Why The Coronavirus Will Soon Vanish Overnight
Remember you read this here in early March. Dr Tim O'Shea.
For those addicted to the everyday Kool-Aid of corporate tabloid media at CNN, Washington Post, NY Times, Yahoo News, etc. you’re in for a big surprise. Last month’s newsletter dealt with the historical context of our newest Boutique Epidemic. This month we’ll cover why this phantasm is being kept alive, in the absence of scientific evidence. And why it’s about to vanish. Don’t have to be much of a fortuneteller to see all the usual signs falling into place:
- The fading of the illness despite desperate attempts by tabloid media to keep it alive.
- The lack of legitimate testing proving patients actually all have the same disease
- The recent funding, which always signals the end of any Boutique Epidemic ($8B) [6]
Last Saturday, 29 Feb, President Trump, Mike Pence, Alex Azar, and Toni Fauci held a press conference, carried live on Fox. [5] If you didn’t watch that show, you’re not really interested in coronavirus. The first thing we learned is that at present there are only 22 cases of the “novel” virus in the entire United States. Let that fact sink in. Out of almost 350 million people.
That was the very first time a major news channel acknowledged that coronavirus wasn’t a very serious disease, because the majority of cases recovered completely in a couple of weeks. Just like the flu. And the cured should then be deducted from the statistics. No one else does that.
Virtually every other story in all media for the past three months anywhere in the world simply piles the cases up, week after week, continuing to add to a growing list, making no allowance for patients that are no longer sick. Which is 99.9% of them.
This has been a brand new media trick with this particular Boutique Epidemic – disregarding the cured. A tipoff to the underlying agenda. Result: it looks as though numbers are increasing out of control and it’s a growing global epidemic.
This deliberately misleading tactic explains why reported numbers for coronavirus are all over the map, depending on the source. The whole tone of that Saturday’s Fox press conference was in stark contrast to everyday news reports on coronavirus, since it all began. Did you notice that? It was night and day.
For once here were some very informed people – heads of HHS, NIH, the President – all saying the same thing – that Americans should go back to work and not worry about it, that the risk in this country was minimal. Seriously, do you even know of one person with coronavirus?
Their mood was the polar opposite of all other media stories. Across the board the four speakers were very measured, calm, and consistent with the facts. [5]. They all agreed that even though there may be more cases appearing, for the most part it’s not a serious threat to public health. Mainly because, except in the cases of the debilitated, it’s no more serious a disease than the flu.
No more serious than the flu? How about this: What if all these new cases really are nothing but the flu? Just the normal seasonal flu. Why not? There's really no solid evidence to support otherwise.
This technique of re-categorization is nothing new. It was used successfully in most of the recent Boutique Epidemics, reported in the February newsletter [8] Oh no, you say this is a brand new virus, a “novel” virus. Really? Prove it.
Coronavirus and its 500 mostly harmless strains have been known for decades. The identification process for “new” COVID (or 2019-nCoV) virus has been ludicrously inconsistent from the very beginning. At every level – federal, state, local. For the first month, the viral strain was not even identified. So anybody who got sick with anything was likely to be included, with no testing at all. By symptoms only. That was to create a news story. There was the preconceived agenda. Then in January, when they finally decided to say it was a new strain that was infecting everybody, that’s when they named it 2019-nCoV, in which n stands for novel, lest anyone forget we’re claiming this is a brand new bug. But then politics took over and somebody decided they didn’t like that name. So voila – COVID. Politics eclipses science.
Now for the bad news. What is the test they claim to use to identify this new bug in a patient? The test is called PCR. This is the classic polymerase chain reaction test, invented in the 80s by Dr Kary Mullis. In 40 years doctors have never come up with any test more accurate than this very flawed, theoretical estimate of microbial activity.
- The test produces loads of false positives, often failing to measure anything at all.
- No one is more critical of the test’s reliability than the inventor himself.
- Dr Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel prize for inventing PCR to detect HIV, [9] explains its limitations—why the PCR is not especially diagnostic, for HIV or for anything else:
“Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron. PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. Although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to HIV.
