
water harvest - Where to build Water retention landscapes? Reading the landscape... DECENTRALISED NATURAL WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS

ken web さんのボード「Permaculture」で、他にもたくさんのピンを見つけましょう。

water harvest - Where to build Water retention landscapes? Reading the landscape... DECENTRALISED NATURAL WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS

ken web さんのボード「Permaculture」で、他にもたくさんのピンを見つけましょう。
water harvest - Where to build Water retention landscapes? Reading the landscape...  DECENTRALISED NATURAL WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS パーマカルチャーデザイン, 水耕栽培, オーガニック菜園, 菜園, 緑の建築


With water retention landscapes, it is possible to provide enough freshwater for animals, plants and humans beings in every region of the world. Water is the key to a stable climate. A natural built reservoir that allows water to seep into the ground has a balancing effect on the climate. There is no life without water.…


  禅庭, 滝のある庭, アクアポニックス, 水景設備, ハーブ菜園, 庭のレイアウト, 小さな池

How to Build a Low-Maintenance Water Feature

You can build this beautiful artesian fountain in just two days. And once it's built, you don't have to worry about maintenance.

Babylon Garden 菜園デザイン, 果樹園, 菜園, ガーデンベッド, 菜園, 屋外の庭園, 農場, 温室作成計画, 水耕栽培

Babylon Garden

Babylon Garden is a system of vegetative modules made of recycled plastic or composite of coconut fiber, capable of containing substrate of composted organic household waste for planting in the vertical direction of small fruit, vegetables, legumes,...

Lost crops of the Incas, note how they have made a raised bed in a pond type structure are using the water to create a warmer micro-climate for the crops 水耕栽培, 菜園, 植物の栽培, トマトの栽培, 小さな菜園

Lost crops of the Incas, note how they have made a raised bed in a pond type structure are using the water to create a warmer micro-climate for the crops

How to kill a tree – SAVING OUR TREES – Marrickville municipality ガーデニング, オーガニック菜園, 環境, 庭園, 潅漑, パーマカルチャー, 野菜のガーデン

How to kill a tree

“Few residential trees die of ‘old age.’ Mechanical damage and improper tree care will kill more trees than any insects or diseases.” This poster ‘How to Kill a Tree’ b…

Effectively excites natural instincts and curiosity, increase the emotion between the cat and the owner. A good toy helps the cat keeps a good body shape and health. Help hone hunting skills for sharpened mental alertness in pets. Ideal gift for cats & cat owners, cat lovers. かわいい動物, かわいい動物の赤ちゃん, キュートな猫, 猫の部屋, 猫の家具, 動物のおもしろ動画


Features : Effectively excites natural instincts and curiosity, increase the emotion between the cat and the owner. A good toy helps the cat keeps a good body shape and health. Help hone hunting skills for sharpened mental alertness in pets. Ideal gift for cats & cat owners, cat lovers. Specifications : Material:

"Plants can adapt.   They have done so for thousands of years and will continue to do so.   Concrete cannot."   -Emily DeBolt        With c... 裏庭の造園, 熱帯風庭園, 庭作りのアイデア, 庭園, 造園, 持続可能性, 理想の家

"Plants can adapt. They have done so for thousands of years and will continue to do so. Concrete cannot." -Emily DeBolt With c...

Wooden Orchids' by Vincent Callebaut - Vincent Callebaut/Solent News/REXウッドゥン・オーキッド(中国) 植物が生い茂る室内は、中国の豊かな自然をイメージしてデザインされたもの。採光を取り入れやすく、室内の空気を新鮮に保つことができる技術が導入されている 緑の建築, 近未来建築, 景観設計, 風景デザイン, 住宅建築, 中庭

vincent callebaut envisions wooden orchids complex for china

this project by vincent callebaut architectures has been designed to combat potentially damaging migration patterns in china.

DHS-452-D「直送」【代引不可・他メーカー同梱不可】ホブスデジタル無線LAN探知器プラスDHF-3410、テスター251451、HT-2008ARセット 照度計,DHS-452-D「直送」【代引不可・他メーカー同梱不可】ホブスデジタル無線LAN探知器プラスDHF-3410、テスター251451、HT-2008ARセット 照度計 半田ごて ちょっと贅沢な 裏庭のアイデア, 前庭, 庭園の小道

14 Clever Tricks to Make Your Small Backyard Live Large

Stretch a little square footage into a lot of room for outdoor living with these budget-friendly ideas. The right furniture, landscaping, lighting, and accessories will help you make the most of limited outdoor space. Try these simple tricks to make your small backyard live large.

Biopori Hole, un método natural para evitar inundaciones y enriquecer los suelos 水耕栽培, 水栽培, 菜園, オーガニック菜園, アーバンガーデニング, 屋外の庭園, 花壇, 堆肥, アクアポニックス

Biopori Hole, un método natural para evitar inundaciones y enriquecer los suelos

Un método natural para aumentar la absorción de agua del suelo, además de enriquecerlo gracias al compostaje de residuos orgánicos.

