This pixiv Privacy Policy (this âPrivacy Policyâ) specifies the handling of information (âUser Informationâ) of persons (âUsersâ) who use the services (meaning the Services specified in the pixiv Master Terms of Use (Master Terms of Use); referred to as the âServicesâ) provided by pixiv Inc. (âCompanyâ). Unless otherwise provided, terms used in this Privacy Policy shall have the meanings defined in the pixiv Master Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use. In addition, the Privacy Policy is Individual Terms of Use applied to the Master Terms of Use. In terms of unspecified matter in the Privacy Policy, unless specified to exclude to be applicable to the Privacy Policy, will be applied to the Master Terms of Use and regulated guidelines that the Company specified to (referred to as âRegulationsâ).
This Privacy Policy was formulated by revising the privacy policies of pixiv and Vroid Hub and integrating them with the privacy policies of other Services. This Privacy Policy applies to use of the Services on and after March 30, 2020
Master Terms of Use
Service Master Terms of Use
Article 1. Introduction
- These pixiv Master Terms of Use (referred to as these âTerms of Useâ or, to distinguish them from individual terms of use, these âMaster Terms of Useâ) apply to all conduct in cases where Users use the services (the services are collectively referred to as the âServices,â and individual services are referred to as âIndividual Servicesâ) provided by pixiv Inc. (the âCompanyâ). Users shall agree to these Terms of Use and use the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use.
- Terms and conditions for use of the Services are set forth in these Terms of Use as well as terms of use, guidelines, and other agreements relating to Individual Services. These individual terms of use, rules, and so on (âIndividual Terms of Use etc.â) apply as a constituent part of the agreement pursuant to these Terms of Use. In cases where these Terms of Use do not apply pursuant to Individual Terms of Use etc., only the relevant Individual Terms of Use etc. apply.
Article 2. Individual Agreements etc.
- Table 1 indicates whether Individual Terms of Use etc. relating to Individual Services exist and whether those Individual Terms of Use apply.
- In the case of discrepancy between the provisions of Individual Terms of Use etc. and these Terms of Use, unless otherwise provided, the Individual Terms of Use etc. shall take precedence over these Terms of Use.
- In the case of discrepancy between individual terms of use and the corresponding guidelines, unless otherwise provided, the guidelines shall take precedence over the individual terms of use.
- Of the various guidelines, âthe pixiv Trademark Guidelinesâ shall apply to all Users. Further, in addition to the guidelines indicated in Table 1, other guidelines have been established in relation to Individual Services, and guidelines associated with Individual Services apply preferentially.
Table 1
pixiv COMIC
pixiv Novel
pixiv Literature
pixiv PAY
pixiv Sketch
pixiv Sketch LIVE
VRoid Studio
VRoid Hub
- VRoid SDK Terms of Use
â»SDKç³è«æžã¿ã®éçºè ã®ã¿é²èŠ§å¯
- VRoid SDK Guidelines
- VRoid Hub Guidelines
- VRoid SDK Terms of Use
VRoid Mobile
pixiv Encyclopedia
- -
- -
Article 3. Definitions
The terms used in these Terms of Use are defined as set forth below.
- âUserâ means a person who uses the Services.
- âAccountâ means any one of multiple types of authority of utilization of the Services issued by the Company to a User who registers accounts pursuant to the procedures specified in Article 7 or other provisions. Users are required to acquire necessary accounts according to the Individual Services that User wishes to use.
- âRegistered Email Addressâ means email address information provided by User to the Company for the purpose of receiving the Services.
- âIDâ means a text string used for identification of an individual by making reference to the Registered Email Address and Password when using the Services. One ID is issued for each account.
- âPasswordâ means a text string used for identification of an individual by making reference to a Registered Email Address when using the Services.
- âPosted Informationâ means all data and information transmitted, distributed, posted, uploaded, registered, or edited (âPosted etc.â or âPost etc.â) by User when using the Services including images, text, translation, and information relating to displayed items.