“The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.” [9]
Can’t identify viruses? Then how do we know all these people have the same disease, let alone the same novel disease? This means that with all these people who have supposedly been PCR tested for COVID, there is still no conclusive diagnostic evidence that they have any coronaviruses at all. Let alone the same virus. According to the inventor of the primary diagnostic test. (Mullis’s testimony about the limits of PCR actually helped acquit OJ. Though Johnny didn’t seem to need much help there, did he?)
PCR is not a test that isolates, identifies, or even detects any particular virus. If you’re sick and have some viral fragments, the PCR test just amplifies those sequences millions of times, from the sample. For the more scientifically minded, here’s a source that’s a review of the literature on the weakness and unreliability of the polymerase chain reaction: [ Regulatory Concern of PCR [2] Yet the PCR test remains the standard that is cited by all corporate media as the means for diagnosing coronavirus all over the world.
A little research shows us that any association with viral disease from PCR is just a theory at best – just an estimate. Nothing like an exact science that says definitively Ebola or HIV virus or coronavirus is present in this patient. Which is what everyday media and everyday science is pretending with coronavirus, pounding it into their undiscriminating readers’ heads, week after week.
But wait. The false science gets much worse than that. There’s no evidence the PCR test is even being used at all!
A few days after the Fox Live press conference, corporate media reported 4 new cases of COVID in the Bay area. This was predicted by the Fox Live conference. But there’s nothing to be worried about – no more serious than the flu.
Then corporate news hysteria ramped up yet another notch, trying to make something out of nothing. Santa Clara County’s scoreboard on its website amplified the seriousness of the four cases beyond all reason. A few days later, it was up to 20 “confirmed” cases, just in Santa Clara County. [3] Confirmed how? They don’t say. Nobody knows.
At the same time another site - the California Dept. of Health - was suddenly claiming 60 cases statewide. [4] That’s 3x as many cases as in the entire country just a few days earlier. How is that possible?
That’s when it hit me. How could one county in California suddenly have 3x as many cases as the entire United States after just a few days? It couldn’t. The answer is: there are simply no standard criteria for counting cases. Plus, there was an agenda across the board to magnify the seriousness of the “epidemic” by making the most provocative, groundless predictions for the near future. [7]. But always with the requisite assurance that “Santa Clara County is doing everything possible to manage and limit the outbreak…” The standard bureaucrat slogan, from sea to shining sea…
So what was going on here? Then I remembered. The $8 billion in funding had just come through Congress. [6]. So that means one thing: every state and federal bureaucrat in the country is now scrambling for his fair share, before the whole illusion evaporates. As it is sure to do, very soon.
Funding – whether it’s for a vaccine, or just the illusion of “control” – funding is always the predictable death knell for every single Boutique Epidemic. [8]
The usual pattern is that media redoubles its efforts at maximum hysteria and grim prediction because they know it’s going to vanish very soon. Which we’re seeing right now, like this lame turkey from Yahoo news: “As the coronavirus spreads, one study predicts that even the best-case scenario is 15 million dead and a $2.4 trillion hit to global GDP.” [7]
For the next few weeks, get ready for more like this from the pre-hominids at the corporate tabloids. This explains the new tone of desperation in media, squeezing every last drop of urgency out of the media event before the Golden Goose flies away. And why more and more masks are appearing on the street and why there are shortages of bottled water, rice, etc., in most Bay Area supermarkets. In the absence of verifiable cases.
Hold on here. What if there is no epidemic, no new COVID disease at all, and no legitimate testing procedure for counting the “infected“? Let’s just make that hypothesis, and then try to disprove it.
I started out with a little experiment. First I called Santa Clara County health department, 408) 992-4900 and after 30 minutes finally got through to someone. I asked if Santa Clara County had any facility where I could refer my patients who had the flu, where they could be tested to rule out coronavirus.The answer was unequivocal - No – Santa Clara County has no testing facility for coronavirus.