Hugelkultur are no-dig raised beds with a difference. They hold moisture, build fertility, maximize surface volume and are great spaces for growing fruit, vegetables and herbs. 菜園, 庭園の小道, 菜園, パーマカルチャーデザイン, 堆肥, 庭園, ガーデニング, ホーム, 水玉模様

Permaculture magazine

Hugelkultur are no-dig raised beds with a difference. They hold moisture, build fertility, maximise surface volume and are great spaces for growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.

You won't believe these images that expose how Hollywood films really work ダジャレ, 爆笑, おもしろ名言, ハリウッド, ストレンジャー・シングス, 映画制作, 映画, 面白いミーム

35 Before And After Shots Of Hollywood Film Making

You won't believe these images that expose how Hollywood films really work

Bloggang.com : surya21 - โครงการในฝันฟาร์มเกษตรผสมผสานกับการมีเงินออมแบบพอเพียง 2013 風景観建築画, 造園計画, 風景デザイン, パーマカルチャーデザイン, 庭の池, 小さな庭園, ガーデニング

Bloggang.com : surya21 - โครงการในฝันฟาร์มเกษตรผสมผสานกับการมีเงินออมแบบพอเพียง 2013

Hugelkultur調達ベッド:庭師の頭を回している古代のテクニック 記事、レシピ、その他を検索...Hugelkultur調達ベッド:庭師の頭を回している古代のテクニック2018年5月8日後の印刷用に保存ホーグー何?「Huge-Gul-Culture」と発音されたHugelkulturは、ドイツ語で丘陵文化または丘陵を意味します。Hugelkul #DIY、調達、格安、ぶら下げ、野菜、作り方、パティオ、パレットか レイズドベッド, 花壇, オーガニック菜園, 菜園, 野菜のガーデン, 堆肥, 庭のプロジェクト

How to Build a Raised Garden Bed in 3 Steps

Raising your own food is one of the most rewarding projects you can take on. Whether you start small with a container or two on your porch, build a few raised beds in your yard, or plow a whole field, there is nothing quite like the first bite of something you grew yourself (and subsequent bites aren’t half bad either).

文具・オフィス用品 ノート・紙製品 タイムカード・タイムレコーダー レビュー投稿で次回使える2000円クーポン全員にプレゼント 10000円以上送料無料 (業務用30セット) アマノ 標準タイムカードB 100枚入 保障 ×30セット 生活用品・インテリア・雑貨 オフィス機器用アクセサリー・部品,文具・オフィス用品 ノート・紙製品 タイムカード・タイムレコーダー レビュー投稿で次回使える2000円クーポン全員にプレゼント 10000円以上送料無料 (業務用30セット) アマノ 標準タイムカードB 100枚入 保障 ×30セット 生活用品・インテリア・雑貨 オフィス機器用アクセサリー・部品 高評価 信用第一、品質第一 水耕栽培, 菜園, オーガニック菜園, 野菜畑, 温室の園芸, 裏庭の菜園, 家庭菜園

Aeroplus 6000 3-Stage Compost Bin | Gardeners.com

Multi-stage composter provides continuous composting action. Super-strong 5mm UV-stabilized polypropylene. Large capacity; holds 22 cubic feet.

Все о том, как сделать огород красивым: организация посадок | ДЗЕН ДЛЯ ДОМА | Яндекс Дзен 裏庭の菜園, ポタジエガーデン, 菜園デザイン, 菜園, 庭のフェンス, 造園, 小さな菜園

Все о том, как сделать огород красивым: организация посадок

Для чего создавать в огороде особую эстетику? Семена взойдут и в обычной грядке, расположенной "не по фен-шую". Истинное наслаждение гармонией природы и собственного креативного дизайна огорода - цель опытных садоводов. В этой статье вы найдете: - варианты оригинального расположения грядок с фото-примерами; - секреты богатого урожая: что и куда сажать.

If you're concerned about storm water runoff, consider the practical—and yes, aesthetic—benefits of a rain garden 風景デザイン, オーガニック菜園, 庭の排水, 庭園, 都市デザイン, 造園, 雨水貯留, パーマカルチャーデザイン

Bob Vila Radio: Rain Gardens

If you're concerned about storm water runoff, consider the practical—and yes, aesthetic—benefits of a rain garden.

水泳池は、池と水泳プールの最適な混合物です。化学薬品やレクリエーションの楽しさのない清潔で柔らかい水を提供します… ガーデンデザイン, 裏庭の池, 庭の池, 緑の建築, 天然プール, 水泳

Schwimmteich: hinein ins Vergnügen

Ein Schwimmteich ist die optimale Mischung aus Teich und Swimmingpool: er bietet sauberes, weiches Wasser ohne Chemikalien und Freizeitspaß der ganz...

Flowforms - water is coaxed into this lemniscate-type shape and then it starts flowing and pulsating in a sweet vortex-like pulse-like way. real pretty stuff. パーマカルチャー, 水処理, 丸い窓, 持続可能性, 菜園, 農業, Natural Building


Explore dsohigian's photos on Flickr. dsohigian has uploaded 2088 photos to Flickr.

