Special skill hide and seek? How to find bed bugs
Four measures to prevent bites.

Special skill hide and seek? 4 ways to find bed bugs and avoid bites.

If I get up on a trip, a business trip, or sleeping in a room where I study abroad, there are red bumps around my limbs and neck and itching ... Do you have such experience? During the day, it lurks in the gap between the bed and the wall, comes out at night and performs blood sucking activities, bed bugs It may be the work of. Accompanying an increase in inbound bed bugs Beware of intrusions.

bed bugs What kind of insects and what kind of damage do they have? Ecology is explained with images (with photos)! bed bugs We will introduce the causes of the outbreak, preventive measures, and removal methods that can be easily done by yourself.

Why was the name Bed Bug named?
Bed bugs that once reduced the number, powered up and returned.

There is also an alias "Nanbuushi" bed bugs But they are not Chinese insects. It is said that the name bedbug is not appropriate because it is not related to China or Nanjing, bed bugs Is said to have been named. However, bed bugs Occurs on the floor Lice ... but not. As the name says "floor (toko)", it is often stabbed when sleeping on a bed or futon. Lice " Stink bug "Fellow. Stink bug It doesn't give off as strong an odor as the stink bug bed bugs It is a slightly mysterious insect that smells unique when crushed. By the way, Stink bug Loves bright places, but bed bugs are not good at bright places, and are hidden in gaps such as beds, walls, and floors during the day.

Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects belonging to the order Stinkbug Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects belonging to the order Stinkbug

In Japan bed bugs Came during the Edo period. After World War II, it was almost completely eliminated from Japan once by powerful insecticides. Did you know that it has recently become a problem in hotels and inns in urban areas? It seems that bed bugs (super bed bugs) with drug resistance intruded into suitcases and baggage of travelers from overseas, and stayed in Japan and bred. In Japan, it is found in a wide area from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and it is a global pest that spreads not only in Asia but also in the United States and Europe, bed bugs . It is called Bed Bug in English. When I went to the Pest Control corner of an overseas shop, bed bugs You may be surprised at the variety of pesticides.

Be careful of bed bugs in the gap between the casters Be careful of bed bugs in the gap between the casters

Bed bugs resistant to hunger and cold.
There are many spawns per animal, and the fertility is amazing!

Some individuals are about 8mm in size, but general bed bugs Is about 4.5-5mm long. Often mistaken Mites Unlike the size, it can be checked with the naked eye. The head is small, has compound eyes behind the antennae, and becomes an adult at the age of five. Larvae and adults have similar body shapes, and the body color is brown.

Has a long mouthpiece bed bugs The main source of nutrients is human blood. In addition, it sucks blood from rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and birds. It usually has a flat body with no thickness, but it is characterized by a slight bulging when it becomes full. bed bugs Larva ingests blood about 3 to 5 times its body weight. Adults also grow about 2 mm in length after sucking blood. More than 3 times Tick It may not have as much impact, bed bugs The blood sucking amount is also quite good.

Mouthpieces of bed bugs Photo courtesy of the Environmental Biology Department of the Japan Environmental Health Center
Bed Bug Mouth
Photo courtesy of: Department of Environmental Biology, Japan Environmental Health Center
Bed Bug adult (body length about 4.5-5mm)
Bed bug adult
(About 4.5-5mm long)
Bed bugs feeding on blood (escape as soon as you become full)
Bed bugs sucking blood
(Run away as soon as you are full)

bed bugs Adults lay 3 to 6 eggs a day, and the number of eggs laid in their lives ranges from 200 to 500. Because of the large number of eggs laid and the great reproductive power, it is one of the pests that you want to avoid accidentally bringing home. Surprisingly, it is possible to survive for 2-3 months without blood-sucking! Also, I prefer a warm place of about 25 ° C, but it is so resistant to cold that there are reports that lived at 0 ° C for 6 months and at 10 ° C for almost 2 years. bed bugs The main outbreak is from June to September, but it can live all year round in Japan, where heating is well developed, and is common in winter.

