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[–] 24322790? 0 points 5 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago (edited ago)
Chomsky is a left anarchist, also known as anarcho-communist. He is a commie and an anarchist, which is Karl Marx's original concept. The idea is that the state is only a means to an end, which is the abolition of property and rights, and everyone would just want to live in peace and harmony together. Eventually, the state would just "wither away." The Antifia-type operations are supposedly a "temporary necessity" to get to the idealized goal.
It is insanity, of course, because it is contrary to human nature. But that is what the philosophical Marxists believe. The problem is not so much what they believe the end should be, but that they believe that any amount of violence is justified to achieve those ends ("the ends justifies the means").
He has described himself as a "libertarian socialist," which is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms (like postal service, or a square circle). Such ideas are polar opposites and cannot co-exist in the same concept. He is a propagandist, and his ideas are dangerous to a free society.
[–] 24324365? ago
I wrote the following on Prof. Noam Chomsky a number of years ago, so some of the links may have since gone dead:
The military-industrial complex has certainly been paying "anarchist" Noam Chomsky well.
Concerning Noam Chomsky, he knows which side his bread is buttered on, and he knows who's doing the buttering: the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as a number of other U.S. government agencies, which give a great deal of funding to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT is the number one non-profit Department of Defense contractor in the U.S. For more on that, see:
"MIT research heavily dependent on defense department funding," Daniel J. Glenn, The Tech, Vol. 109, No. 7, February 28, 1989, pg. 5 www-tech.mit.edu/V109/N7/glenn.07o.html
In the below article by Noam Chomsky, Chomsky supports enacting the draft (i.e., what Chomsky calls "a citizen's army"):
"The Draft," Noam Chomsky, ZNet Blogs, December 17, 2004 web.archive.org/web/20060529204325/blogs.zmag.org/ee_links/the_draft
Chomsky is no anarchist, but is instead a thoroughgoing statist. Here's a man who states that the horror, dehumanization, slavery and mass-murder of conscription is a good thing and that it hurts the state!
Indeed, that's why despotic, warmongering governments throughout history have used conscription: because it hurts them! Well, not actually. In actuality it gives the government more power to throw away individuals' lives like they were used toilet paper. It massively increases the usurpations, brutality, and rapine of the government against its own subjects, and devalues human life by making the masses into cannon fodder for the state, to be used and abused as the state sees fit. It's a massive violation of an individual's right to own his own body. But then, if you were trying to sell the so-called "left" on the idea of not fighting against conscription, then one way to do that would be to use supposed "leftist" ideologues like Noam Chomsky and Congressman Charlie Rangel (with his conscription bill, H.R. 163) to promote the fallacious notion that conscription makes it less likely that governments will conduct unjust wars. It's as if Noam Chomsky and Charlie Rangel got the same Department of Defense talking points on how to sell the so-called "left" in the U.S. on the draft.
Hosanna! Enact the draft: that will really show the ruling elite! That will really stick it to them!
It's like Br'er Rabbit telling Br'er Fox, "for the Lord's sake, don't fling me in that briar patch."
And below is a quote of the darling of modern-day socialist "anarchists," Noam Chomsky:
The purpose of shrinking government is so that the sphere of popular decision-making will narrow and more decisions will fall into the hands of the private tyrannies.
"Government" is a kind of interesting term in American political mythology. The government is presented as some enemy that's outside, something coming from outer space. So when the IRS comes to collect your taxes, it's this enemy coming to steal your money. That's driven into your head from infancy, almost.
There's another way of looking at it, which is that the IRS is the instrument by which you and I decide how to spend our resources for schools and roads and so on. Whatever faults the government has, and there are plenty, it's the one institution in which people can, at least in principle and sometimes in fact, make a difference.
So government's shrinking, meaning the public role is shrinking. And business -- that is, unaccountable private power -- has to take its place. That's the dominant ideology. Why should we accept that? Suppose someone said, "Look, you've got to have a king or a slave owner." Should we accept it? I mean, yes, there are much better systems. Democracy would be a better system. And there are a lot of ways for the country to become way more democratic.
From "Who runs America?--Forty minutes with Noam Chomsky," interview by Adrian Zupp, The Boston Phoenix, April 1-8, 1999. bostonphoenix.com/archive/features/99/04/01/NOAM_CHOMSKY.html , www.chomsky.info/interviews/19990401.htm
For the antidote to Prof. Chomsky's bootlicking, government-loving collectivist inanity, see my following articles:
James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , purl.org/redford/physics-of-god , sites.google.com/site/physicotheism/home/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf .
