Declaran a las chinampas Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial • NeoMexicanismos
Las chinampas de la Ciudad de México fueron oficialmente reconocidas como Sistema Importante del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM), este lunes por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO). El sistema agrícola chinampero se une a los 36 sitios declarados como SIPAM en el mundo, que proporcionan alimentos a cerca de …
Peut-on vivre en totale autonomie avec l'eau de pluie ? - Stocker l'eau de pluie
Conseils pour choisir une solution adaptée de stockage de l'eau de pluie.
Biopori Hole, un método natural para evitar inundaciones y enriquecer los suelos
Un método natural para aumentar la absorción de agua del suelo, además de enriquecerlo gracias al compostaje de residuos orgánicos.
Permaculture magazine
Hugelkultur are no-dig raised beds with a difference. They hold moisture, build fertility, maximise surface volume and are great spaces for growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.
Roman compluvium & impluvium with subterranean cistern. Ancient rain catchment system at the center of the house. Water filters through a sand and gravel bed of the impluvium for purification.
5 Best Container Vegetables for Beginning Gardeners | Brown Thumb Mama®
Growing vegetables in containers is easy, especially for beginners! Learn the 5 best veggies for beginning gardeners, planting instructions, and recipes for your harvest.
Mandala Market Gardens: The layout.
Dirty Secrets: 9 Ways to Improve Garden Soil - Gardenista
I'm a soil scientist and a former faculty instructor for Oregon State University's Extension program, where I've taught and consulted with farmers and gard
Hugelkultur: Composting Whole Trees With Ease Permaculture Research Institute | Think Like a Permaculturist
Hugelkultur is a composting method that uses large pieces of rotting wood as the centerpiece for long term humus building decomposition. The decomposition process takes place below the ground, while at the same time allowing you to cultivate the raised, or sunken, hugelkultur bed. This allows the plants to take advantage of nutrients released during decomposition. Hugelkultur, in its infinite variations, has been developed and practiced by key permaculture proponents such as Sepp Holzer and…
Trabajos Prácticos
2017 TRABAJO PRÁCTICO Nº2 - FASE 1: “Reconocimiento del territorio metropolitano: Problemas, patrones espaciales y experimentación proyectual" Descargas: TP2-FASE 1- Interv Urbanistica 2017 Imágenes satelitales y planos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxLn0t1YxLHJakVKX3RHZlZzT1k?usp=sharing TRABAJO PRÁCTICO Nº1: “Interpretación de la Estructura del Área Metropolitana de Rosario" Descargas: TP1- Interv Urbanistica-2017 ESQUEMAS INTERPRETATIVOS PRÁCTICO 1 Material Documental base…
Hugelkultur: Composting Whole Trees With Ease Permaculture Research Institute | Think Like a Permaculturist
Hugelkultur is a composting method that uses large pieces of rotting wood as the centerpiece for long term humus building decomposition. The decomposition process takes place below the ground, while at the same time allowing you to cultivate the raised, or sunken, hugelkultur bed. This allows the plants to take advantage of nutrients released during decomposition. Hugelkultur, in its infinite variations, has been developed and practiced by key permaculture proponents such as Sepp Holzer and…
The Ingenious Floating Gardens Of The Aztecs...
(FourStingFarm) When Cortez discovered the Aztec Empire in the year 1519, he found 200,000 people living on an island in the middle of a lake. Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, was the biggest and best-fed city in the world, and this fortress city was completely surrounded by water. To feed their enormous population, the Aztecs ingeniously built chinampas, or floating gardens, to convert the marshy wetlands of Lake Texcoco into arable farmland. These floating gardens were a masterpiece of…
How About 16 Horsepower? | Mother Earth News
Without cheap and abundant foreign petroleum, our way of life would collapse. Discover one blogger’s ideas on how to make our own energy.
How to Build a Raised Garden Bed in 3 Steps
Raising your own food is one of the most rewarding projects you can take on. Whether you start small with a container or two on your porch, build a few raised beds in your yard, or plow a whole field, there is nothing quite like the first bite of something you grew yourself (and subsequent bites aren’t half bad either).
Chinampas Gardens - Midwest Permaculture
Chinampas Gardens - artificial islands created by scooping nutrient-rich lake or pond muck into a woven cage so that crops can be grown in a wet environment
aft depiction of chinampas. from http://www.komoni.mx/la-primera-chinampa/
Wellness With Plants on Twitter
“How Aquaponics works, in a nutshell. #SelfSufficiency #BackyardAquaponics”
Similar to a sieve, the willows allow water to flow through but trap the sediment back. Within a year, these structures can trap up to 10cm of sediment. Over time, this increases as the willows become more established and more sediment can be kept back. After 20 to 30 years, the vegetation will have complete cover and sediment erosion is almost completely stopped.
What is a Permaculture Swale: Irrigate the Easy Way [+ Free Download] | Tenth Acre Farm
A permaculture swale is a technique that captures water for irrigation and slowing runoff. Learn what a swale is and why you might need one in your yard.
Chinampas, the first in Bali, are 100% self-resourced biomaterial structures, realized by our enthusiastic volunteers from all corners of the earth. It’s been a very challenging project, to look at the muddy tangle of weeds that was the swamp and see a flourishing garden, but such is the creative nature of the permaculturist, who believes…
World’s Largest Aquaponics Project, in China’s Third Largest Aquaculture Lake
Tackling Urban Water Runoff in a Sydney Suburb Permaculture Research Institute - Permaculture Forums, Courses, Information & News