
A Closer Look - Social Studies Kit: Ancient Inca, Maya, and Aztec

Cheryl Allen さんのボード「Chinampas」で、他にもたくさんのピンを見つけましょう。

A Closer Look - Social Studies Kit: Ancient Inca, Maya, and Aztec

Cheryl Allen さんのボード「Chinampas」で、他にもたくさんのピンを見つけましょう。
A Closer Look - Social Studies Kit: Ancient Inca, Maya, and Aztec アクアポニックス, 庭園, 島, 温室の園芸

A Closer Look

Using the image of the cross-section of a chinampa, students can get a closer look at what a “floating garden” truly looks like. By projecting this image on a large scale younger students will be...


Babylon Garden 菜園デザイン, 果樹園, 菜園, ガーデンベッド, 菜園, 屋外の庭園, 農場, 温室作成計画, 水耕栽培

Babylon Garden

Babylon Garden is a system of vegetative modules made of recycled plastic or composite of coconut fiber, capable of containing substrate of composted organic household waste for planting in the vertical direction of small fruit, vegetables, legumes,...

Lost crops of the Incas, note how they have made a raised bed in a pond type structure are using the water to create a warmer micro-climate for the crops 水耕栽培, 菜園, 植物の栽培, トマトの栽培, 小さな菜園

Lost crops of the Incas, note how they have made a raised bed in a pond type structure are using the water to create a warmer micro-climate for the crops

This is a fish ladder on the Sorne in the Pichoux Gorge, Switzerland. It is a prefabricated with 24 tanks & elevation gain of 12.5 feet/3.80 m & it was built to allow fish to migrate varied elevations between lakes & rivers. Fish swim up the gradual level between pools; uphill. : DesignPorn 景観設計, 風景デザイン, アースシップ, 雨水貯留, 浄化槽, フィッシュ・タンク, Natural Building

This is a fish ladder on the Sorne in the Pichoux Gorge, Switzerland. It is a prefabricated with 24 tanks & elevation gain of 12.5 feet/3.80 m & it was built to allow fish to migrate varied elevations between lakes & rivers. Fish swim up the gradual level between pools; uphill. : DesignPorn

Woodland & Equipment Advice « Singletrack Forum 景観設計, 風景デザイン, ガーデンデザイン, 花の植え付け, 外階段, 庭園の小道

Woodland & Equipment Advice | Singletrack Magazine Forum

Singletrack Magazine

#ClippedOnIssuu from Low Impact Development: Opportunities for the PlanET Region ランドスケープデザイン, 景観設計, 風景デッサン, 都市景観, 現代建築の住宅, クラシカル建築, 歴史的建造物, ストリートファニチャー

Low Impact Development: Opportunities for the PlanET Region

East Tennessee’s iconic water resources are a sustaining economic, social, and environmental asset. These resources are vulnerable to impacts from prevailing development patterns in the region, human activities, and existing stormwater infrastructure...

Flowforms - water is coaxed into this lemniscate-type shape and then it starts flowing and pulsating in a sweet vortex-like pulse-like way. real pretty stuff. パーマカルチャー, 水処理, 丸い窓, 持続可能性, 菜園, 農業, Natural Building


Explore dsohigian's photos on Flickr. dsohigian has uploaded 2088 photos to Flickr.

Similar to a sieve, the willows allow water to flow through but trap the sediment back. Within a year, these structures can trap up to 10cm of sediment. Over time, this increases as the willows become more established and more sediment can be kept back. After 20 to 30 years, the vegetation will have complete cover and sediment erosion is almost completely stopped. 景観設計, 風景デザイン, ガーデンデザイン, 屋外の庭園, パーマカルチャーデザイン, 堆肥, アクアポニックス

Similar to a sieve, the willows allow water to flow through but trap the sediment back. Within a year, these structures can trap up to 10cm of sediment. Over time, this increases as the willows become more established and more sediment can be kept back. After 20 to 30 years, the vegetation will have complete cover and sediment erosion is almost completely stopped.

water harvest - Where to build Water retention landscapes? Reading the landscape...  DECENTRALISED NATURAL WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS パーマカルチャーデザイン, 水耕栽培, オーガニック菜園, 菜園, 緑の建築


With water retention landscapes, it is possible to provide enough freshwater for animals, plants and humans beings in every region of the world. Water is the key to a stable climate. A natural built reservoir that allows water to seep into the ground has a balancing effect on the climate. There is no life without water.…

Keeping with the WW1 theme, here are a few sketches I did for for his upcoming 15mm WW1 tabletop gaming rules "Tommiez". From left to right, top to bottom 1) British Vickers MG firing from a shallo... 兵器, ミリタリーアート, ミリタリージオラマ, サバイバルスキル, サバイバルのヒント, サバイバルハック

Tommiez vignettes by wingsofwrath on DeviantArt

DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.