James Redford, "Video of Profs. Frank Tipler and Lawrence Krauss's Debate at Caltech: Can Physics Prove God and Christianity?", Pastebin.com, Apr. 18, 2019, pastebin.com/6bZDc7rB , archive.is/uHEyL , megalodon.jp/2019-0423-0435-52/pastebin.com/6bZDc7rB .
James Redford, "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 4, 2011 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2001), 60 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1337761, archive.org/download/JesusIsAnAnarchist/Redford-Jesus-Is-an-Anarchist.pdf , www.freezepage.com/1560442613QRSDHGPCAM , megalodon.jp/2019-0614-0116-58/archive.org/download/JesusIsAnAnarchist/Redford-Jesus-Is-an-Anarchist.pdf .
James Redford, "Libertarian Anarchism Is Apodictically Correct", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Dec. 15, 2011, 9 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1972733, archive.org/download/LibertarianAnarchismIsApodicticallyCorrect/Redford-Apodictic-Libertarianism.pdf , www.freezepage.com/1560442546UTKUJCKYNM , megalodon.jp/2019-0614-0115-06/archive.org/download/LibertarianAnarchismIsApodicticallyCorrect/Redford-Apodictic-Libertarianism.pdf .
James Redford, "Societal Sadomasochism", Christian Forums, Apr. 19, 2019, archive.is/JPojL , hmegalodon.jp/2020-0325-0427-34/theophysics.freevar.com/christianforums.com-forums-general-political-discussion.450.html , web.archive.org/web/20200324192716/theophysics.freevar.com/christianforums.com-forums-general-political-discussion.450.html , www.freezepage.com/1585078048SAWDZFDONX .
[–] 24322805? ago
I always thought of Chomsky as a fence sitter.
[–] 24324104? ago
He reserves the right to be condescending to anyone and everyone.
[–] 24322804? [S] ago
Thanks for that..
[–] 24322359? 0 points 4 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago
Chomsky's only quote that stuck with me was this one.
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....
Noam Chomsky, The Common Good
[–] 24322366? [S] 0 points 1 point 1 point (+1|-0) ago (edited ago)
Yeah, that's a great one. Very true.
[–] 24323846? 0 points 1 point 1 point (+1|-0) ago
Noam is controlled oppo. He's also a fake. http://mileswmathis.com/chom.pdf
The more I go back and reread Miles Mathis, the more I understand what he's been trying to tell us all along.
And if you go to his writings page at mileswmathis.com -- just scan the hundreds of articles. Marx was Fake, Lenin was fake, Historical figures we revered faked their own deaths. I know, it sounds out there, but we are watching it in real time with the hoaxes.
The C_A has always been about regime change... and what they are attempting in the US is just that. Donald Trump fucked up their little cash cow and threatens to expose all the players once and for all. Time to ramp it up!
Told a Black friend today - you gotta understand. Africa and Mexico are two of the richest resources on the planet. The uber wealthy want all those resources for themselves. They are working to get blacks to kill blacks, mexicans to kill mexicans, and everybody to buy in to a "race war." This ain't about race. This is about Land and Power.
[–] 24322111? 0 points 1 point 1 point (+1|-0) ago
Yeah, Chomsky is good to a point. He has to know, so he does not say because he does not want to. Maybe he fears for his life or he chose evil.
[–] [deleted] 0 points 1 point 1 point (+1|-0) ago (edited ago)
[–] 24322313? ago
No... People have asked him about the Rothschilds, etc. but he is very dismissive of that conspiracy theory. Chomsky thinks that Bush Jr. is an evangelical Christian, too.
Did you see the interview in which Chomsky learns of Gog and Magog?
[–] 24323865? ago
He's a plant. He's C_A. He's no friend of any of the sides except the cabal. He frequently plays stupid, but he is not a stupid man. He has his marching orders and his desired audience. Anyone outside that audience won't hear him anyway. So he can play games, but he's a spook. http://mileswmathis.com/chom.pdf
[–] 24324352? ago
Anyone has a good download link to Fords book?
[–] 24323098? ago (edited ago)
Chompsky doesn't believe 911 was a con job.
[–] 24322643? ago
Spectre at 40:00 marker for deep state ref. - in plane sight; wwg1wga
[–] 24322409? ago
WWG1WGA [AZ] brother