Sri Meenaskhi Temple Society celebrates 25 years
On the movie screen, director George Lucas created a hit with "Star Wars" and Earl Campbell was running to a Heisman Trophy at University of Texas.
Around Pearland, a group of Hindus formed the Sri Meenakshi Temple Society.
At first, the temple was a small structure, but those involved had vision of making it one of the finest Hindu temples outside of India.
The dream came true.
It's been 25 years since that dream began. This past Saturday, those who played a part in it gathered with other worshippers and guests for a Silver Jubilee Celebration.
Among the guests were the temple's first priest, Sri Thanga Bhattar, now in New Orleans, Pearland city officials, local business representatives, plus Texas State Senator Rodney Ellis and Texas Senator Mike Jackson.
"It's hard to believe it's been 25 years," said A.V.N. Reddy, chairman of the event. "It's a special day. The temple has grown. It was truly a dream come true for us."
Once the Temple Society was established, property was purchased outside of Pearland in 1978. Sri Ganesh Temple was built and inaugurated on Ganesh Chathurthi Day in 1979.
At the time Sri Ganesh was constructed, it was barely big enough for one person to stand in while performing worship services (pooja).
Devotees could sit in front of Lord Ganesha, but many times they were not protected from the weather.
That was temporary. Through the efforts of many Hindus in the area, construction of the main temple followed. Since then, the growth has continued.
Later this month, there are plans to being ground breaking for a youth center.
One of the highlights came in 1995 with the celebration of Mahoa Kumbhabhishekam, marking the completion of major construction at the temple.
More than 20 priests from India and the United States participated in what many say is the one of the most impressive celebrations of its kind outside India.
"That was one of the major functions," Reddy said.
"We speculate about 10,000-12,000 attended. It was a week-long function."
During Saturday's celebration, pictures detailing the history of Sri Meenakshi Temple and Sri Ganesh Temple were set up in the auditorium. Old friends were reunited and shared stories.
At the ceremony, several spoke of the strides Sri Meenakshi Temple Society has made through the years.
The majority of the Hindus come from Houston. Some come as far as Spring and Katy to worship.
Their main objective was being part of the celebration.
"To see the devotion of the priests and everyone else is pretty amazing," said Beth Kulkarni, the only non-born Hindu to serve on the board and the advisory council.
"This today (celebration) gives us a chance to see history. I'm happy to be involved. I give tours of the temple a lot. It's really nice to be involved."
The temple, whose architecture and statues come from India, catches one's eye when going down McLean Road. It's considered one of the area's top tourist attractions. Visitors tour the temple regularly.
Although few residents from Pearland are Hindus, Reddy says the support of the city has been solid through the years.
Those associated with Sri Meenakshi Temple are also giving back to the community. During Saturday's service, they announced a scholarship program for Pearland High School students.
"The Mayor (Tom Reid) has been a true friend," Reddy said. "He is usually at every major function. The local police and sheriff department are here for functions. We're happy and they are happy, too."