The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China is an international cross-party group of legislators working towards reform on how democratic countries approach China.
It is made up of global legislators and led by a group of co-chairs, who are senior politicians drawn from a representative cross-section of the world’s major political parties.
Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China subscribe to the following principles:
- Democratic states must maintain the integrity of their political systems, and actively seek to preserve a marketplace of ideas free from distortion.
- A free, open, and rules-based international order that supports human dignity is created and maintained through intention. The persistence of such an order requires like-minded countries to participate actively in its governance and enforcement.
What We Do
IPAC’s mission is to foster deeper collaboration between like-minded legislators. Its principal work is to monitor relevant developments, to assist legislators to construct appropriate and coordinated responses, and to help craft a proactive and strategic approach on issues related to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It’s activities fall into five broad areas:
Safeguarding international rules-based order
The People’s Republic of China must be held to the standards of the international legal order, which itself must be protected from distortion.
Upholding human rights
Relations between states and the PRC must give due prominence to universal human rights.
Promoting trade fairness
The PRC must be held to the standards of the rules-based order, especially those as set out by the World Trade Organisation.
Strengthening security
Democracies must develop complementary security strategies to address challenges presented by the PRC.
Protecting national integrity
The PRC must not be permitted to compromise the sovereignty or institutions of any developed or emerging markets through lending, investment, or by any other means.
Andrew Hastie MPAUS / Lib Senator Kimberley Kitching AUS / Lab Hon. Irwin Cotler CAN / Lib Garnett Genuis MPCAN / Con Pavel Fischer MPCZE / Ind Jan Lipavský MPCZE / Pir Reinhard Bütikofer MEPEP / Alliance 90 / The Greens Miriam Lexmann MEPEP / EPP Margarete Bause MdBGER / Green Michael Brand MdBGER / CDU Rep. Gen Nakatani JP / LDP Rep. Shiori Yamao JP / IND Mantas Adomėnas MPLTU / Con Dovilė Šakalienė MPLTU / SD Arne Weverling MPNED / VVD Martijn van Helvert MPNED / CDA Trine Skei Grande NOR / Lib Michael Tetzschner NOR / Con Elisabet Lann SWE / CD Fredrik Malm MPSWE / Lib Baroness Helena Kennedy UK / Lab Sir Iain Duncan Smith MPUK / Con Senator Bob Menendez USA / Dem Senator Marco Rubio USA / Rep
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Join IPAC (legislators only)
If you are a legislator and would like to sign up to our Statement and join the Alliance, please contact us here.