Concrete micro house is a pipe dream
The OPod Tube House, by James Law Cybertecture, is a micro house made from concrete water piping that measures just 2.5 m (8.2 ft) in diameter. Its snug interior features an apartment-style layout suitable for one or two people.
This is a fish ladder on the Sorne in the Pichoux Gorge, Switzerland. It is a prefabricated with 24 tanks & elevation gain of 12.5 feet/3.80 m & it was built to allow fish to migrate varied elevations between lakes & rivers. Fish swim up the gradual level between pools; uphill. : DesignPorn
Lost crops of the Incas, note how they have made a raised bed in a pond type structure are using the water to create a warmer micro-climate for the crops
Biomatrix Water Floating Islands Treatment Wetlands (FTW) | Canadianpond
Biomatrix Floating Islands are now available in Canada. Superior construction make these award winning Floating Ecosystems the Best on the market!
Freshwater Plants: Nutrient Deficiencies - Aquathusiast
How to Correct Freshwater Plant Nutrient Deficiencies? Diagnose the Problem The key to eliminating a deficiency is by finding the culprit. Using the guide above it is your job to diagnose and identify what deficiency you are experiencing in your planted tank. Experiencing stunted growth and misshapen leaves? Probably a calcium deficiency. Experiencing an …
10 Innovative Ideas That Let Us Live on Water
Don't let memories of "Waterworld" deter you from checking out these innovative marine dwellings.
Aquaponics are excellent for growing food in your home. It takes the downsides of each system (aquaculture and hydroponics) and utilizes them to work together to create the perfect combination. Check out our article on some fun and cheap aquaponics projects you can work on at home! #aquaponics @homesteading #homesteadandprepper
An in-depth talk about what hugelkultur beds are and why you need them in your permaculture efforts. #nloah #permaculture #gardening #hugelkultur
Ilustración de las chinampas mexicas Más
Suspended bags of oysters
A Floating Wetland Handbook for San Francisco's Southeast Waterfront
Completed for the 2014 Patri Fellowship in Urban Design by Andrea Haynes. To download a copy set up for booklet printing please follow this link: https://www.spur.org/events/2014-09-09/building-san-franciscos-floating-wetlands
Gabion Retaining Walls - A gabion wall is constructed using wire mesh, woven in…
Declaran a las chinampas Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial • NeoMexicanismos
Las chinampas de la Ciudad de México fueron oficialmente reconocidas como Sistema Importante del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM), este lunes por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO). El sistema agrícola chinampero se une a los 36 sitios declarados como SIPAM en el mundo, que proporcionan alimentos a cerca de …
How To Build An Aquaponics System
This site provides tips and tricks about health, weight loss, fitness, DIY, home and garden and beauty and can help make your life easier.
With water retention landscapes, it is possible to provide enough freshwater for animals, plants and humans beings in every region of the world. Water is the key to a stable climate. A natural built reservoir that allows water to seep into the ground has a balancing effect on the climate. There is no life without water.…
Casas subterrâneas Kaingang 1
The Ingenious Floating Gardens Of The Aztecs...
(FourStingFarm) When Cortez discovered the Aztec Empire in the year 1519, he found 200,000 people living on an island in the middle of a lake. Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, was the biggest and best-fed city in the world, and this fortress city was completely surrounded by water. To feed their enormous population, the Aztecs ingeniously built chinampas, or floating gardens, to convert the marshy wetlands of Lake Texcoco into arable farmland. These floating gardens were a masterpiece of…
How to Prune Basil for Big, Bushy Basil Plants (With Photos)
This little pruning trick will allow you to grow super-sized basil plants so you can enjoy all the pesto you've ever dreamed of.
Urban Farming: How to Turn a 1/3 Acre Garden into a $75,000 Yearly Income!
A great site explaining underground greenhouses. The chimney system provides the highest volume air flow and the best control of ventilation
Medieval & Renaissance Warfare Encyclopedia
complete - volumes 1 & 2 fully combined by matmohair 1 in Types > Research > History, Encyclopedia, and Renaissance
101 PERMACULTURE DESIGNS, downloadable imgur album
Post with 108287 views. 101 PERMACULTURE DESIGNS, downloadable imgur album
Floating Wetlands help boost nitrogen removal in lagoons - WaterWorld
Transforming Trash Into Floating Wetlands
Here's the flowering of a green imagination. Collect floating soda bottles flushed down storm drains. Bind them together in big sacks, then build floating islands on top of them. On these islands plant spartina grass, black needlerush, and marsh hibiscus. Like magic, you've morphed garbage into floating wetlands that can be anchored along a city dock to absorb pollution, beautify the shoreline and provide a habitat for fish. This is not just a creative idea. It has become reality on the…
16 Vegetables That Thrive in Containers
Growing vegetables in containers is easy! Here's a list of 16 vegetables that grow in containers. Grow them in your yard, balcony, or near your windowsill!