Hugelkultur are no-dig raised beds with a difference. They hold moisture, build fertility, maximize surface volume and are great spaces for growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.
😲 The #1 Father's Day Gift of 2020!! 🔥
Only $26.95! 🔥 An Amazing Gift! Give One For Father's Day For 50% OFF Today! 🥂 A Powerful, Long-Ranged Saw! Built with blades on both edges, simply saw back and forth and quickly tear through faraway branches and thick trunks!
Natural Garden Pest Control - Homestead Backyard
some of the natural methods used to control pests are even much more effective than applying pesticides not to mention the serious risks that these pesticid
32 Outrageously Fun Things You'll Want In Your Backyard This Summer
You'll never want to go back inside.
This Tent Takes Camping to a Whole New Level
These tree hanging tents from the tentsile hanging tent company are the ultimate outdoor gear/camping gear.
20 Shade Tolerant Plants To Grow In Your Garden This Summer
With a rise in people wanting to become more sustainable, finding places to grow things can be tricky. That’s why you’re going to be shocked to discover that there are over 20 shade tolerant plants
Best Way to Grow Strawberries in Containers 2020 | Family Food Garden
Best way to grow strawberries! See the many ways of growing strawberries in containers, strawberry planters and grow strawberries in pots
All About DIY Raised Bed Gardens – Part 1
Detailed guide on how to build great raised bed gardens for vegetables and flowers! Lots of tips and ideas on best designs, compost and soil building, and best materials to build productive & beautiful DIY raised beds!
Portable Plastic Bottle Cutter! 🌍
This Plastic Bottle Cutter makes recycling even smarter. With it, we can reuse and recycle plastic bottles of all kinds and turn them into convenient universal handy ropes, which will change the way of recycling.Features: Reuse and recycle plastic bottles of all kinds, turning them into convenient universal handy ropes
One Man’s Genius Idea To Grow Tomatoes
James Bryan had a bright idea that resulted in something brilliant.
10 DIY Outdoor Projects-DIY Ideas to do when bored
It’s time to embrace the warmer weather by tackling a couple of outdoor DIY home … Browse our collection of ideas for easy outdoor projects that are perfect for a … 1-Kitchen Design Idea ... Read more10 DIY Outdoor Projects-DIY Ideas to do when bored
this isn't happiness.
this isn't happiness
Smart Watch with Bluetooth Earphone
Now 50% OFF For Father's Day! Never leave home without them! Keep your Bluetooth earbuds on you at all times, as well as tracking steps and heart rate with this #1 Best Seller! Compatible With Both iOS & Android Analyze your health vitals with a touchscreen interface, while our magnetic charger juices your headphon
20 Cut & Come Again Veggies For An Endless Supply Of Free Food
Plant these veggies once and you can pluck, snip and tear nutrient rich food off all season while your veggies grow back even stronger.
Survival Meerkat
How to eco-fit your garden
In an extract from his new book, 'How to Create an Eco Garden’, John Walker explains how to turn an unassuming urban plot into an eco-friendly haven.
An Expert’s Guide On Building The Greenhouse
An Expert’s Guide On Building The Greenhouse Loading… //
12 Living Garden Decorations & Structures to DIY! - A Piece Of Rainbow
DIY living functional garden decorations & outdoor structures: magical grass sofa, fun bean teepee, beautiful grape & rose arches, willow dome & fence, etc!
Biopori Hole, un método natural para evitar inundaciones y enriquecer los suelos
Un método natural para aumentar la absorción de agua del suelo, además de enriquecerlo gracias al compostaje de residuos orgánicos.
Use old raspberry canes to create garden edging
Use pruned raspberry canes to create attractive woven garden edging. This easy project is great for the vegetable garden or for decorative borders.
Top 60 Best Outdoor Shower Ideas - Enclosure Designs
Discover a private place of paradise to clean up with the top 60 best outdoor shower ideas. Explore cool open and privacy enclosure designs.
A Guide To A Greenhouse Room in Your House
A Guide To A Greenhouse Room in Your House Loading… //
Cut and Come Again Crops
When you have to ability to cut fresh lettuce and herbs one day, and return soon after to the same plant for more, you are a cut-and-come-again gardener. Enjoy the cost-saving and flavor benefits of cut-and-come-again gardening.
Herb Planters - Self-Watering Patio Planter |
With the Self-Watering Patio Planter you can grow herbs, vegetables, fruits, or flowers in a small space. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
5 Way To Upcycle Your Wine Bottles
Never tossing one again! One problem I have is seeing a potential project in just about anything and everything--I'm a self proclaimed crafting hoarder and I'm trying to be better about what I keep so as not to drive Rob completely bonkers.
This little beauty, is it a cold-frame, a hot-frame, or just a greenhouse ... a subterranean greenhouse? I, for one, do not like working on my hands and knees for hours, nor do I like reaching uncomfortably to the middle of a raised bed while tottering on the edge. Well, jeez, I'm getting old and cranky.…
With water retention landscapes, it is possible to provide enough freshwater for animals, plants and humans beings in every region of the world. Water is the key to a stable climate. A natural built reservoir that allows water to seep into the ground has a balancing effect on the climate. There is no life without water.…
КОГДА САЖАТЬ ТЮЛЬПАНЫ, НАРЦИССЫ, КРОКУСЫ. Ранняя осень – время для посадок луковичных цветов. К ним относятся тюльпаны, нарциссы, гиацинты, крокусы и другие, менее распространенные цветы. Условием успешной зимовки и пышного цветения весной является правильно подготовленная почва для посадки. Перед посадкой нужно учесть, что почву лучше готовить заранее, чтобы почва успела осесть после перекопки, иначе глубина посадки окажется маленькой. В таком случае луковицы цветов погибнут, особенно если…
You Will Not Buy Tangerines Again, You can always have them in plenty
You Will Not Buy Tangerines Again, You can always have them in plenty by just planting them in a flower pot.#gardening #garden #DIY #tips #ideas #plant #flower #Vegetable #growingup #gardenchat