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Lesbian Gay Bi Trans what the rest stands for?
2020-06-25 22:42
Queer, Intersex, Allies
2020-06-25 22:42
A-sexual no?
2020-06-25 22:43
Depends, Asexuality isn't actually a sexuality and asexuals don't face the abuse and discrimination that LGBTQI people have historically and currently face
2020-06-25 22:44
The ones that face discrimination are the ones that try and claim they are the sex they arent, those people should laughed out of town. As for the rest of them they face no more discrimination then everyone else, some people are assholes.
2020-06-25 22:53
No, gays still face discrimination in your country.
2020-06-25 22:53
They do just like pretty everyone does from individuals. "As for the rest of them they face no more discrimination then everyone else, some people are assholes." Direct quote from what i said.
2020-06-25 22:54
Tell me when a straight war hero has their statue being denied due to their heterosexuality
2020-06-25 22:55
Did you see why it wasnt accepted? "But Historic England says the abstract work of 19 steel slabs wouldn’t fit in." Direct quote. Also in the UK there are many Alan Turing statues, in general no one gives a shit if you are gay, i mean im Bi sexual and ive told pretty anyone whos asked or anytime its come up and no one cares.
2020-06-25 22:59
You do know what fit in means in this context right?
2020-06-25 22:59
Yeah the statue doesnt fit the surroundings, im pretty its a listed building, that means its protected, thats statue is an abstract statue, it would not fit in.
2020-06-25 23:00
"‘These could also be considered as public benefits. ‘However, we consider the introduction of an eye catching sculpture in a prominent position within the landscape at King’s would be at odds with the existing character of the College. ‘This would result in harm, of a less than substantial nature, to the significance of the listed buildings and landscape, and by extension the conservation area.’" It doesnt fit how the area looks. They dont exactly suit eachother do they.
2020-06-25 23:02
fair point but there is no other statue for him despite him being a war hero, gays are still discriminated against in the UK
2020-06-25 23:07
Ok some individuals, as i said you will never get rid of assholes, most people face some form discrimination or mistreatment from some people, it doesnt make the country or the nation racist or sexist or homophobic. Thats wrong, there are Alan Turing in the UK, im pretty sure there one in manchester and in Bletchley park.
2020-06-25 23:09
Its also very possible that many of these hate crimes are nonsense, ive seen many people reported for hate crimes merely for stating facts, so that hate crime stat is very dodgy, you need a much more multi varies analysis rather than just a number that simple.
2020-06-25 23:16
Don't bother argueing with that 0x0 dude. He's far gone.
2020-06-25 23:27
Im pretty sure i schooled him anyway.
2020-06-25 23:31
There are still convictions which shows clearly that not all are nonsense.
2020-06-25 23:34
Yeah same as many other "crimes", it should be called a hate crime, it should just come under harassment. I mean the fact that i can get in trouble for stating reality proves that the idea of hate crime is mostly nonsense.
2020-06-25 23:36
They're a hate crime when they are motivated by hatred for protected classes
2020-06-25 23:36
Classes should not be protected, i should be able to say what i want to anyone and how i want about what i want, thats called freedom of speech, the game goes the other way, the idea of crime by words is nonsense. If someone keeps coming after your its just harassment.
2020-06-25 23:38
Hate speech isn't free speech, your freedom ends where my rights begin
2020-06-25 23:39
Where does your right begin, you dont have a right not to be offended, you have a right to stand up for yourself but you dont have right to never be insulted. Governments trying to compel speech is a very bad idea.
2020-06-25 23:41
My right to not have to deal with hate speech.
2020-06-25 23:41
Thats not really a right is it, whats hate speech? Define hate speech, you have to deal with hearing things you dont like, its how democracy works.
2020-06-25 23:44
Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation
2020-06-26 01:07
So what if i say that black people commit a lot of crimes, its true, is that a hate crime, what if i say that a woman is a woman and cant be a man and vice verse is that a that a hate crime. All of that is a violation of freedom of speech, if someone says something you dont like defend yourself and avoid them and dont talk to them. Act like an adult not a child.
2020-06-26 01:38
No, but if you say "Black people commit a lot of crime, and I hate blacks because of it" that's hate speech. >what if i say that a woman is a woman and cant be a man and vice verse is that a that a hate crime. No but if you say you hate someone because of it, it becomes hate speech.