Article 4. Revision of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc.
- The Company may, at its discretion, revise these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. at any time.
- Except when otherwise specified by the Company, revised versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. shall take effect when indicated on the Services.
- In the case where User uses the Services after the revised versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. come into effect, User shall be deemed to have consented to all of the revised versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc.
Article 5. Handling of Personal Information
The Company shall properly handle personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
Article 6. Confidentiality of Communications
- The Company shall maintain the secrecy of communications of User communications in accordance with Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Act (Act No. 86 of 1984).
- In the cases set forth in the following items, the Company shall not bear the duty to protect the secrecy of communications specified in the preceding paragraph to the extent indicated in each item:
- In cases where compulsory disposition or a court order is issued pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 131 of 1948) or the Act on Wiretapping for Criminal Investigation (Act No. 137 of 1999), to the extent of such compulsory disposition or court order;
- In cases where compulsory disposition is issued pursuant to laws and regulations, to the extent of such disposition or court order;
- In cases where the Company determines that the requirements for a demand for disclosure pursuant to Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders (Act No. 137 of 2001) are satisfied, to the extent of that demand; and
- In cases where the Company determines that disclosure is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a third party, to the extent necessary to protect the life, body, or property of the third party.
Article 7. Account Registration
- The Services may include content that can be used only by Users with registered accounts.
- Persons who wish to register an account may, after agreeing to these Terms of Use, apply for account registration by the method designated by the Company. The information that must be input when performing such registration is referred to as âRegistered Information.â
- When performing the application specified in Paragraph 2, User shall provide to the Company Userâs own true, accurate, and current information as Registered Information.
- Registration of a person who applies for account registration (âRegistration Applicantâ) shall be complete when the Company approves the registration.
- In any of the following cases, the Company may, at its discretion, reject the registration application of a Registration Applicant without disclosing the reason.
- In cases where the Registration Applicant requested registration not using the method specified in Paragraph 2;
- In cases where an application is made by providing fraudulent, false, or misleading information;
- In cases where the Registration Applicant breached contractual duties in relation to any services provided by the Company or in transactions with other Users in the past; further, in cases where the Company determines that there is a likelihood of such breach in the future;
- In cases where the Registration Applicant violated these Terms of Use;
- In cases where the Registration Applicant engaged in prohibited conduct specified in Article 15 in the past or the Company determines that there is a likelihood of Registration Applicant engaging in such prohibited conduct in the future;
- In cases where the Registration Applicant is a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship, or person under assistance and the Registration Applicantâs legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant does not consent;
- In cases where the Registration Applicant is an anti-social force, was formerly an anti-social force, uses anti-social forces, or its main investors or officers and employees are constituent members of anti-social forces; or
- In other cases where the Company determines that the application is inappropriate.
- In cases where the Company does not approve an application for account registration, the Company shall not bear a duty to disclose the reason for not approving the application to the applicant and shall not bear any liability whatsoever with regard to damage incurred by the applicant as a result of the non-approval.
- In cases falling under any of the following items in relation to a User who registered an account, the Company may cancel or temporarily suspend the Userâs membership, cancel rights associated with the Userâs membership, or refuse use of the Services in the future.
- In cases where the Company determines that the User fell under or falls under any of the grounds specified in each item of Paragraph 5;
- In cases of violation of laws and regulations or these Terms of Use;
- In cases where the User is determined to have engaged in prohibited conduct specified in Article 15 in the past or is likely to engage in such prohibited conduct in the future;
- In cases of improper conduct;
- In cases where problems with other Users or third parties exceed certain levels established by the Company, regardless of willful misconduct or negligence;
- In cases where complaints received from other Users or third parties exceed certain levels established by the Company, regardless of willful misconduct or negligence;
- In cases where the User does not login at least a certain number of times within a certain period specified by the Company;
- In the case where the Company determines that continued provision of the Services is unfeasible based on reasonable grounds; or
- In cases where the Company otherwise determines that there are substantial impediments to the execution of business operations.