Boat Rooms on the Fuchun River #arch2o #architecture #design #hotel #room #interior #3d #river #wood 竹の建築物, コンセプト建築, インテリアアーキテクチャ, 中国建築, 近未来建築, 都市計画

Boat Rooms on the Fuchun River | The Design Institute of Landscape and Architecture China Academy of Art - Arch2O.com

Photography: Aoguan Performance of Architecture

Noria de aceña y noria de rosario (variación de la noria "de sangre" con los arcaduces colgados de una cadena) 歴史的な建物, サバイバルシェルター, マウンテンマン, 歴史的建造物, 機械工学, 美術史, 大工仕事

Noria de aceña y noria de rosario (variación de la noria "de sangre" con los arcaduces colgados de una cadena)

Szeretnéd, hogy a tiéd legyen a környék legkülönlegesebb garázsa, vagy autóbeállója? Vágj bele velünk a zöld tető projektbe! 養鶏, 緑の建築, 農家, 花壇, 裏庭の鶏, Natural Building, 薪小屋

Zöld tető a garázsra 5 lépésben! - Garázs - Kert

Szeretnéd, hogy a tiéd legyen a környék legkülönlegesebb garázsa, vagy autóbeállója? Vágj bele velünk a zöld tető projektbe!

Dense root growth underneath Biomatrix floating island 浮島, 水耕栽培, 庭の池, 庭園, プラント, 持続可能性, 菜園, 菜園

Biomatrix Water Floating Islands Treatment Wetlands (FTW) | Canadianpond

Biomatrix Floating Islands are now available in Canada. Superior construction make these award winning Floating Ecosystems the Best on the market!

Bill Mollison: Permaculture Activist - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS 持続可能性, 温室の園芸, 水耕栽培, 庭園

Bill Mollison: Permaculture Activist - Sustainable Farming - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Permaculture activist Bill Mollison discusses the concepts of sustainability, species diversity, and ecosystem design of a permaculture production system.

文具・オフィス用品 ノート・紙製品 タイムカード・タイムレコーダー レビュー投稿で次回使える2000円クーポン全員にプレゼント 10000円以上送料無料 (業務用30セット) アマノ 標準タイムカードB 100枚入 保障 ×30セット 生活用品・インテリア・雑貨 オフィス機器用アクセサリー・部品,文具・オフィス用品 ノート・紙製品 タイムカード・タイムレコーダー レビュー投稿で次回使える2000円クーポン全員にプレゼント 10000円以上送料無料 (業務用30セット) アマノ 標準タイムカードB 100枚入 保障 ×30セット 生活用品・インテリア・雑貨 オフィス機器用アクセサリー・部品 高評価 信用第一、品質第一 水耕栽培, 菜園, オーガニック菜園, 野菜畑, 温室の園芸, 裏庭の菜園, 家庭菜園

Aeroplus 6000 3-Stage Compost Bin | Gardeners.com

Multi-stage composter provides continuous composting action. Super-strong 5mm UV-stabilized polypropylene. Large capacity; holds 22 cubic feet.

Blue gingham shirt and tan cardigan ブルーのギンガムチェックシャツを、クルーネックタイプのカーディガンと合わせています。袖部分の見せ方も可愛い。シャツはデニムパンツにウエストインさせて | Moda, Ropa casual, Ropa サバイバルスキル, サバイバルシェルター, エクササイズプラン, サバイバルのヒント, 軍隊, Zombie Apocalypse Survival

Fresh Photons

reanimationlibrary: “ From The Nuclear War File: Weaponry, Strategy, Flashpoints, and the Balance of Power. Chant, Christopher and Ian Hogg. London: Nomad Publishers Ltd, 1983. ”

chinampa2 パーマカルチャーデザイン, 水栽培, ガーデンベッド, アクアポニックス, 庭園, 魚座, 造園, ガーデニング

Hortas e Canteiros

Permacultura urbana e suburbana Antes de 1900 todas as cidades continham fazendas e pomares dentro delas. Embora ainda existam alguns pontos de produtividade nos países em desenvolvimento, a necessidade moderna de mais edificações comerciais e industriais, além de espaço para habitação, tem empurrado a produção de alimento para fora da cidade, além dos subúrbios e…