2020-06-26 01:42
Why im well within my right to hate whoever i want for any reason, i may be wrong but thats my right. "No but if you say you hate someone because of it, it becomes hate speech." The same goes for this, you are again violating freedom of speech, also people have been done for the things i said so no you are wrong.
2020-06-26 01:46
You can but you have to keep it to yourself or else it's a crime.
2020-06-26 01:47
Thats not freedom of speech. That you trying to control what people say, that authoritarian.
2020-06-26 01:56
Freedom of speech doesn't exist in any country
2020-06-26 02:31
Law can tell you what you can cannot do within a certain degree there still needs to be some freedom, thats fine, controlling what people say is a fast track to ending up like China.
2020-06-26 02:03
Ill tell you where my rights end, at your body and property, you could also add personal space into that but thats a bit vague. I should be free to say what i want about you and vice versa and bad idea will get killed off by good ones. The funny thing is these hate speech laws allow nonsense like things men can be women to be pushed, it actually spread misinformation.
2020-06-25 23:46
Trans people are valid and real, no matter what pseudo-science you consume
2020-06-26 01:08
They are real people yes, they exist, i never said they didnt. However they are the sex they were born into.
2020-06-26 01:39
Sex =/= gender
2020-06-26 01:41
They have been used interchangeably for a very long time. As for trying to say there are many genders there arent, theres 2, you have more feminine women and men and masculine men and women since people are different because we have different personality but your gender is male or female and that aligns with your sex.
2020-06-26 01:43
They are no longer used interchangeably, definitions change and evolve. Gender isn't sex
2020-06-26 01:44
No, but its tied very heavily, almost 100% infact, you cannot be a women if you are male, you cannot be a male if you a woman. You may have character traits that are more typical of a man or woman but that does not change your gender.
2020-06-26 01:47
You can legally change your gender
2020-06-26 01:48
I dont care, it doesnt make you a women when you are a man or vice versa.
2020-06-26 01:55
Whatever bigoted transphobe
2020-06-26 02:31
Come on, what is hate speech?
2020-06-26 00:03
Hate speech is protected under free speech. As hate is arbitrary, not objective, introducing hate speech legislation would be incredibly idiotic. And yes, this world is incredibly idiotic.
2020-06-26 03:56
No country has free speech, it's not subjective
2020-06-26 05:16
U.S and Estonia have free speech. It is absolutely objective, as the hate speech laws are different between the countries that implement them, if you happen to think that yours is the one that "got it right" then you're being delusional (and quite possibly racist).
2020-06-26 05:27
US doesn't have free speech and I'm pretty sure depictions of the hammer and sickle are banned in Estonia
2020-06-26 07:23
Also false convictions happen so even thats not really proof. Youd have to analyse the cases.
2020-06-25 23:39
I doubt a majority were falsely convicted
2020-06-25 23:41
But you still dont know so thats another argument from ignorance and still not good proof.
2020-06-25 23:43
argumentum ad ignorantiam
2020-06-26 01:13
United Kingdom ClutchNorris 
A guy got convicted for a hate crime here for teaching his dog too nazi salute as a joke and there are many more bullshit cases in the UK of hate crimes that arent even hate crimes
2020-06-25 23:47
Yeah its retarded, you should be able to say and think what you want, you cant put laws against words or thoughts, only actions.
2020-06-25 23:48
You forgot the part where he said "Gas the jews", he did a little more than just teach his pug to nazi salute.
2020-06-26 01:15
Ok he said that, so? He didnt do it and never showed like he was actually going too. Making an inquiry on suspicion based on someones words fine, locking them up or charging them for no actions is moronic.
2020-06-26 02:09
He did far more than teach his dog to nazi salute
2020-06-26 02:30
That's the reason they stated, doesn't mean it's the actual reason why it wasn't build. Turing is one of the biggest British war heroes, he is the father of modern computer science and he killed himself, because right after the war when he wasn't as viable to the british gov. anymore he was forced to go into conversion therapy which lead to his death. Your country owes a great debt to this guy and the fact that he had his statue denied is outrageous. If the design didn't fit, they could have had it redesigned, but no.
2020-06-25 23:02
Yeah and he has other statues, but the statue needs to suit the area or it looks bad. Yeah because the world was a pretty shit place 50 years ago but you have no evidence that statue was turned down because hes gay. No your well within your right to not have a statue of anyone you want, i dont want a statue of anyone in my garden, it doesnt mean i hate them. To claim it wasnt allowed because he was gay is an argument from ignorance.
