Today’s date – the date of today

What is today’s date?

Find out the current day, date of today and local time.

Today's date

The weekday today is Thursday and today's date is

July 30, 2020

Today’s date in numbers and slashes

  • Sometimes the date is written in numerical form (month/date/year).
    The short date of today in numerical form: 07/30/2020 (American standard)

  • The date can also be written in this order (date/month/year).
    What is today: 30/07/2020 (British standard)

When writing the date by numbers only, you can separate them by using

  • a hyphen (-)
  • a slash (/)
  • or a dot (.)

07-30-2020 or 07/30/2020 or 07.30.2020

Calendar for current month with present weekday and today’s date

July 2020


Current local time is:

9:04 / 9:04 PM

The correct way of writing today’s date?

There are two ways to write a date:

  1. using entirely numbers and
  2. using a combination of words and numbers.

Then there are also two standards for writing today’s date:

  • the American English standard
  • the British English standard

Writing the date including weekday

The weekday always comes first and is separated from the rest by a comma:

  • Weekday, Month Date (date in digits), 2019 (American)
  • Weekday, Date (date in digits) Month 2019 (British)
    ( Please note there is no comma between the date and the year. )

Different standards can cause confusion

If you write the date with only digits it can easily lead to misunderstanding.
For example the date 10/03/2020 can be either:

  1. October 3, 2020 (American interpretation)
  2. March 10 2020 (British interpretation)

This is a reason why it can be better to write the name of the month.

Abbrevations for day of the Week

  1. Sunday – Sun.
  2. Monday – Mon.
  3. Tuesday – Teu. or Tues.
  4. Wednesday – Wed.
  5. Thursday – Thu.
  6. Friday – Fri.
  7. Saturday – Sat.

Abbrevations for Months

  1. January – Jan.
  2. February – Feb.
  3. March – Mar.
  4. April – Apr.
  5. May – May
  6. June – Jun.
  7. July – Jul.
  8. August – Aug.
  9. September – Sep.
  10. October – Oct.
  11. November – Nov.
  12. December – Dec.

What was yesterday’s date? / What is tomorrow’s date?

Next leap year? / Date two weeks from now?