Greek Revival House Plans 98256 | Total Living Area: 9581 sq. ft., 5 bedrooms  6 bathrooms. I would change the style to log house/Craftsman hybrid. 家の間取り, マンションの間取り, 大きな夢, 住宅建築, 豪邸

Greek Revival Style House Plan 98256 with 5 Bed, 7 Bath, 5 Car Garage

House Plan 98256 - Colonial, Greek Revival Style House Plan with 9581 Sq Ft, 5 Bed, 7 Bath, 5 Car Garage

Garden fountain... Id love to have one of these #gardenfountainsrustic #自分でやれ #家の装飾のアイデアのリビングルーム #装飾のアイデア #室内装飾 #家の装飾のアイデア #庭の装飾 裏庭の造園, 庭作りのアイデア, 裏庭のアイデア, 滝のある庭, 造園

40 Beautiful Garden Fountain Ideas

Need some inspiration for Beautiful Garden Fountain Ideas? Here is your window ....

「メキシコ チナンパ」の画像検索結果 パーマカルチャーデザイン, 水のある庭, 庭園, ガーデンベッド, 菜園, 造園, ガーデニング

101 PERMACULTURE DESIGNS, downloadable imgur album

Post with 108287 views. 101 PERMACULTURE DESIGNS, downloadable imgur album

Stormwater planters, born in Portland Oregon are being replicated nationwide for 'green' stormwater management. Info here! 景観設計, 建築見取り図, 建築の写真, 都市デザイン, 緑の建築

Stormwater planters, born in Portland Oregon are being replicated nationwide for 'green' stormwater management. Info here!

plantyhamchuk: “ petemunoz: “ I am dubbing 2018 the year of floating wetlands… I am super excited by these new Biohabitats babies launched last fall! ” The link just goes to their linkedin profile - wonder how these are actually constructed? How much... 風景デザイン, ガーデニング, 潅漑, ガーデンプラン, 庭園, 環境, 持続可能な開発


plantyhamchuk: “ petemunoz: “ I am dubbing 2018 the year of floating wetlands… I am super excited by these new Biohabitats babies launched last fall! ” The link just goes to their linkedin profile -...

Cliff Garden terraces...  man and Mother Nature figuring it out together!!! 美しい場所, テラスガーデン, サイドガーデン, 景観設計, 風景デザイン, 裏庭のパティオのデザイン, 庭のプロジェクト, グッドアイデア

Cliff Garden

This was a garden directly across from one of the many amazing Meteora monasteries. The only way to get to this garden is by way of an old, rickety, wood ladder.

Chinampa farming system (sometimes called floating gardens) is a form of ancient raised field agriculture, used by American communities beginning at least as early as the 10th century AD. The word chinampa is from a Nahuatl (native Aztec) word, chinamitl, meaning an area enclosed by hedges or canes. The term refers today long narrow garden beds, separated by canals. The garden land is built up from the wetland by stacking alternating layers of lake mud and thick mats of decaying vegetation… 狭い庭, レイズドベッド, 花壇, アクアポニックス, 生垣, パーマカルチャー, エコロジー, 農業, 動物

Chinampa farming system (sometimes called floating gardens) is a form of ancient raised field agriculture, used by American communities beginning at least as early as the 10th century AD. The word chinampa is from a Nahuatl (native Aztec) word, chinamitl, meaning an area enclosed by hedges or canes. The term refers today long narrow garden beds, separated by canals. The garden land is built up from the wetland by stacking alternating layers of lake mud and thick mats of decaying vegetation…

Clever ideas on harvesting rainwater (Street orchards, rain gardens & curbcuts) by Brad Lancaster パーマカルチャーデザイン, 雨水貯留, 小さな菜園, 都市デザイン, 庭園, ガーデニング

Street Orchards for Community Security | Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond by Brad Lancaster

Award-winning books and resources to help you create abundant & productive homes, landscapes, and communities fed by the rain and powered by the sun. Strategies, tips, illustrations, examples, success stories & more.

, #サバイバルツールセットおすすめ サバイバルのヒント, スチームパンク, Zombie Apocalypse Survival, ゾンビサバイバル, サバイバル道具, Zombie Apocalypse

Wasteland Champion Tire Armor by swanboy on DeviantArt

DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.

During the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami on 26 December 2004, fishermen said they saw with their own eyes “the reality of generations of legends … the remains of ancient temples and hundreds of refrigerator-sized blocks, all briefly... おもしろ情報, 雑貨

During the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami on 26 December 2004, fishermen said they saw with their own eyes “the reality of generations of legends … the remains of ancient temples and hundreds of refrigerator-sized blocks, all briefly...


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