Article 8. pixiv Premium
- Account types are free accounts and âpixiv Premiumâ fee-based accounts (âpixiv Premiumâ). The Services contain content and functions that can be used only by Users who register for pixiv Premium. The Company may at its discretion change at any time the content that can be used by Users registered for pixiv Premium.
- Only Users who have a means of payment specified by the Company can register for pixiv Premium. Users who registered for pixiv Premium shall pay the use fees for each use period specified by the Company by the method specified by the Company.
- The use period of a User who registered for pixiv Premium shall automatically be renewed unless the User cancels by the method specified by the Company. However, in some x made by annual interest of 14.6% to the Company. In such cases, the transfer fee and other such fees are responsible to the User.
- The cancellation of pixiv Premium is possible by specific procedures provided by the Company. When cancellation is done during period of use, the service is available in the duration until period of use, and pixiv Premium will end at the time of the expiration of use period. However, in some payment method, when cancellation is done during the use period, the remaining period of use is invalid and the pixiv Premium will end. Please refer for details in the registration procedures of each payment methods.
- Even in the case where a User who registered for pixiv Premium cancels during a use period, use fees already paid to the Company by the User registered for pixiv Premium shall not be refunded.
- When payment for pixiv Premium is delayed from the payment deadline due to the User, the User is responsible for paying late payment interest of the amount calculated through the duration of the day after the deadline until the day before payment is made by annual interest of 14.6% to the Company. In such cases, the transfer fee and other such fees are responsible to the User.
- In cases of previous Paragraph, when the credit card or bank account etc. provided by the User as payment method is unavailable, or when the User is determined by the Company to have caused act contradicting the Master Terms of Service, the Company has the right to suspend use of all services regarding pixiv Premium provided by the Company without any notification to the User.
- In cases of previous Paragraph, the usage fee of the suspended account includes the fee for the month that suspension act has taken.
- When User cannot use the service included in pixiv Premium due to the gross negligence of the Company, the Company, only when the unavailability continued for more than 24 hours after the User noticed the unavailability, shall be responsible for paying the compensation for the actual damages incurred by the User with a month amount of service fee of the plan contracted by the User multiplied by the period of time (in months, rounded up) the service was unavailable to the user (fraction of yen omitted) as an upper limit.
- In regards to the payment method of usage fee of pixiv Premium, whether or not the responsibility is on the User or not, if cases of exceeding amount of payment from the demand and the like arises, the Company may provide compensation support.
Article 9. Change of Registered Information
- If a change occurs to Registered Information, User shall promptly notify the Company of the relevant changed information by the method specified by the Company.
- If a User incurs any disadvantage as a result of failure to provide notice, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever.
Article 10. Control etc. of Registered Email Address, ID, and Password
- User shall register as Userâs Registered Email Address a useable email address that is under Userâs control, and in the case where a Registered Email Address is no longer under Userâs control, User must change the Registered Email Address to a different useable email address under Userâs control.
- User shall endeavor to prevent improper use of Userâs Registered Email Addresses, Passwords, and IDs (âRegistered Email Address etc.â) and shall bear all responsibility for control of the Registered Email Address etc.
- The Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage and the like incurred as a result of use of Userâs Registered Email Address etc. by a third party. Conduct performed using a Registered Email Address etc. shall be deemed the conduct of the User who holds that Registered Email Address etc. even in the case where such use was made by a third party without the Userâs consent or otherwise improperly, and User consents to bear responsibility for such conduct. Further, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage arising as a result of such conduct, regardless of Userâs willful misconduct or negligence.
- In the case where a Registered Email Address etc. or other such information is divulged to a third party or there is a likelihood of such divulgence, User shall promptly notify the Company; provided, however, that while the Company can suspend or terminate use of the Services by the relevant Registered Email Address etc., the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage resulting from such divulgence of information.
