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Freshly Opened Salsa Bubbling and Taste Bad?

We recently bought a jar of Timoteo medium salsa that doesn't expire until next year. Upon opening, the salsa started bubbling and overflowed over the jar. Not only did it keep bubbling but it tasted pretty bad. It was an "award winning" salsa so I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to taste how it did. Any ideas on what's wrong with it? Thanks in return.

4 Answers

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    >Throw it out! Don't take a chance on food poisoning.

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  • Mercy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    When I was learning how to can & preserve foods, I was taught that anything made with tomatoes is acidic and that food poisoning like botulism would not grow in an acidic medium, but that any fruit, tomatoes included, can ferment. The bubbling you describe sounds like fermentation, and probably means that the product you purchased was not properly sealed, some yeast spores got in and the thing fermented. One of the major reasons people who can will put by tomato preparations or fruit like peaches or pears is that the worst that can happen if you don't get a good seal is fermentation or possibly some mold due to the acidic environment. This is relatively harmless. With non-acidic foods like green beans or with meats, you can get botulism, which is deadly.

    Your bubbling salsa is probably not very tasty and you wouldn't want to eat it. But the little bit you did eat to test it won't hurt you. Just call the manufacturer and let them know the lot number if available, and where you bought it. They'll give you your money back and probably some coupons besides. Chalk it up to experience.

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  • 9 years ago

    They must not have gotten a good seal on the jar.

    I would definitely call the company not just to get a coupon for a new one but so that they know this happened. There's always a chance that this could have happened to an entire batch that they did. In this case you could be helping to have it recalled to protect others' from becoming ill. ??

    Definitely, definitely, do NOT eat it.

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  • 9 years ago


    THat bubbling can be botulism and happens with canned foods in both jars and cans.

    Thats why you NEVER use food from a bulging can.

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