2020-06-25 23:04
The fact that the Alan Turing memorial was only revealed in 2001 still shows that until recently the guy wasn't appreciated based on his sexuality and I am 100% sure that many people in your country still feel the same way about homosexuals, especially muslim immigrants, but I do not think that that is an issue you can change. But denying that there is discrimination is moronic. In 2018 14902 hate crimes against homosexuals in the UK were reported.
2020-06-25 23:07
From a population of 66 million people, thats 0.022%, thats very low, people are assholes to people all the time, its very normal, to kick up a fuss about it is stupid unless they are violent crimes its just regular shitty human behaviour. You cant prove it was because of his sexuality, you have no evidence for it, thats an argument from ignorance also the UK has had many gay people who were loved by the vast majority of the nation. One man not getting a statue for a while means very little.
2020-06-25 23:12
Also what is a hate crime, as the defintion of hate crime is very stupid, the idea of hate crime is also stupid and gets distorted to the point where you have people just stating the fact that a trans woman is not a woman getting convicted of a hate crime, for stating the obvious truth, its nonsense.
2020-06-25 23:14
Lets be real its also a very shit statue, i mean its nonsense, its some metal blocks, its trash, it required no artistic talent.
2020-06-25 23:07
It is a shit statue tbf
2020-06-25 23:07
To go further, you have these idiots who are trans women so men, claiming they get periods, no they dont, they dont ovaries or a uterus, its medically not possible, its a delusion, its a mental illness, then you then get them trying to claim they are the same as women. You then get ones saying you were always a woman, in that case then why get reassignment surgery. You then get ones who just want to break science just to fit their world views, i see why there people get treated like shit, they are harmful to society. These subset of extreme trans groups are in general harmful and actually do more damage to the ones who have this issue and just want to get on with their life.
2020-06-25 23:21
Can't speak for the UK, but it's very common in eastern Europe and the Southern USA.
2020-06-25 23:08
2020-06-25 23:09
No, im pretty correct actually. When you start trying to undermine established facts to fit your world view, the world will push back and very hard.
2020-06-25 23:26
> As for the rest of them they face no more discrimination then everyone else, some people are assholes. brainwashed and braindead actually
2020-06-25 23:41
Any evidence? Or is it just hot air from you as usual.
2020-06-25 23:47
> As for the rest of them they face no more discrimination then everyone else, some people are assholes.
2020-06-25 23:59
So hot air as usual.
2020-06-26 00:03
??? you claim that discrimination doesn't exist.
2020-06-26 00:16
No more than it does to anyone else. I never said none, i said no more than anyone else. Some reading from time to time would be great for you i think.
2020-06-26 00:21
some people face close to no discrimination, so this changes nothing and is still a braindead statement
2020-06-26 00:44
Evidence? Im white, ive faced discrimination for being white by black people. You can say all you want, you need studies to prove it.
2020-06-26 00:58
cam | 
United States girls 
> asexuals don't face the abuse and discrimination that LGBTQI people have historically and currently face did you not see frankies video about us today
2020-06-25 22:55
No I didn't
2020-06-25 22:56
Brazil Manlai2k 
yikes imagine caring
2020-06-25 22:57
Yikes imagine being a decent human being, typical Bolsonaro voter
2020-06-25 22:58
Brazil Manlai2k 
Classic weeb I dont need to say more than that, rekt you enough XDD
2020-06-25 22:58
I'm Japanese
2020-06-25 22:58
Brazil Manlai2k 
Yeah, you're definitely not a french or spanish 16 year old kid
2020-06-25 23:22
Why those countries? I live in Japan with residency
2020-06-25 23:32
Brazil Manlai2k 
You're just a baiter that stole a leaked account. You're probably friends with that swedish weeb Arboga LUL
2020-06-25 23:34
My steam account is 7 digits, I didn't steal anything, stay jealous loser
2020-06-25 23:38
Brazil Manlai2k 
Yeah haHAA another funny bait, obviously I ment your hltv account, loser. Mad cus you're a bad baiter
2020-06-25 23:41
Yes my hltv account isn't stolen either, my steam account is probably older than you kiddo
2020-06-25 23:41
Brazil Manlai2k 
For sure kid, atleast I got a good laugh out of you, weebs like yourself are always hilarious as you try to defend yourselves
2020-06-26 00:13
You signed up in like 2019, my steam account is from 2003
2020-06-26 01:11
kOS | 
Iran radi_hs 
Japanese then: I'll serve my emperor till I die Japanese now: LGBTQ good, others bad
2020-06-26 07:19
Japan was always pro-lgbtq
2020-06-26 07:22
> Imagine being homophobic in 2020 or thinking all japanese are weebs kill ulself, my man !