- User may not make any claims whatsoever to the Company for investigation regarding temporary suspension of use of the Services, damages incurred, lost profits, and so on arising from theft, loss, or improper use by a third party of Userâs Registered Email Address etc.
- Registration of a usable phone number under the control of User may be necessary for some Individual Services. In this case, this article shall also apply to that phone number.
Article 11. Account Possession
- In principle, each User may have one account of each type. In cases where it is necessary for activities using the Services such as distinguishing between art works or names, User is allowed to have multiple accounts to the extent not otherwise in violation of these Terms of Use.
- Users may not under any circumstances transfer or loan an account to a third party.
Article 12. Use Environment
- User shall maintain all hardware, software, and so on necessary for use of the Services at Userâs own expense and under Userâs own responsibility.
- Users shall take measures according to their own use environments for the prevention of infection with computer viruses, unauthorized access, leaks of information, and the like.
- The Company shall not have any involvement in or bear any responsibility whatsoever for Userâs use environments. User shall bear all liability and damage arising from the hardware, communications lines, software, and so on used by User and all liability and damage caused by errors in the use of the Services by User, and the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever, regardless of Userâs willful misconduct or negligence.
- Users may in some instances acquire software for use of the Services via application distribution services provided by third parties (âDistribution Servicesâ). In such case, the Company makes no warranties regarding the performance, details, or continuity of Distribution Services. The Company shall not bear any liability even in the case where User is unable to acquire such software because of suspension or discontinuation of all or part of such Distribution Services due to defects or other reasons.
Article 13. User Responsibilities
- User shall use the Services under its own responsibility and shall bear all responsibility for actions taken when using the Services and their results.
- Transactions by User with other Users conducted by using the Services are direct transactions between the Users, and the Company is not a party to any agreement.
- All types of work, communications, performance of legal duties, resolution of problems, and so on in conjunction with the transactions between Users specified in the preceding paragraph shall be performed by the Users who are parties to the transaction.
- User shall bear all responsibility relating to Posted the Information that User Posts etc. by using the Services. The Company shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever regarding Posted Information that is Posted etc. by User using the Services.
- In the case where the Company or a third party incurs damage as a result of violation of these Terms of Use by User, User shall be liable to pay compensation to the Company for all such damage.
- In the case where dispute arises between the User and a third party relating to the service, the User is responsible for resolution of this conflict, and the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever. User must pay compensation for damage and resolve the matter under its own responsibility and at its own expense (including attorneys' fees and all expenses related to the dispute etc.). However, situations where the Company is responsible due to the intention or gross negligence shall be excluded.
Article 14. Prohibited Conduct
When using the Services, User must not engage in the conduct set forth in the following items.
- Conduct that infringes or is likely to infringe on the copyrights, design rights or other Intellectual Property Rights (defined in Article 22, Paragraph 1) of the Company or third parties;
- Reproducing Posted Information Posted etc. to the Services or a related services without the consent of the copyright holder (author);
- Engaging in activities that have a commercial or business objective, use that has a profit-making objective, or use in preparation for such profit-making objectives, regardless of the means, by using, diverting, reselling, reproducing, transmitting, translating, adapting, modifying, and so on the Services or a portion of the Services (the content, information, functions, system, programs, etc.) or other secondary use or reproduction of the Services;
- Conduct that infringes or is likely to infringe on the property, privacy, or rights to likeness of the Company or third parties;
- Engaging in inappropriate discrimination against or malicious slander of the Company or a third party, abetting inappropriate discrimination against a third party, or harming the honor or reputation of a third party;
- Conduct in violation of the Act on Regulation of Stalking Conduct, making large numbers of telephone calls or telephone calls over an extended period of time or excessive and repeated inquiries of the same nature, transmitting large numbers of messages using a messaging function, or making demands regarding which there is no duty or which are baseless;
- Impersonation of another person;
- Conduct that is linked to or likely to be linked to fraud or other criminal behavior;