Bed bug eggs (approximately 1 mm) Photo courtesy of: Environmental Biology Department, Japan Environmental Health Center
Bed bug eggs (about 1 mm)
Photo courtesy of: Department of Environmental Biology, Japan Environmental Health Center

Sometimes they take them home without noticing them from accommodations and restaurants, which in turn triggers breeding in ordinary households. It is important not to let them in, bed bugs If damage occurs, what kind of damage is there and what measures should I take?

Is there anyone who is bitchy by a bed bug?
How to distinguish from tick damage?

bed bugs It is mainly nighttime to be stabbed. The areas that are most likely to be targeted are those that are exposed from clothing worn at bedtime, such as arms, legs, and neck. It is often said that there are two piercing holes, but there can be one or two. bed bugs A reddish rash is formed when the stab is pierced, but the first stab does not cause itching because there is no allergic reaction. Symptoms vary from person to person. Some people find that itching is so severe that they can't sleep and blood oozes. Occasionally, symptoms such as fever may appear. If you have severe symptoms, you may want to seek treatment, which will make it harder for insect bites to remain.

Symptom photograph when a bed bug bites
Symptom photograph when a bed bug bites

If you are stuck at bedtime and have itchy skin, Mites By or bed bugs It may be due to some people. Mites Is a size that cannot be confirmed with the naked eye, so if you find an insect of a size that can be recognized by the naked eye, Mites It seems to be an insect other than. Bed bugs that move quickly and are good at hide and seek, but since most of the sucked blood comes out as dung, dirt marks of red dung mixed with blood come near the hiding place. If you find dirt like the picture, bed bugs It may be the work of. Check the ceiling, walls and curtains for stains such as stains of about 2mm.

Bed Bug Damage Photo (Reddish humming with blood stains)
Bed Bug Damage Photo
(It gets dirty with reddish humming with blood.)

4 measures you want to try if you do not want to be bitten by bed bugs.

1​ ​Check the gap when you arrive at the hotel while traveling or traveling

Don't let your guard down even at high-grade hotels. For gaps such as beds, floors and walls bed bugs Let's make sure that there are no lurking or that there are no shells. At the same time, check that there are no dark spots. If there are traces, you may want to ask if you can change the room.

Two​ ​Get rid of bed bugs with a special pesticide

Depending on the area, bed bugs Special pesticides are also available overseas. If you are going to stay in a hotel for a long time, it is convenient to prepare one pesticide so that you do not have to spend unexpected time while traveling. In addition, we recommend that you prepare the same as overseas studying homes and homestays as they report damage.

Three​ ​Sleep with electricity on

If you can't buy the medicine right away, it's recommended to leave the light on at bedtime and put on an eye mask when you go to bed because it's hard to get stabbed. I'm not good at bright places bed bugs Basically does not come out if the electricity is turned on. bed bugs Although hungry is not a reliable method of stinging in bright places, it can reduce the risk of being stung.

Four​ ​Be careful not to take it away from your accommodation or on the go

Boasts amazing fertility bed bugs It is important that you do not bring them home first, because it is difficult to get rid of them. Packed in a bright room, suitcases and baggage after returning home bed bugs It's a good idea to check while you are not lurking. You may get stuck when moving, so make sure you don't have any cardboard.

Sheets and futons are also recommended in bright colors
Sheets and futons are also recommended in bright colors

In recent years, drugs with strong resistance bed bugs Is a problem. Old bed bugs Compared with, a type with 1,000 times more resistance! bed bugs Because you can't fly and have the habit of rubbing your stomach and walking quickly, it is recommended that you spray a micropowder containing active ingredient on the floor. Micro powder bed bugs Adhering to the skin, the preventive and extermination effects last! bed bugs If you find damage, spray it into the cracks in the walls and pillars, gaps in the bed, etc.

Abdomen of adult bed bugs Photo courtesy of Environmental Biology Department, Japan Environmental Health Center
Abdomen of adult bed bugs
Photo courtesy of: Environmental Biology Department, Japan Environmental Health Center
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