I feel like even if I were a liberal and I wanted to attack China, I would have so many other things to pick from and not resort to defending Falun Gong, a literal fascist religious cult, but do whatever you want, I guess.
Afghan diasporas can spark off positive change in Afghanistan. Certainly their relatives lives here. They need to educate, finance, & motivate their children. Afghans abroad can raise awareness for girls as well. They just have to shift their focus on developing their motherland.
The older I’m becoming the more quiet I’m getting. Life humbles you so deeply as you age. You get to a stage where you deep how much nonsense you’ve wasted time on. It’s mad
Malalai Joya was “one of the bravest women in Afghanistan.” She was an outspoken female lawmaker who was suspended in 2007 after publicly criticized the Afghan Parliament. Malalai spoke against of warlords, Taliban, Afghan govt & US role in Afghanistan. #WhereIsMalalai
When women dislike men, it is justified anger through experiences with deeply rooted mysogyny (contempt for women). When men hate women, it is because of mysogyny, and when women hate other women it is because of internalized mysogyny.
As usual I was trying to find #ConcentrationCamps holding millions of #Uyghurs then I run into this video showing such a beautiful city called #Korla.
I have never expected a tier 5 city in #Xinjiang can be so beautiful.
Good job CPC!!! I see why Chinese are happy.
Even it is tier 3 cities, the infrastructure of the city is still better than most of US cities.
The video is from random Douyin blogger. You are welcome to contact the author.
Let's take a look at Urumqi street view. Even it is tier 3 cities, it's still very populated. You can feel vlogger's happiness, hope, satisfaction. The background song songs: It is my home, it is the land of my grandpa