
I can’t believe the remarkable, rapid, and nearly pain-free experience I’ve had in the last 30 days.

Dear Dr. Raterman, What can I say but ‘WOW’! I am so grateful for the hip-resurfacing magic you performed on me just a month ago. Honestly -I can’t believe the remarkable, rapid, and nearly pain-free experience I’ve had in the last 30 days. The following things are all TRUE:

1) The surgical experience was fantastic- the team you assembled was stellar in every respect; courteous, compassionate and highly skilled. The anesthesia portion of the surgery was my biggest concern going in and yet it was an absolutely flawless experience. The nursing staff kept me quite comfortable and highly entertained. I am sad that my other hip does not require renovations…

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I felt that this was a practice that cared about people, not just “patient number xyz123.”

Wow, where to begin. I am a 60 year old survivor of Polio, who, because of life experiences, had a distrust of doctors. I have dealt with degenerative joint disease for years. As such, I have also dealt with ever increasing limitations that came with the situation. I was blessed by having a pro-active primary care doctor, Dr. T. Kotak, who told me that it was her job to find a doctor she felt would be best to handle my care. She led me to you, and I was blessed again.

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I am now walking anywhere from a half a mile to a mile each day and am starting to add some steps to my regimen.

Dear Dr. Raterman, I wanted to send you a note to tell you how delighted I am to be walking again without pain. I am 86 years old and last year in January and August you replaced my hips. I was very apprehensive as I didn’t know what to expect and was afraid the results of the surgeries would not meet my expectations. Before the surgeries, I was limping and in pain every step. I moved to University Village with the thoughts that I may not be able to even limp in the future. I could hardly get to the dining room because of the pain. I came to see you because my knee was hurting so badly. You told me my knee was fine and my hips were a mess. I am now walking anywhere from a half a mile to a mile each day and am starting to add some steps to my regimen. I cannot tell you how much that impacts my lifestyle. Before, I was afraid to do anything that required any walking. Now I know that I don’t have to curtail my activities because of pain. Thank you and your staff for your expertise, courtesy and comfort in doing your job. If I can ever assure any of your patients in any way that the surgery is worth the results, please feel free to call on me. Thanks again to all who helped me.

Evangeline B.

I’m happy to report that today I hike, ride my bicycle, and play tennis 3-4 times per week

Dr. Raterman performed hip replacement surgery for me in May 2012. Prior to my surgery, I had difficulty standing up straight and couldn’t walk without a limp. I am a 67 year old retiree and I was playing tennis 2-3 times per week, although I moved with difficulty and with considerable pain. My local orthopaedic physician advised that with my osteoarthritis I was a good candidate for hip resurfacing, which he did not perform. After doing internet searches and speaking with a local patient of his, I made an appointment with Dr. Raterman. Soon after surgery I began my rehab including an exercise program of walking and bicycling, then resumed playing tennis after four months. I have experienced zero pain and no complications, and I’m happy to report that today I hike, ride my bicycle, and play tennis 3-4 times per week, covering the court better than e ver. Best of all, someone even told me I look younger. If I ever need to have my other hip treated, my first call will be to Dr. Raterman.

Tom C.

I am 74. Never could I have imagined the surgery would be so easy and recovery so fast.

I received a total hip replacement from Dr. Raterman 6 months ago — my first surgery ever, and I am 74. Never could I have imagined the surgery would be so easy and recovery so fast. Don’t remember any pain at all. Within 9 days I was walking without a cane and doing extremely well with therapy. Dr. commanded a lot of walking, and I walked every day. 10 days later I was driving and could be completely independent again. My new hip feels like my own in every way; I am now able to swim and do aerobics and yoga again.

Patricia B.

Dr Raterman… Thank you. You and your support team are terrific.

Over 8 years ago my Rheumatologist (Dr A Torres) advised that my hips were in bad shape, one was bone on bone and the other not far off. I finally gave in and had a very successful hip replacement. I managed to wait another 4 1/2 years before having the other hip done and since my previous Dr had left the area I found Dr Raterman who came highly recommended. So, 3 years ago Dr Raterman replaced that second hip with even better and speedier results. Less than 6 weeks and I was on the run with no hip pain.

Having both Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis it was a matter of time before the knees brought me back to Dr Raterman. Again, a replacement was the only help fo my problem with the left knee. Dr Raterman’s team tried everything to hold it off this past winter but being bone-on-bone and having bone spurs too, it was finally necessary to make that decision…

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Dr. Raterman has given back her life due to this hip replacement surgery

My mother was suffering from terrible hip pain. In January of 2011, she underwent hip replacement surgery, performed by Dr. Raterman and a few weeks later, this 81 year old returned to work where she stands on her legs 8 plus hours a day! It was amazing how quickly she recovered and over a year later is doing exceptionally well and is pain free. Dr. Raterman has given back her life due to this hip replacement surgery and we are grateful to him and his staff for the care she received under his guidance. For those individuals who are in pain daily due to a hip issue, I would tell you with no hesitation to seek Dr. Raterman’s advice and pursue the surgery in order to change your life for the better.

