COVID-19 Information and ResoucesCOVID-19 Information and Resouces

Japan's Response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease:
Declaration of a State of Emergency

As of May 25, 2020, the Declaration of a State of Emergency has been lifted in all prefectures, as it is deemed that the emergency situation measures are no longer necessary.

Guidelines for Lifting the State of Emergency This will open in a new window.

Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister This will open in a new window.

Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control(Revised on May 21, 2020: coming soon)

Analysis and Recommendations of the Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)(May 4, 2020) (Summary) PDF

Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response PDF

How to Prevent a Widespread Outbreak

On May 25, 2020, the Declaration of a State of Emergency has been lifted in Japan.

  • Japan's state of emergency measures do not include curfews enforced by penalties and/or fines, nor do they include public transportation shutdowns. They do not constitute a "lockdown."
  • Please avoid leaving homes for any nonessential purpose. You may, however, going out for receiving medical care, shopping for food, medicine, and other daily necessities, exercising outdoors as well as to work as is necessary.
  • When it is necessary that you leave home, avoid the “Three Cs*” PDF :
    1. Closed spaces with poor ventilation
    2. Crowed places with many people nearby
    3. Close-contact settings such as close-range conversations
  • Remain calm, and avoid panic buying or excessive stockpiling. Your ability to go shopping for food and other daily necessities is not restricted.
  • Please refrain from nonessential travel across prefectures.
  • Washing your hands with soap and water is an effective measure to prevent infection.
  • Please be mindful of cough etiquette and make sure to keep your living spaces well-ventilated.