Houston cartoonists tackle racism in the George Floyd moment

Isaiah Broussard and Huda Fahmy put aside their usual topics to deal with the current flashpoint.

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"Yes, I'm Hot in This" by Huda Fahmy Photo: Huda Fahmy

The editorial cartoon is one of the most revered art forms when it comes to political commentary. In the wake of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor’s deaths at the hands of officers and the protests against police brutality that have sprung up in every state since, two Houston artists, in particular, have taken their talents online.

Isaiah Broussard is most happy drawing his “Transyltown” series, a wonderfully whole comic about a teen vampire having adventures. Every once in a while, though, he goes back to the strip that made him famous, “Crackers and White Wine.” The short, punchy strips are always unapologetically brutal explorations of the black experience in America, and Texas in particular. He doesn’t do them often because they are emotionally exhausting.

“I feel if you take a little more time, when something sparks it out of me, it makes it better,” he says. “When I was trying to have something to say every week, there wasn’t as much passion. I produce better work when events drag it out of me.”

His latest strip is a comparison of institutional racism and it’s fatal results on blacks to the coronavirus. Broussard describes how the virus infects via tear gas and singles out people with specific genetic heritages. Like every “Crackers and White Wine,” it’s a pure expression of anger born out of the cultural reticence to tackle the problem.

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Where to find Isaiah Broussard and Huda Fahmy

Broussard's work is on his Twitter (https://twitter.com/ibroussardart) and Facebook: (www.facebook.com/IBroussardArt/)

Fahmy's work is on her site: https://www.yesimhotinthis.com/

“My initial response wasn’t positive. I thought, ‘There’s a disease out there, should we be taking to the streets?’’’ he says. “Then, after two seconds, I realized that it was worse than the disease. This is not new. It keeps continuing. I find it infuriating that the counterargument is always the same and never grows. People say ‘I believe in peace, and you’re out there rioting.’ It’s not the reality of what’s happening, but it makes it easy to wave everything off. COVID-19 was supposed to show that we are all in this together, but the protests show we are clearly not.”

Another local cartoonist with a take is Huda Fahmy, author of the popular “Yes, I’m Hot in This” series about her life as a Texas Muslim. Her latest work tackles her own sense of privilege, having her cartoon stand-in phone a black Muslim friend about exhaustion from the news only to be told she is merely experiencing emotional inconvenience.

“I felt so constantly exhausted by opening up, and then I realized how privileged I was to even get exhausted and then turn it off,” she says. “I can’t be OK being like that when my brothers and sisters are going through this.”

The strip shines a light on bigotry and soft racism, even in otherwise minority communities. Fahmy knew that writing it would prompt some backlash from other Muslims but felt that exposing how she and others can contribute to the burden of black Americans was more important.

“There is a lot of anti-black racism in the Arab Muslim community,” she says. “We pretend that there isn’t racism, but there really is. We can’t have the idea that the black community is only something we go to prove we’re not racist. Our exhaustion just gets dumped on them. We have to dismantle that. I need to start at home. I knew that there would be a response from non-black Muslims. They’d come out with their holier-than-thou stuff. I did start getting unfollowed. More than usual. It doesn’t bother me. At this point it’s like, ‘Goodbye.’”

Though she has only posted one strip thus far, she plans to have more to say on the subject. For now, she felt that it was more important to leave the speaking space up to black voices like Broussard. For his part, he believes comics still have a lot to teach us about important political issues as long as the medium can be seen.

“Cartoons have always been strong,” he says. “The editorial cartoon has existed as long as people have had opinions. I am of the mind that cave drawings were early critiques of hunting practices. We have editorial cartoons dating back before the French Revolution. The internet is great because it gets things out there, but before the internet, the newspaper got it out there wonderfully.”

Jef Rouner is a Houston-based writer.

  • Jef Rouner