If you're resigned to watching "The Sopranos" season opener Sunday with closed captioning, you're not alone. The hit HBO show's marble-mouthed Jersey diction is challenging. Here's a glossary of some of the paesan prose you can expect to hear.
Goomar (also gooma or comar): Can mean "godmother," but in "Soprano"-speak is most often used to denote a mistress.
Goombah: Linguistically, the male version of goomar. But it almost always refers to an older friend or associate who acts in the role of protector or mentor.
Gavone: Also cafone, which translates as "boor." This country-bumpkin designation usually implies crude manners. Correct usage: "Don't be a gavone and eat all the cannoli."
Oobatz: Look hard and you'll see pazzo, the Italian word for "crazy."
Shfooyadell: A cheerful mangling of sfogliatella, a pastry filled with candied citron and ricotta.
Skeeve: Derived from the noun schifo, meaning a general sense of disgust or repugnance. Correct usage: "I skeeve shfooyadell."
Stugots: Tony's boat. HBO's online "Sopranos" glossary translates this as "testicles," but we are quite sure it refers to another piece of anatomy in the same vicinity.