SCAN 2016
Uppsala University
September 26-29, 2016

Welcome to the 17th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetics and Verified Numerics. 


For information about the scientific programme, please contact: Warwick Tucker

Conference Secretariat

For additional information about the practical details, registration and accommodation, please contact:

Academic Conferences
Tel: +46 18 67 10 03


Scientific committee

G. Alefeld (Karlsruhe, Germany)   
A. Bauer (Ljubljana, Slovenia)  
G.F. Corliss (Milwaukee, USA)  
T. Csendes (Szeged, Hungary)              
R.B. Kearfott (Lafayette, USA)           
V. Kreinovich (El Paso, USA)             
W. Luther (Duisburg, Germany)           
G. Mayer (Rostock, Germany)            
S. Markov (Sofia, Bulgaria)             
J.-M. Muller (Lyon, France)
M. Nakao (Fukuoka, Japan)
T. Ogita (Tokyo, Japan)    
S. Oishi (Waseda, Japan) 
K. Ozaki (Tokyo, Japan)   
M. Plum (Karlsruhe, Germany)
A. Rauh (Rostock, Germany)                  
N. Revol (Lyon, France)                 
J. Rohn (Prague, Czech Republic)       
S. Rump (Hamburg, Germany/Tokyo, Japan)
S. Shary (Novosibirsk, Russia)
W. Tucker (Uppsala, Sweden)           
W. Walter (Dresden, Germany)
J. Wolff von Gudenberg (Wuerzburg, Germany)
N. Yamamoto (Tokyo, Japan)