2020-06-25 23:11
Brazil Manlai2k 
Wow SO MATURE from non-homophobe XDD
2020-06-25 23:23
it is ace, yes
2020-06-26 04:14
United States Globebuster 
intolerant to not include pedophiles
2020-06-25 22:49
Go away troll
2020-06-25 22:57
Brazil Manlai2k 
You're the troll kid KKKKKKK little mental problems
2020-06-25 22:58
Trying to insinuate pedophilia with the LGBTQIA movement is a troll
2020-06-25 22:58
allu | 
India somecunt 
How? Both are sick
2020-06-25 23:30
LGBTQIA+ are not rapists by default
2020-06-25 23:32
Brazil Manlai2k 
He means mentally ill which is a fact
2020-06-25 23:36
That's not a fact, prove it
2020-06-25 23:37
Prove its a mental illness, easy. They feel something that isnt the case and in most of these cases there is nothing wrong with their body, so its in their minds, hence mental illness.
2020-06-26 00:10
What do Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Intersex people feel?
2020-06-26 01:09
With regard to paedophiles? Well i dont know, you would have to ask enough of them, but i would say that they are in a similar category just that ones action are illegal for obvious reason.
2020-06-26 01:14
What do they feel "that isn't the case"
2020-06-26 01:20
I dont know what they feel, but its pretty irrelevant, the mental function behind why some people are gay and some people are paedophiles is very similar and its a sexual desire outside of the norm. The way you are talking and paedophiles is the same way homosexual where spoken about in the past, now its clear we cant legalise them having sex with children, that would be basically the worse possible outcome, we need to find ways to effectively treat their condition. And only demonise them if they commit the acts that are illegal.
2020-06-26 01:22
Shut up nonce
2020-06-26 01:23
No, you just cant grasp this fact, being a paedophile is not someone fault, being a child rapist or a child molester is. Being a paedophile is not a choice.
2020-06-26 01:24
Fuck off pedo
2020-06-26 01:24
Thank you for confirming what ive known all along, you are clueless and not capable of critical thought.
2020-06-26 01:25
You're defending pedophiles, go jump off a bridge
2020-06-26 01:28
Im defending the ones who haven't committed crimes.
2020-06-26 01:31
>Im defending pedophiles
2020-06-26 01:43
That havent committed crimes as their desires are not their fault.
2020-06-26 01:44
They're still pedophiles
2020-06-26 01:47
Yes they are, but being a paedophile isnt actually crime, raping and molesting children is. It is acting on the interest which constitutes an offence.
2020-06-26 01:51
>Yes they are Should've stopped there
2020-06-26 02:31
United States Globebuster 
2020-06-26 07:16
Fuck off pedo
2020-06-26 07:21
Not all paedophiles are either, paedophilia is a condition where you are sexually attracted to children, much like how homosexual are attracted to the same sex. The difference is one activity is illegal and the other isnt, so paedophiles have a condition that probably makes them feel awful but we cant let them molest and rape children so they best thing you can do is help them with treatment. Let me ask you is someone who is sexually attracted to children but never violates the law a bad person?
2020-06-26 00:14
Of course the incel defends pedophilia
2020-06-26 01:12
Ah so you dont know what you are talking about. Im not defending the actions of molesting, raping or sexually abusing children, i merely stating the function behind there urges are out of their control, demonising someone for something they were born with is awful. Are you in favour of punishing the mentally ill?
2020-06-26 01:15
You're arguing in support of pedophiles
2020-06-26 01:15
Im arguing that they need medical treatment to help them as their condition is not their fault, if they commit any crimes then thats another story, you have to consider both sides. Someone cant help how they are born, their feeling and urges are not a choice.
2020-06-26 01:18
What he difference between the functional reason between why someone is a homosexual and why someone is a paedophile?