My next question was, well all these numbers of coronavirus cases on your website – where are they coming from if you have no testing facility? The representative told me that people had to go to their individual practitioners, at pulmonary clinics, etc. in order to be tested. And then these doctors would voluntarily inform the county so they could add the numbers to the scoreboard. OK, there’s Brush-off #1.
My next question to the County was: what kind of testing are the doctors using at these clinics? Answer: we don’t know. See where this is going, as we start down the bureaucratic rabbit hole?
So my next step was to call local MDs, especially pulmonary specialists in the Bay Area. After calling more than 50 of these offices, the answer was a resounding No – 100% of the time. No, we do not have any test that we can use to rule out coronavirus infection. Try it!
Pretty safe to assume that 50 is a sufficient number of clinics in the Bay Area to determine whether there’s any clinic who offers PCR or any other test for coronavirus. My contention is that there are no practitioners who have such a test and therefore coronavirus screening tests are simply not available in Santa Clara County at all. And therefore we have no idea how many cases there are. Or if there are any at all.
If you then ask the clinic - Do you know anyone who does have the test – guess what they say. Take a guess. They’ll tell you to call the Santa Clara County Dept. of Health – which is who told you to go to the individual clinics in the first place. There’s Brushoff #2. See the game here?
Now why would all the pulmonary specialists in one of the most densely populated sections of the country have no interest whatsoever in screening people for a respiratory disease being hawked by all media as the most dangerous epidemic threat we’ve ever seen…? Some specialists! Obviously they’re not taking it very seriously – not much faith in its virulence. Think about it - if this epidemic were real, would all these doctors ignore an entire market, this huge?
So a perfectly valid hypothesis might be this: The County’s online scoreboard is fraudulent. There are no cases at all. These reported cases of so-called COVID are nonexistent because there is no available testing procedure in all of the Bay Area that can diagnose the disease – in an area with 5 million people.
And even if there were, the standard test cited in any medical reference for COVID is the RT-PCR test, for which we have seen above the evidence of its inherent inaccuracy and lack of scientific reliability.
By extrapolation then, it is fairly reasonable to say that the trickery and deception we see at work in one of the richest, most populous communities in the US is no different from what is going on everywhere else across the nation. Looks like it’s all being orchestrated via the same corporate media stories.
What we’ve seen in the past few months may be nothing more than the standard re-categorization technique, traditionally used to conjure up new Boutique Epidemics, in the absence of any truly novel disease. [8] In every community, in very state, let’s take a look at the annual numbers of people who got the flu, for the past 3 years. Guess what you’ll find. No difference at all this year.
So what was this all about – what was the objective from the outset? The $8.3 billion pork barrel for local, state and federal employees to squabble over. With media’s increasing stranglehold and censorship of opposing information now in place, this particular Boutique Epidemic got a little carried away and had an excessive effect on the stock market, travel, and international trade.
But all that will soon normalize, as the phantom reluctantly leaves the opera, now that there’s no more incentive for the show to go on. So stop worrying about it, buy your stocks back, and go about your business. It's all over but the shouting. With no more money - nothing to shout about.
What’s next? Look for another Boutique Epidemic coming soon to your town, probably next year. They’re now an annual event. Like Groundhog Day.
1 National Library of Medicine Questioning the HIV-AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent
Front Public Health. 2014; 2: 154. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172096/
2. Hu, Y Regulatory Concern of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Carryover Contamination
3.Santa Clara County Alerts – Coronavirus
4. California Dept of Public Health - Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
5. FoxNews Live 29 Feb 2020 -- News Alert press conference – The White House
6.Trump signs $8.3B coronavirus spending bill – Fox 6 Mar 2020
7. As the coronavirus spreads, … best-case scenario is 15 million dead and a $2.4 trillion hit to global GDP Yahoo news5 Mar 2020
8. February Newsletter https://thedoctorwithin.com/blog/2020/02/10/newsletter-february-2020/
9. Kary B. Mullis: Nobel Prize - https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1993/mullis/facts/
Dr Tim O'Shea www.thedoctorwithin.com