted or forced to sell their lands for tourist complex. Thats ridiculous.
So many Hellenes defended #Iran when Trump threatened to bomb #IranianCulturalSites & now Iran has supported the desecration of #AgiaSophia, demonstrating that the Islamist authorities of Iran are hypocrites & barbarians who deserve no support from Greeks.
Madaklasht valley in Chitral is the only place in northern Pakistan to have a pocket of Persian speakers.
Centuries ago people from Badakshan travelled to Chitral to smelt weapons for the Chitrali armies. They stayed behind and Madaklasht is still known for Persian Ironsmiths.
Good point. It will be difficult for students that have to migrate from one state to another in the midst of their education.
Students of state boards already face difficulty who learn entirely in only the state language.
Alinda Merrie Jan
Suppose I live in Kerala and have a kid who learns in Malayalam, ie., she learns Science, Maths and Social Science in Malayalam. When she's in say 4th or 5th, I move to Maharashtra for work. (1/4)