- Engaging in any of the following conduct in relation to the Posted Information data that constitutes constitutes obscenity, obscenity, child pornography, or child abuse in violation of laws, regulations, or other criteria established by the Company (referred to as âImproper Dataâ):
- Issuing, posting, editing, or displaying Improper Data;
- Selling media that contains Improper Data; and
- Posting or displaying advertisements that allude to the transmission, display, or sale of media that contains Improper Data;
- Conduct that is likely to glamorize, provoke, or abet suicide, self-injurious behavior, substance abuse, and so on;
- Posting etc. Posted Information data that contains any of the following:
- Information that maliciously slanders Posted Information that has been Posted etc.;
- Information that can be used to identify an individual (including cases where an individual can be identified by collating such information with other Posted Information that has been Posted etc.) such as the name, address, workplace, or telephone number of the contributor or third party (including employees of the Company)
- Information whose veracity is difficult to confirm and false information; and
- Other information that the Company determines to be inappropriate;
- Impersonating an operator or third party;
- Exchanging oneâs use rights to the Services for cash, goods, or other economic benefit by any method other than the method specified by the Company;
- Acquiring multiple accounts of the same type (excluding cases specifically permitted under Article 11);
- Posting Posted Information for the purpose of commercial advertising, publicity, or inducement (except in cases specifically permitted by the Company), Posted Information that contains affiliate links, Posted Information that contains inducements to other parties such as MLM or âpay to surf,â Posted Information that induces traffic to adult sites, one-click fraud sites, sites intended to distribute viruses or other malicious computer programs, or other sites determined by the Company to be inappropriate (including simply posting links to such sites), or other Posted Information that the Company determines to be inappropriate;
- Inappropriately delaying responses to or ignoring communications from the Company or other Users who are conducting transactions between Users;
- Despite receiving any reward from a company, etc., acts that fall under the guise of a third party, such as advertising ("stealth marketing"), or acts using the Service in stealth marketing, etc;
- Using expression linked to discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, age, belief, and so on;
- Conduct that imposes excessive loads on the Service servers, hinders operation of the Services or network systems, or is likely to have such results;
- Improperly rewriting or deleting data stored on the Companyâs facilities;
- Transmitting or posting viruses or other harmful computer programs;
- Conduct that the Company determines violates laws and regulations, public order, these Terms of Use, or Individual Terms of Use etc. or infringes on the rights of another person;
- Posting or editing expression that extols or incites extremist ideas or antisocial behavior;
- Posting or editing expression that extols or incites discrimination on the basis of race, belief, occupation, sex, religion, and so on;
- Posting or editing expression that extols or incites cult-like religious activity or extreme political activity;
- Using the Services to display, sell, purchase, register, or engage in other transactions involving the products set forth below:
- Stimulants, narcotics, psychotropic agents, marijuana, opium, poisons, toxic substances, and other prohibited goods;
- Marijuana seeds and products related to legal drugs (unregulated drugs);
- Firearms, swords, weapons, explosives, chemical weapons;
- Products that contain images or other data corresponding to obscenity, child pornography, or child abuse;
- Products that contain uncorrected representations of exposed sexual organs or explicit images of sexual intercourse;
- Used undergarments, uniforms, etc.;
- Prostitution and child prostitution;
- Products relating to gambling, lotteries, etc.;
- Products relating to unlimited chain investment schemes and multi-level marketing;
- Tobacco;
- Counterfeit currency, public documents (including driverâs licenses and passports), memberships, documents, electromagnetic recordings, and other such products;
- Bank accounts and the like;
- Gift cards, prepaid cards, revenue stamps, postage stamps, multiple use tickets, other securities, and coupons;
- Counterfeit brand products, imitation products, and pirated versions (illegal copies, etc.);
- Game copying devices, Pandora Batteries, and other devices that facilitate illegal copies and related products;
- Products obtained through theft, robbery, fraud, blackmail, embezzlement, misappropriation, or other crimes;
- Air guns, stun guns, pepper spray, swords whose possession is prohibited by laws and regulations; bugging devices, ultra-compact cameras, infrared cameras, and other products likely to be used for crimes;
- Products that infringe on patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, copyrights,
- Products regarding which the displaying party does not have sales rights and so on such as products for which the displaying party did not participate in the creation (not including cases where copyrights and other rights were assigned by the creator);
- Provision of services not involving a material creation and products likely to entail the provision of such services;
- Softwares that contain security threats such as computer viruses.