2020-06-26 01:17
Kids can't consent you sick fuck
2020-06-26 01:21
I know and thats why paedophiles should not be allowed to have sex with children no one should, it should remain illegal, i never said they should be allowed to, but the reason behind their sexual desire is very similar to homosexuals.
2020-06-26 01:23
What's the difference between heterosexuals and pedophiles???
2020-06-26 01:24
Heterosexual are the norm, Paedophiles and Homosexuals are not the norm, they are both defects lets say or abnormalities that people are born with, id say the paedophilia one is clearly dangerous and the homosexual one isnt, but the fact they are born with it means the way they feel is not their fault, their actions are though. Im not advocating for paedophiles being above the law.
2020-06-26 01:26
>homosexuals are a defect fuck off pedo nazi
2020-06-26 01:28
Of course they are, what is the main goal of every species, to procreate, to make more of us, homosexual are far less likely to do this, its a defect, its not inherently bad and its not wrong either, its perfectly fine, but it is a defect/abnormality.
2020-06-26 01:32
2020-06-26 01:41
Again thank you for confirming to everyone that you are a grade A+ moron.
2020-06-26 01:43
thanks for confirming to everyone you're a pedophile
2020-06-26 01:47
Thats not how that works but ok, nice logic.
2020-06-26 01:48
ok pedo
2020-06-26 02:31
Brazil Manlai2k 
2020-06-25 23:36
Europe jeff69 
2020-06-25 23:32
Yes it is
2020-06-25 23:33
France Efon 
You forgot the + :(
2020-06-25 23:50
flusha | 
Finland ))) 
What does the "+" mean?
2020-06-25 23:01
+ just states that not every part of said community was listed in the abbreviation.
2020-06-25 23:03
flusha | 
Finland ))) 
That's just discrimination!!!!!! It should include everything or just disband
2020-06-25 23:06
Croatia cLutcheR7 
2020-06-26 04:22
Any group that isn't included, for very small minority groups, allies and future groups
2020-06-25 23:31
LGBT is a real thing, the rest is just mental illness
2020-06-25 22:42
theres on amazon "LGBTQIA+ WEEK". i was wtf is that.
2020-06-25 22:43
people are creating sexualities, this is just dumb
2020-06-25 22:44
Switzerland Schwandi 
Trans not a mental illness?
2020-06-25 22:44
2020-06-25 22:45
trans is literally a mental illness
2020-06-25 22:45
transphobia nice
2020-06-25 22:54
2020-06-25 22:54
u called being a trans mental illness which makes you transphobic doesnt it ?
2020-06-25 23:05
Since when is science transphobic? I have nothing against trans people, you can read about it anytime u want, because arguing whether gender dysphoria is a mental disease or not is just hilarious.
2020-06-25 23:29
Europe endless_void 
not just science, psychology backs that the LGBT is a a emotional or scientific disorder. most arguments from the members of the said community would just respond to the tone instead of giving a counterargument. The classic "you do not know how they feel". Nigga facts dont care about your feelings
2020-06-26 04:08
Croatia cLutcheR7 
2020-06-26 04:23
so is being a right winger or religious
2020-06-25 23:11
I don't care about politics at all, but i gotta agree on religion, i can't understand how people can believe in gods or even worse, follow a religion
2020-06-25 23:30
CIS sexiestuser 
ever heard of political and opinion pluralism? not everyone you dont agree with is mentally ill
2020-06-26 01:02
Ignore him hes a complete moron.
2020-06-26 01:05
CIS sexiestuser 
i know, i just need an answer for this exact question
2020-06-26 01:16
yeah, only right wingers and religious people are mentally ill
2020-06-26 01:16
CIS sexiestuser 
for sure, i guess you consider yourself a liberal then yeah?
2020-06-26 01:17
Europe endless_void 
imagine calling religious people retarded when the brand of science atheist use is a theory in itself, yet they preach it like its a truth. im not theistic but people like you are retarded
2020-06-26 04:10
Iceland caverat 
flag checks out
2020-06-25 22:46
2020-06-25 22:47
+1 ngl
2020-06-25 22:48
Australia opzy 
intersex is 100% real, it means you don't have XX or XY chromosomes, which is rare but does happen
2020-06-25 23:30
isnt that a syndrome
2020-06-26 00:07
Yes, that's the only part of LGBTI etc that is considered an illness, but not a mental one
2020-06-26 07:27
L,g,b,t - cool Rest - go seek a therapist
2020-06-25 22:43
You know intersex is a real medical condition right? Who am I kidding right wingers have an average IQ of 80
2020-06-25 22:45
You also need a therapist
2020-06-25 22:46
I think you need a teacher.
