Parte della mia tesi magistrale e argomento della mia tesina di filologia cinese (traduzione dal cinese classico): una storia dal Samguk Yusa 삼국유사 (三國遺事).
Will #Turkey encourage its allies to march on Sirte & al-Jufra despite the Egyptian threat of intervention & the risk that #Russia will blackmail Turkey in #Syria’s Idlib -
Turkey's engine issue has delayed progress on other domestic defence projects, including the Altay tank, the new-generation TF-X fighter jet and several helicopter models.
This could be bad for Trump. His Benghazi. What he should have figured out from Watergate is the coverup is more dangerous than the act itself.
Heidi Przybyla
“British security officials have confirmed to Sky News that the reports about the plot are true.”
Russia offered Taliban-linked fighters bounties to attack British troops - as senior Tory MP seeks answers…
Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council has not taken any punitive action against the pro-government ATV television station despite the fact that the station has received the highest number of complaints from viewers over the past six months.
La mentalità pazzesca dei liberali italiani che vogliono più privato e meno pubblico ma poi chiedono l'intervento pubblico per finanziare le scuole private.
Per la manifestazione del centrodestra del 4 luglio a Roma, la prefettura ha portato a 4200 il numero massimo di persone consentite.
Giorgia #Meloni dice che è successo dopo che, guarda un po', lei ha alzato la voce