Updates on COVID-19 in Tokyo
Last update
This is a provisional translation. Please be aware that there may be mistranslations.
About requests for closing facilities from Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Now, All facilities stopped unsealing Thursday, 18th June.
* Restrictions on events based on number of participants remain.
See this flowchart
新たなモニタリング項目は現在試行中です。 その状況は こちらのリンク をご覧ください。
Status of test positives
- (Note) Excluding the returnees on charter flights or the cruise ship passengers.
- (Note) "serious symptoms" is the number of test positives who need ventilators or medical treatment in the ICU
- (Note) It takes a certain period of time to grasp the number of hospital discharges, and the figures will be updated once confirmed.
- Number of Test positives (Cumulative) 6,399 persons
- Hospitalized 296 persons
- Mild-moderate 287 persons
- Serious symptoms 9 persons
- Receiving treatment at lodging facilities 75 persons
- Recuperating at home 33 persons
- Hospitalization / Medical treatment, etc. 130 persons
- Passed away 325 persons
- “Discharged,etc.” (including recuperation period) 5,540 persons
Changes of Number of newly patients
7/2 as a day(Day-over-day change: +40 persons)
7/2 as a day(Day-over-day change: +40 persons)
- (Note) From the date when the Public Health Center provided the information.
- (Note) Including the examinations at medical institutions
- (Note) Excluding the returnees on charter flights or the cruise ship passengers.
Chart of Changes of Number of newly patients
Item | Value |
(1) Number of people new test positive | 65.3 persons |
(2) Rate of unknown route of infection in newly test positives | 47.5 % |
(3) Ratio of Increased test positives by week | 1.69 |
(4) Number of serious patients | 9 persons |
(5) Number of hospitalized patients | 296 persons |
(6) PCR test positives | 4 % |
(7) Number of calls to the COVID-19 Hotline | 1058 cases |
- (1), (2), (6), (7) are calculated as a 7-day moving average. if the number of (1) is less than 10 people, (2) and (3) shall be reference values.
- (1), (2), and (3) are calculated from the number of test positives reported by the Public Health Center
- Preliminary value; might be modified later
- (6) is not updated on Sundays and national holidays. (7) is not updated on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays
Statistics for 7/2(Day-over-day change: +8.4 persons)
Statistics for 7/2(Day-over-day change: +8.4 persons)
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(1)新規陽性者数
- (Note) From the date when the Public Health Center provided the information.
- (Note) Including the examinations at medical institutions
- (Note) Excluding the returnees on charter flights or the cruise ship passengers.
- (Note) The positive rate here is a 7-day moving average that evens out the day-to-day variation caused by mass infections and other factors, for the purpose of overall trend analysis with line graph(e.g. the positive rate of 7th May is calculated by the average during 1st to 7th May.)
Statistics for 7/2(Day-over-day change: -0.2 %)
Statistics for 7/2(Day-over-day change: -0.2 %)
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(2)新規陽性者における接触歴等不明率
- (Note) New positives for each day (report date) submitted by the public health center, was classified into Unknown or known infection route, etc.
- (Note) The positive rate here is a 7-day moving average that evens out the day-to-day variation caused by mass infections and other factors, for the purpose of overall trend analysis. (e.g. the positive rate of 7th May is calculated by the average during 1st to 7th May.)
- (Note) The graph starts from March 27, from which the breakdown of patients such as close contacts is published
7/2 Statistics for (Day-over-day change: +0.18 )
7/2 Statistics for (Day-over-day change: +0.18 )
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(3)週単位の陽性者増加比
- (Note) The ratio of the number of new positive reports from public health centers over the last week and the number of reports during the previous week.
- (Note) The graph starts from 22th Feb by considering the statistical significance
7/2 Statistics for (Day-over-day change: -1 persons)
7/2 Statistics for (Day-over-day change: -1 persons)
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(4)重症患者数
- (Note) Number of hospitalized patients who need ventilators or medical treatment in the ICU
- (Note) The graph starts from Apr. 27 from which the serious patients are counted as above
7/2 Statistics for (Day-over-day change: +16 persons)
7/2 Statistics for (Day-over-day change: +16 persons)
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(5)入院患者数
- (Note) Hospitalized patients up to May 11 are reference values as they include patients in lodging facilities and at home
- (Note) The graph starts from Mar. 6 from which the number of hospitalized patients is published
Statistics for July 1(Day-over-day change: +0.7 %)
Statistics for July 1(Day-over-day change: +0.7 %)
- Changes in the number of tested people(=Test positive+Test negatives) get on this graph and table.
- Not included; The number of people for Test positive check
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(6)PCR検査の陽性率
- Rate of Test Positives : Moving average of test positive patients /Moving average of Tested people (as test positive + negative cases)
- The positive rate here is a 7-day moving average that evens out the day-to-day variation caused by mass infections and other factors, for the purpose of overall trend analysis. (e.g. the positive rate of 7th May is calculated by the average during 1st to 7th May.)
- Based on the date when the test result is confirmed
- After 7th May, Calculated based on (1) The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health, (2) PCR Center (regional outpatient/inspection center), and (3) medical insurance inspection results. From 10th April to 6th May , (3) is not included and only (1) and (2) are included. Before 9th April, (2) and (3) are not included and only (1) data is included.
- The graph starts from 15th Feb by considering the statistical significance (Although there were newly infected patients each on 24th, 25th, 30th Jan. and 13th Feb, and two newly infected patients on 14th Feb.)
- This is announced as a preliminary value and might be modified as confirmed data later.
Statistics for 7/1(Day-over-day change: +53 cases)
Statistics for 7/1(Day-over-day change: +53 cases)
Chart of 旧モニタリング指標(7)受診相談窓口における相談件数
- (Note) the moving averages for the past 7 days are shown as a line graph for the purpose of leveling these variations and looking at the overall trend. (ex.7th May of the moving average for the day is the average of the actual values from 1st May to 7th May.) Because the daily results fluctuate due to variations in the number of cases depending on the day of the week, etc.
- (Note) The graph starts from 7th Feb, when The Tokyo COVID-19 Consultation Hotline (for Returnees and Potential Contact Persons) was opened.