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A Saving Science: Capturing the Heavens in Carolingian ...
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Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver - 2016
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151 The satyr form of Sagittarius in Drogo's copy of the Handbook of 809 vied with the more ancient representational form of the constellation as a centaur. This relatively innovative break with other pictorial cycles containing Carolingian star ...Giants, Monsters, and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, ...
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Carol Rose - 2001
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... accidentally killed, Zeus/Jupiter, the king of the gods, set the Centaur in the heavens as the constellation Sagittarius. ... Ichthyocentaur, Kimprushas, Kinnara, mermaid, Monocentaur, Nessus, Onocentaur, Pholus, Sagittarius, Satyr, Sileni, ...Psychological Astrology and the Twelve House - Page 108
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Noel Eastwood - 2015
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Some versions of the ancient Greek myth of Sagittarius, however, mention CrotusIllustrating the Phaenomena: Celestial Cartography in ... - Page 228
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Elly Dekker - 2013
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Piscis Austrinus swims east- wards, with its mouth connected to the stream of Aquarius and its back turned to the north. Sagitta is an arrow in the feet of Aquila, pointing eastwards. Sagittarius is drawn as a satyr, holding a bow with his left hand ...Backyard Guide to the Night Sky
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Howard Schneider - 2009
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Others claim that Sagittarius is a satyr , a two - legged descendant of the Greek god Pan . Trifid Nebula . . . CHAPTER 8 : Constellations SKYFACT Tea is popular in Arab cultures today , but the ancient Arab astronomers did not associate ...Art in the Medieval West and Its Contacts with Byzantium - Page 234
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Kurt Weitzmann - 1982 - Snippet view
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... reminiscence of a satyr . It must be remembered that the Sagittarius is depicted in astronomical manuscripts not only as a centaur but in quite number of instances also as a satyr , as witnessed by the miniature of the codex Matritensis ( fig .Sagittarius: November 23-December 21
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Julia Parker - 1992 - Snippet view
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Ancient Creeee and Rome In ancient Greece, Sagittarius seems to have been a satyr: in particular, one called Crotus, who lived on Mount Helicon with his foster sisters, the Muses. The satyrs were attendants of the god Dionysus; they had ...Lost Stars: Lost, Missing, and Troublesome Stars from the ... - Page 268
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Morton Wagman - 2003 - Snippet view
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Sgr. Archer. Sagittarius (Figure 67) is a Ptolemaic constellation that Bayer lettered from Alpha to Omega and from A to h. ... They believed that Sagittarius represented the satyr Crotus, who was reputed to have invented archery. See van der ...The Greek Satyr Play - Page 206
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Dana Ferrin Sutton - 1980 - Snippet view
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5 Sn. would seem to attest a satyric Crotus about the tranlation of the centaur Crotus into the constellation Sagittarius. Cf. Guggsiberg, op. cit. 143. (p. 88): A satyric Marsyas, about a contest in flute-playing between the satyr Marsyas and ...The Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages
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Janetta Rebold Benton - 1992 - Snippet view
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Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23-79) notes in his bJaturalis Historia (Natural History, VII, 2) that satyrs are greatly attracted to women and wine. As lustful and ... York, MS. MM. Sainte-Madeleine in Vezelay with the satyr Sagittarius at Amiens Cathedral.