2020-06-25 22:47
Europe endless_void 
haha dude u destroyed him
2020-06-26 04:10
ok read the wiki sorry u replied to the dude right before i wrote
2020-06-25 22:50
Greece hekzy 
thinking people that have tiny heterosex genitals, that have no importance or impact on their anatomy, different sexes, is like calling people with 6 fingers different species.
2020-06-25 22:54
He's saying intersex people should seek therapy
2020-06-25 22:55
Greece hekzy 
there is no thing as intersex people, stop differentiating them when they are completely normal, its a very minor alteration and they are either male or female idc what he thinks
2020-06-25 23:17
Intersex people are real, you're going against decades of science and thousands of medical professionals in saying otherwise.
2020-06-25 23:33
Greece hekzy 
they are real, they are not a different sex, a minor alteration shouldnt god damn exclude you like that
2020-06-25 23:49
No one said they were a different sex
2020-06-26 01:08
FUCK ALL OF THAT male and female theres no more than that the world that we living in is so dumb
2020-06-25 22:44
Lithuania Sedge 
yarla yarla habib
2020-06-25 22:45
what ?
2020-06-25 22:46
Lithuania Sedge 
habibt habibt
2020-06-25 22:46
wtf rofl
2020-06-25 22:47
Trans people are validated by science and how about intersex?
2020-06-25 22:46
listen i believe in god/allh and allh said theres only 2 genders so idc what everyone talking about these gays and shit are ill and need to be helped so thats my opinion
2020-06-25 22:53
How does Allah explain intersex people?
2020-06-25 22:55
+1 interested in this
2020-06-25 23:11
allu | 
India somecunt 
Degenerates that should not be given any mercy.
2020-06-25 23:35
flag checks out, please don't talk again, thanks!
2020-06-25 23:37
allu | 
India somecunt 
Why? Lol, I told what allah said about them why were you asking if you are so salty?
2020-06-25 23:38
allah should probably destroy himself, forgot what I replied to :p
2020-06-25 23:39
Asuna | 
United States bxteme 
mashallah 🙏🙏🙏
2020-06-26 01:17
Europe endless_void 
intersex = disorder
2020-06-26 04:12
Anyone born with a variation is a disorder?
2020-06-26 05:15
Europe endless_void 
2020-06-26 05:15
Having more than two genders is a lie just like religion
2020-06-25 22:50
+1 on first you raped the second part though but its okay you can believe whatever you want
2020-06-25 22:55
flag checks out
2020-06-25 23:10
2020-06-25 22:45
2020-06-25 23:23
every motherfucker just be himself, its good. ppl need to stop pushing their nose into other peoples shit.
2020-06-25 22:46
Australia opzy 
+1, why do these people care so much
2020-06-25 23:31
Probably has something to do with being retarded.
2020-06-25 22:47
Brazil GouleS 
in 2025 LGBTQIAZYUKPO+3-19?99?
2020-06-25 22:53
You could search on google instead of asking for a hateful community which is 80% right wing homophobic
2020-06-25 22:51
i see now, but i wanted to see what people think of that.
2020-06-25 22:57
I dont need to ask google, its a simple fact, men cannot be women.
2020-06-26 00:07
The b in lgbt proves theres only 2 genders /close
2020-06-25 22:51
Yugoslavia seeeed 
sex =! gender
2020-06-26 07:26
I hate how society feels the need to categorise everything, including ourselves, and gives everyone stupid fucking labels. It does way more harm than good.
2020-06-25 23:00
kinda true.
2020-06-25 23:07
Well we need to, its very clear why we do since different groups have different wants a needs, it actually allows us to treat these people more accurately to what they require.
2020-06-25 23:59
Germany Alibaba! 
Everything just stands for worldwide retardness.
2020-06-25 23:01
LGBT - Lesbian Gay BISEXUAL Trans Bisexual = likes male and female Gender = "Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity." There are 2 genders. /close
2020-06-25 23:02
2020-06-25 23:10
Belgium SaiC 
2020-06-25 23:16
does anyone even say otherwise on this thread?