- Physical function examination kits, medical devices (medical supplies), pharmaceutical products, and pharmaceutical products the sale of which is prohibited in Japan;
- Human remains and parts of human remains;
- Animals, parts of animals, insects, and other organisms;
- Personal information, trade secrets, and other information not generally released to the public;
- Products for which a license or qualification required for sale is not held or satisfied;
- Other products whose trading violates laws and regulations (the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, the Firearm and Sword Control Law, laws regulating narcotics, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and other relevant laws and regulations);
- Products intended to convert credit card credit limits to cash;
- Products for which the service provision period is lengthy;
- Products whose sale requires permits and approvals, registration, notice, and so on; and
- Other products outside the scope of the Companyâs prohibitions and terms of use that the Company determines to be inappropriate; and
- In situations where a User uses the Service to provide Products, license or service to other Users, the act that brings disadvantages to other Users of the Service, such as demanding different charges depending on the payment method.
- Other conduct that the Company determines to be inappropriate.
Article 15. Responses to Violation etc. and Cancellation of Registration
- In cases where it is determined by the Company that User has violated these Terms of Use or the Company otherwise determines that it is necessary, the Company may, at its discretion and without prior notice, take the following measures against the relevant User; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to take these measures or to disclose the reasons for taking these measures.
- Demand that the User cease the conduct in violation of or suspected of being in violation of these Terms of Use and not repeat such conduct, as well as achieve these objectives by seeking a court injunction;
- Conduct consultations to resolve claims, demands, and so on with another person (including out-of-court dispute resolution proceedings);
- Demand deletion or revision of Posted Information;
- Delete all or some Posted Information, modify the scope of public disclosure, or make Posted Information inaccessible;
- Suspend use by the User;
- Compel the User to withdraw; and
- Reject a membership application.
- Users may not make any objection regarding the Companyâs measures specified in the preceding paragraph.
- Users shall release the Company from liability in cases where the Company takes the measures specified in each item of Paragraph 1 in relation to outcomes caused by those measures.
- User acknowledges in advance that the Company may take the measures specified in Paragraph 1 at its discretion and without prior notice.
- In the case where User falls under any of the following items, the Company may, at its discretion and without prior notice, suspend use of the Services, compulsorily cancel Userâs registration, and thereafter reject use of the Services by User.
- In the case where it is revealed that User submitted a membership application not in accordance with the method specified in Article 7, Paragraph 2;
- In the case where User violates these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc.;
- In the case where it is revealed that User falls under any item of Article 7, Paragraph 5;
- In the case where User suspends payments or becomes insolvent or a petition is filed for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, commencement of civil rehabilitation proceedings, commencement of corporate reorganization proceedings, commencement or special liquidation, or commencement of other comparable proceedings (this item is applicable to Users who use fee-based services);
- In the case where no response is made to an inquiry or other communication from the Company requesting a response for 30 or more days;
- In the case where multiple claims or inquiries regarding User are received by the Company from other Users or third parties;
- In the case where the Company determines that User is not appropriate as a User; or
- In other cases determined by the Company to be inappropriate.
- In the case where a User falls under any items of the preceding paragraph and the Company temporarily suspends use of the Services by the relevant User or cancels the Userâs registration, all obligations owed by User to the Company shall be accelerated, and User must immediately repay all obligations owed to the Company.
Article 16. Cancellation of Registration
- User shall follow the procedure provided by the Company to request for deleting the account when requesting for cancellation, and follow the methods provided by the Company to delete the account.