熱帯の小さな裏庭にある12のプール造園アイデア #Garden #GardenPool #12 自然のプール, スイミングプールの設計, 天然プール, 裏庭の小さなプール, プールのある家, 高級住宅, 豪邸

Great Pool Landscaping Ideas Tropical Small Backyards

Our pool is green at this time. You may have a pool or hot tub built, so that is easily accessible to your family members. Once you choose the decking…

雑草強奪者のジッピー:実験 -  - #Garden アウトドアプロジェクト, 庭のプロジェクト, ガーデニングの道具, Diy プロジェクト, ガーデニング, ベランダガーデン, 工具の収納

Zipties on a weed-whacker: an experiment • Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm

Have you've seen the post going around facebook that shows a homesteader using zipties on a weed-whacker instead of the spool of weed-eater line?

Roth SolarGeo System the first system that combines solar energy with geothermal heat pumps and radiant heating: 再生可能エネルギー, 太陽エネルギー, 太陽光発電, 風力, 地熱, パッシブハウス, 地球に優しい生活, Natural Building

Roth SolarGeo System the first system that combines solar energy with geothermal heat pumps and radiant heating:

This is “inspiration on paper” for an extensive landscape project. The client built a very special home that required a stunning landscape. As you can see, Chantelle met the challenge well.   Call us at (903) 597-7421 Online at www.breedlovelandscape.com  #landscapeproject #breedlovelandscape #landscapearchitecture #landscape #architecture #tylertx #tylertexas #tyler #texas 都市景観, 日本の景色, 小さな庭の造園, 風景観建築画, 景観設計, 緑の建築, 景観設計

This is “inspiration on paper” for an extensive landscape project. The client built a very special home that required a stunning landscape. As you can see, Chantelle met the challenge well. Call us at (903) 597-7421 Online at www.breedlovelandscape.com #landscapeproject #breedlovelandscape #landscapearchitecture #landscape #architecture #tylertx #tylertexas #tyler #texas

あなた自身のドライクリークベッドを作る上で10のアイデア 10 ideas on making your own dry creek bed How to take care of plants-Growth, pests and diseases NavigationGardenHouseplantsLandscapingCactus-10 ideas on making your own dry creek bed Want to design a dry creek bed Many pe ガーデンベッド, 庭園の小道, ガーデンアート, 川底, テラスガーデン, 日本庭園, ランドアート

10 Ideas On Making Your Own Dry Creek Bed

Many homeowners wanting a dry creek bed often end up with a drainage ditch. For ideas along with form and function [LEARN MORE]

How to Construct a Swale in the Residential Landscape: A permaculture swale is a tool for capturing and storing water in a garden. Learn how to build a swale in the residential landscape. #permaculture 裏庭の菜園, 庭作りのアイデア, 家庭菜園, トマトの栽培, 菜園, パーマカルチャー, 庭園, 菜園

How to Build a Swale in the Residential Landscape [+ Free Download] | Tenth Acre Farm

A permaculture swale is a technique for capturing and storing water in a garden. Learn how to build a swale in the residential landscape.

Slow Sand Filter.  Haha, I like all the educational drawings on the outside of the barrel. パーマカルチャー, 蒸留水, 雨水貯留, 貯水, 浄水器, 貯水タンク, サバイバルスキル

Slow Sand Filter. Haha, I like all the educational drawings on the outside of the barrel.

Similar to a sieve, the willows allow water to flow through but trap the sediment back. Within a year, these structures can trap up to 10cm of sediment. Over time, this increases as the willows become more established and more sediment can be kept back. After 20 to 30 years, the vegetation will have complete cover and sediment erosion is almost completely stopped. 景観設計, 風景デザイン, ガーデンデザイン, 屋外の庭園, パーマカルチャーデザイン, 堆肥, アクアポニックス

Similar to a sieve, the willows allow water to flow through but trap the sediment back. Within a year, these structures can trap up to 10cm of sediment. Over time, this increases as the willows become more established and more sediment can be kept back. After 20 to 30 years, the vegetation will have complete cover and sediment erosion is almost completely stopped.

MEXICO: the Ingenious Floating Gardens of the Aztecs... When Cortez discovered the Aztec Empire in the year 1519, he found 200,000 people living on an island in the middle of a lake.  Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, was the biggest and best-fed city in the world, and this fortress city was completely surrounded by water.  To feed their enormous population, the Aztecs ingeniously built chinampas, or floating gardens, anchored by willow trees at the 4 corners.... パーマカルチャーデザイン, 古代史, 禅庭, 庭のプロジェクト, メキシコシティー, 園芸学, 野菜のガーデン

The Ingenious Floating Gardens Of The Aztecs...

(FourStingFarm) When Cortez discovered the Aztec Empire in the year 1519, he found 200,000 people living on an island in the middle of a lake. Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, was the biggest and best-fed city in the world, and this fortress city was completely surrounded by water. To feed their enormous population, the Aztecs ingeniously built chinampas, or floating gardens, to convert the marshy wetlands of Lake Texcoco into arable farmland. These floating gardens were a masterpiece of…


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