John M.

Dr Raterman has given me the ability to do anything I want!

I was playing professional hockey and was near the end of my carrer. I was restricted in my training and had constant pain. I also walked with a very bad limp and was getting injections every 3 months to continue the game I loved but also just to be able to walk around and do the everyday things that we all injoy in life. As luck would have it Dr Raterman was at one of our games in 2007. Our trainer talked to Dr Raterman and told him my situation and he saw me and right away he knew what I needed. I went through 4 years of pain and not knowing what my quality of life after hockey would be like because of this injury. Well 6 weeks after my surgery I was running and doing work outs that I was not able to do before the surgery. I was now walking for the first time in many years with out pain or the limp. I skated with my team after 5 months post and if we wer e going to make the play offs Dr Raterman and his support team had me ready to play. It has been 5 years since my surgery and I feel fantastic. I run almost every day of the week. I am very hard on my body as I also play a high level of squash with out any pain or discomfort as nothing holds me back anymore.I am now Director of Player Development with a NHL team and I am able to be on the ice and participate in practices with them if and when needed. Dr Raterman has given me the ability to do anything I want!!!

Thank you Dr Raterman. Tim T.


A message from patient Richard J.:

I work as an actuarial consultant, advising companies on risk management and individuals on financial needs analysis. Actuaries are specialists in mathematics and insurance. A nice easy desk job that leaves me primed for action after the work day. I live in Valrico, and have two sons, Brian, 24 and Patrick, 22, both college students.

The head of rehabilitation released me from the hospital within 24 hours of the surgery

My introduction to being Old Folks started about four years ago, when I found my daily runs were no longer fun, owing to a limp brought on by degenerative arthritis in my right hip, and who knows what other sins. I have been a passionate, though not an elite, athlete my entire life. At age 66 now, it’s no surprise that I should hit a detour in my oblivious pursuit of perpetual youth.

After many months of first denial, next blind-alley searches for solutions, then acceptance that the hip was worn out, the solution finally emerged. Two years ago, I had the right hip fixed at last, in Wisconsin. Then ten months ago, I had the left hip fixed as well, by Dr. Raterman—I now pack Hopalong Cassidy iron, BILATERALLY. Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, twice.

My rehabilitation for the first surgery went well, and at the six month mark post-surgery, just as I was returning full bore to my athletic passions, I realized my left hip was now worn down and turning snaggly. By then living in Florida, I found Dr. Raterman online through the bible of hip resurfacing, www.surfacehippyinfo.com. The doctor took an x-ray and concluded the left hip, too, needed to be resurfaced. This time the rehabilitation was astonishingly rapid, even compared to the first surgery on the right hip:

  • The head of rehabilitation released me from the hospital within 24 hours of the surgery
  • I required no pain medications after the first day of leaving the hospital. I tossed them after a week at home
  • I was able to drive my car locally the second day home. It was a blessing that the left leg is unnecessary for braking and accelerating. Not what any doctor would recommend, driving so soon, but I knew how I felt, and was clear of pain meds
  • For the past two years, I’ve been back at all my passions, running daily, lifting weights twice a week and dancing.
The combination of the now restored hip joints and a lifetime of dedication to the sporting life allow me to continue defying the advancing years and hold onto my vanity. Let’s hope my Karma stays good.
Dear Dr. Raterman, Last August at my six month hip replacement follow-up you asked what I could not do that I wanted to do, and I said, “Weed my garden.”
I am a happier person not being restrained with hip pain
There is more to the story; here is what I can do – simple, yet important daily activities that are essential to my job, and part of everyday life: I can walk the long church aisle without holding on to another pastor’s arm. I can walk up and down the steps unassisted. I can walk as fast as a nurse during my hospital visits. I can bend over and lean in to listen to seated people. I can sit, stand, and walk for longer periods of time. I can walk for exercise with my neighbor. Best of all, I am a happier person not being restrained with hip pain. Two weeks ago I dropped my car off to the mechanic and walked the 1.5 miles home. I was stiff, but I’ll take stiff over pain any day. You have my utmost appreciation for a surgery that proves its sucess every day! With Sincere Gratitude, Peggy A. W.
THANK YOU DR. RATERMAN! A true master of his art.
Doctor Raterman did a fantastic job on my hip. I underwent a hip resurface after osteoarthritis nearly crippled me. Four weeks after the surgery I had ZERO pain and will soon be able to resume all of my favorite sports including basketball, tennis, golf, and fencing. THANK YOU DR. RATERMAN! A true master of his art. Sincerely, George E.
Dr. Raterman & Staff,
Thank you so much for the great job
Thank you so much for the great job you did on my hip. It is so great having no pain and dancing 2 weeks after surgery! I’m really enjoying getting back to my active life style. Thanks Again!!! Samantha S.
Dear Dr. Raterman,
Thank you very much
This is my fifth anniversary of having hip resurface with you. I continue to do well. I work out in karate, Jujutsu, weights and a little basketball. I recommend you to all. Thank you very much for what you did for me and all you do. Sincerely, Daniel T.
Dr. Raterman, I just wanted to take a second to really express to you house thankful I am for all you have done for me. My life has been full of obstacles and challenges, but I’m blessed to have been given the strength, support, and opportunities to follow any dreams I could want. Obviously, I am thankful for your surgical skill and talent, but more than that I am eternally thankful that you were willing to give me the chance at a life made so much easier because of you. I will never forget all you’ve done. Thank you! Sincerely, Shelly S.
Dr. Raterman,
I want to thank you for giving my life back!
I want to thank you for giving my life back! By the time I was diagnosed with bone-on-bone arthritis of both hips in Dec. 2009 (discover when I was getting x-rays prior to lower back surgery), I was barely able to walk to the end of the driveway. Since I’m fairly young (57), I began researching resurfacing as an option to total hip replacement, and found you as one of the top doctors on the Surface Hippy (hip resurfacing) website. I called your Tampa office and was given an appointment several weeks later. At my first appointment on January 29, 2010, I was so impressed with the smoothness of your new patient process. The ortho tech took my history, handed me off to get x-rays done, and then your fantastic nurse practitioner, Marlena, can in to do an exam and explained the resurfacing process in great detail. After she had answered all my questions, you came in to review everything with me and discuss the surgery. You seemed to think I would be a good candidate for resurfacing, so we decided to start with the right hip and do the left one 6-8 weeks later if everything went well.

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Dr. Raterman,
I still have exercises to do for a while, but I have about resumed my normal, active life.
I am a 62 year old male who has been athletically active all my life. I am a weekend warrior, and not very good at my chosen activities, but over many years I have enjoyed bicycling, rowing, weight lifting, and years ago a fair amount of handball and racquetball. All of these sports, along with inherited arthritis, ruined my right hip joint. Most of us know people who have had the traditional hip replacement surgery, and have heard the horror stories of the long recuperation period afterwards. Knowing this, I went on the internet looking for alternatives. It was not in vain; I found what I was looking for. There is a lot on the internet about the BHR (Birmingham Hip Resurfacing), a new procedure for the United States, but with a ten year history overseas. I learned all I could about is, researched who the doctors are in the area that do it, and picked Dr. Raterman, of the Florida Medical Clinic. (He is also Chief of staff at the University Community Hospital in Tampa).

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Dr. Raterman,
Although nobody hopes to see an orthopedist, if it becomes necessary, I will be returning to Dr. Raterman and his team at Florida Medical Clinic to put me back together.
It’s hard to imagine a water sport being hard on the body, but falling 12 feet at 30 MPH with a wakeboard strapped to your feet is not what knees are made for. During the Professional Wakeboarding Tour in 1996, I had the unfortunate experience of tearing the ACL and meniscus in my right knee. I relied on Dr. Raterman for treatment. I appreciated that he understood abstinence from extreme sports for a 23 year old risk taker was not realistic, so he helped me to evaluate the risks and dangers of activity on my injured knee so I could make my own informed choices. Dr. Raterman repaired my knee and I was back on the Pro Tour the following year.

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Dr. Raterman & Staff,
My knee surgery was a success!
That was so nice of all of you. Just to let you all know my knee surgery was a success and you made my surgery a nice experience and made me feel at ease for all your help. You’re all a great bunch of ladies and you made my day with all your smiles and personalities. Thanks doc! Clark S.
Dr. Raterman,
I was walking with no cast or boot within four weeks.
Thank you very much for the success stories I have with your surgeries. I have been to see you for severe ankle pain, which was caused by debris within the bones. You cleared it up and I was walking with no cast or boot within four weeks. Which this ankle was diagnosed 3 different ways by three other physicians. Next, my occupation as a legal secretary has taken its toll. For several years I have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both of my wrists. I went through therapy for years and nothing was stopping the numbness and pain anymore. I came back to you and again have had two successful surgeries where I was back to full speed typing within 4 days. I have nothing but trust in your ability to perform an outstanding surgery every time. Thank you for everything you and your staff have done for me. Your name will be on my recommendation list to all I know. Sincerely, Laurie M.