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List of plot devices
From FritzWiki
- A plot device is an element introduced into a story to solely to advance or resolve the plot of the story. In the hands of a skilled writer, the reader or viewer will not notice that the device is a construction of the author; it will seem to follow naturally from the setting or characters in the story. A poorly-written story, on the other hand, may have such awkward or contrived plot devices that the reader has serious trouble maintaining suspension of disbelief.
- Calling an element of a work a 'plot device' is generally derogatory, implying a lack of complexity in the work. Judging something as a plot device is always subjective, and depends on the degree to which the 'item' serves other purposes or is well-integrated into the tale. For example the 'magic item' which the protagonists of a fantasy novel have to find or destroy is often a plot device; however one might hesitate to apply the term to the Ring of The Lord of the Rings, since it also serves many other purposes in the book. (Source: plot device at Wikipedia )
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- Alibi
- Analepsis
- Big dumb object
- The Big Reveal
- Black spot (Treasure Island)
- Bolt-on
- Bolt-on tech
- Boss (video games)
- Broadcast signal intrusion
- Character shield
- Chekhov's boomerang
- Chekhov's gun
- Cliffhanger
- Clue
- Comic book death
- Cross dressing
- Deal with the Devil
- Deathtrap
- Deus ex machina
- Dinosaur
- Discredited witness
- Disguise
- Dream world (plot device)
- Eavesdropping (plot device)
- Ending
- Ending (spoiler)
- Espionage
- Examples of cliffhanger endings (from Wikipedia)
- Failure to communicate
- False death
- False ending
- Fantasy plot device
- Faster than light travel
- Faster-than-light drive
- Flashback
- Flashing arrow
- Forensics
- Foreshadow
- Frame story
- Framing device
- Frying pan into the fire
- Gadget
- Garden of Eden creation kit
- Government warehouse
- Heisenberg compensator
- Intuition
- Late character introduction
- Least likely suspect
- Locked room
- MacGuffin
- Matter transmitter
- Mistaken identity
- Misunderstanding
- Motive
- Murder
- Murder weapon
- Mystery plot device
- Narrative hook
- Opportunity
- Parallel Universe
- Peripeteia
- Plot coupon
- Plot device
- Plot devices in Agatha Christie's novels
- Plot generator
- Plot inversion
- Plot point
- Plot twist
- Predestination paradox
- Principle of evil marksmanship
- Quest
- Quibble (plot device)
- Red herring
- Red shirt
- Robot
- Romance plot device
- Servants and domestics
- Sexual tension
- SF plot device
- Suspect
- Technology failure
- Telepathy
- Teleportation
- Three Laws of Robotics
- Ticking bomb
- Time machine
- Time travel
- Timeline
- Twins
- Twist ending
- Unreliable narrator
- Villain
- Western plot device
- What would you call the trope where awkward plot devices are removed at the end(qm)
- Witness
- World domination
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