2020-06-25 23:16
To me men who act more feminine are just men with a feminine personality, its all personality, your sex and gender are to do with nothing but your genetics, the rest are personality traits.
2020-06-25 23:18
allu | 
India somecunt 
Yeah,Lol take more testestereone rich foods and powder you are all good.
2020-06-25 23:42
2020-06-25 23:16
they all are CLOWNS
2020-06-25 23:17
nEGRo | 
Lithuania inchiss 
2020-06-25 23:33
flag and flair checks out
2020-06-25 23:38
as a pedophile I feel discriminated, we should be included not only in the "+" at the end but as a standalone letter: LGBTQIAP+
2020-06-25 23:41
2020-06-25 23:42
You may actually have a point and im not kidding, if you think about it a paedophile did not chose what he or she has its something they are born with, i dont think it makes them bad people as they cant help it when it comes to the urges they have, they should be helped in some way, clearly they still need to be held to the law.
2020-06-25 23:52
+1 pedos gotta get mental help and many don't because the therapist will just call the cops
2020-06-26 01:19
Of course all the right wingers are pedophiles
2020-06-26 01:23
wtf does this gotta do with right wingers lol
2020-06-26 01:25
Because all the right wingers I argue with who claim homosexuality is a defect/wrong/weird end up defending pedophilia?
2020-06-26 01:28
What’s wrong with being a pedophile
2020-06-26 01:31
Hahaha another one, go back to 4chan pedophile
2020-06-26 01:43
Yugoslavia seeeed 
2020-06-26 07:32
wtf is wrong with these people? i just asked what it stands for and theres 100+ replies already LOL
2020-06-25 23:42
"Grrr, I'm a angry person on the interwebs who for some reason hate lgbtqioa+" UwU
2020-06-26 07:39
wtf is this man whats next huh? LGBTQAIOPYTUNMJHDSZX++++??? im sick of that gay shit
2020-06-25 23:43
Norway FaZe_eZaF 
the "I" is for illness because everyone part of LGBT has a mental illness
2020-06-25 23:44
LGBT hasn't been ruled a mental illness by the WHO for decades, meanwhile videogaming is a mental illness sweaty
2020-06-26 01:22
The same WHO who said that Covid 19 wasnt an issue? Yeah fuck what they say, the fact is there is no physical issues associated with GD, only mental ones and it has a very similar mortality rate and in the same way as many other mental health issues, its a mental disorder.
2020-06-26 02:06
Plenty of other recognised medical orginazations have similar stances on LGBT It isn't a mental disorder
2020-06-26 02:30
Iceland caverat 
2020-06-26 01:50
yeah, but except lesbians :sunglassemoji:
2020-06-26 04:19
useless tag
2020-06-26 01:16
Czech Republic Noxar 
L mentally G ill B people T normalised
2020-06-26 01:46
2020-06-26 02:08
2020-06-26 04:17
2020-06-26 05:16
2020-06-26 05:18
nice one
2020-06-26 05:23
Portugal poliv 
2020-06-26 01:52
Brazil BlueLighting 
today I saw a post of someone saying that she(he) is a woman transgender and lesbian at the same time lmao
2020-06-26 04:15
2020-06-26 04:19
Why can't transgender people be gay/lesbian?
2020-06-26 05:16
Brazil BlueLighting 
because he was born as a man became a woman trans and after that a woman that likes another woman... I mean, why not just be a man that likes woman? Sometimes I think that they just wanna be seen as "exotic" or "special"
2020-06-26 05:24
Because being trans has nothing to do with sexuality?
2020-06-26 07:00
+1 lmao
2020-06-26 07:25
Brunei Not_StriK 
Wait what?
2020-06-26 07:06
She* can be a lesbian and trans....?
2020-06-26 07:26
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!@#$%^&*()-=?/><,.": ^does anyone know the pronouns for these genders?
2020-06-26 04:24
dae attack helicopter XD
2020-06-26 05:16
Yugoslavia seeeed 
Q = queer I = intersex A = Asexual or Ally Also reading a big portion of these comments i get reminded that gaymers and right wingers still have not read/watched anything about LGBT other than uninformed videos by reactionaries that have not been relevant since 2016
2020-06-26 07:31
When add Pedophilia and Zoophilia?
2020-06-26 07:37
China SwooksarV2 
I have no clue
2020-06-26 07:41
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