says the guy that was carried entirely upon the fact that he got 3 red shells in literally 2 different laps for protection you retard
ya ok you say i don't know how to drift yet i'm like speed racer out on the track i'm out here pulling out all the fucking turns i left you in the dust on multiple occasions you only finished in front of me purely because of luck and that's it don't bullshit with me you shitter
u kept falling off rainbow road, ur dogshit stop talking to me please. ive been playing this game longer than you
And Ruo you weren't even close you bitch. You realize anytime you tried to get close you get fucked. I'll rock you anywhere you go bitch. you'll never see that first place faggot. K, now blacky don't let me start with you. This dude said his controller malfunctioned when you literally play like an actual broken Chinese controller. We all know your controller works fine. You're just trash. Now Zeo... Zeo... Jesus Christ Zeo. Stop betting on this game you're gonna lose money. Maybe you'll have a chance if you pick some other character.
pls u bumped and hugged the walls on rainbow road harder than u did to that $2200 anime body pillow u bought
says the guy that owns a katana collection in his semen filled basement fucking filthy weeaboo faggot
dude im using a steering wheel while ur tryharding u guys are all trash literally. Zeo i cant take u seriously when u dont even know the shortcuts on daisy's circuit like holy shit. Blacky thats why your grandma died last year in a car accident and guess what? im fucking her dead corpse at the graveyard bitch. you guys are fucking brain dead
you say i play like a broken chinese controller but at least i have the balls to take risks unlike you faggot you legit play safer than my grandma going down the stairs and she walking with a limp nibba she about to be 6 feet under the ground now and don't even get me started on your drifting i drift better than you with motion controls
don't get me started on you too pussy, you think ur hard because you got 1st but in real life ur a fat fucking loser who plays mako and mario kart all day. Get a fucking life cunt
i guess you didn't grow up with a christian grandmother because my grandma would whoop your ass just for saying such a thing fucking homo bet you like it real good up the ass faggot