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Top definition
The word "licious" is a commonly used suffix to a emphasize something of highly pleasing respect. Stolen from the word, "Delicious", the suffix word has often been tagged to proper names such as the word "Jackalicious".
by Jaytey January 23, 2011
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A suffix that can be placed at the end of most other words.

Once "licious" is placed at the end of a word, it now usually has sexual connotations or is of ghetto nature. It is meant to imply that the thing or person is voluptuous, sexy or 'juicy'.

This suffix was originally implimented by beyonce in the common catch phrase "bootylicious".

Parents and middle-aged talk show hosts often use this to parody the ghetto culture, much as they latched onto the suffix "izzle".



Girl #1 "She's gotten so ghetto lately"
Girl #2 "yeah, she's practically slutalicious"
by Morgan and Tassia May 29, 2007
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A.the result of seeing a common word and thinking it has the suffix licious at the end. it is a brain disorder, i'm pretty sure. It happens because you glance at something and for some reason see licious at the end of it.

B.or, you feel really fairy-ish today and decide to call everything something-licious
A. upon seeing someone's shirt that says polo club- "woah i so thought your shirt said pololicious"

B. O-M-G that is so sexilicious, that is so gorgeoulicious, that is so amazilicious, that is so completely licious!
by ohsorandom August 29, 2008