- In the case where Userâs registration (in cases where User is registered under separate qualifications for an Individual Service, including such registration) is cancelled, all rights of User to use the Services shall be extinguished, and the Company may delete all Registered Information and Posted Information of User.
- The Company shall not bear a duty to restore the Registered Information or the posted content of the relevant User for any reason.
Article 17. Authority to Delete Posted Information
In the following cases, regardless of whether Posted Information is unlawful or violates these Terms of Use, the Company may delete all or some related Posted Information or take measures such as modifying the scope of public access; provided, however, that the Company shall not bear a duty to take these measures or to disclose the reasons for taking such measures.
- In cases where a public agency or specialist (a national or regional public body, a reliability-confirmed body specified in the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders, Internet hotline, attorney, etc.) indicates or expresses an opinion that Posted Information is unlawful, contrary to public morals, or infringes on the rights of another person;
- In cases where a third party makes a claim of rights regarding Posted Information;
- In cases where the Company determines that Posted Information that has been Posted, etc. infringes on the copyrights of a third party;
- In cases where the Service experience problems due to the coding of letters in the Posted Information, or the Company determined the likeliness to be so.
- In cases where the volume of information registered by User exceeds the volume designated by the Company; or
- In other cases where the Company determines that it is necessary to delete the relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations or social norms.
Article 18. Procedures in Cases of Copyright Infringement
- In cases where there is an infringement of the copyrights to Userâs own work on the Service, such User may provide notice to the Company by a method designated by the Company of the items designated by the Company.
- In cases where notice is made pursuant to the order of a court, public prosecutorâs office, or administrative organization, the Company shall respond in compliance with such order.
- Disputes relating to the infringement specified in Paragraph 1 shall be resolved among the parties at their own costs and responsibilities.In the case where the Company incurs damage as a result of such problems, the party/parties to whom such problems are attributable shall (if they are multiple parties, jointly and severally) pay compensation for such damage.
- This article shall apply mutatis mutandis to infringement of rights other than copyrights.
Article 19. Use Fees
- Except in the case of pixiv Premium and in cases specified otherwise in Individual Terms of Use etc. of the Services, use of the Services shall be without charge.
- The particulars of the fee-based services, use fees, methods of payment, and so on shall be separately specified in the Individual Terms of Use etc.
Article 20. Warranties and Duties Relating to Posted Information
- When Posting etc. Posted Information using the Services, User warrants to the Company that the relevant Posted Information does not infringe on the rights of third parties.
- In the case where any dispute arises with a third party on the grounds that Posted Information Posted etc. by User infringes on the third partyâs rights, User shall resolve the matter at its own expense and under its own responsibility and shall not cause any damage whatsoever to the Company.
- User shall, under its own responsibility, manage and store all data including images and text produced by User. User shall maintain appropriate backups of images, text, and other data uploaded to the Services, and the Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the preservation and so on of images, text, and other data.
Article 21. Ownership and Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights
- Know-how, copyrights, design rights, trademarks, patent rights, utility model rights, rights under the Unfair Competition Prevention Law Act (including rights to receive design registrations, rights arising from trademark applications, rights to receive patents, and rights to receive utility model rights; referred to as âIntellectual Property Rightsâ; corresponding rights in foreign countries and comparable rights that arise as a result of future amendment and so on of laws and regulations are included in Intellectual Property Rights) relating to the Services and to all text, images, videos, music, logos, services, programs, and other information ancillary to the Services as well as all other rights belong to the Company or the third parties who licensed to the Company the use, application, or implementation of those rights.
- Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights to Posted Information Posted etc. by using the Services belong to the User who created the relevant Posted Information; provided, however, that, if prescribed explicitly, the User hereby transfers the Intellectual Property Right to the Company.
- User authorizes the Company to use information which user posted in the following ways:
- The Company and third parties licensed by the Company shall provide the User's posted information free of charge within the necessary range for smooth provision, use promotion, advertisement / advertisement, construction, improvement and maintenance of the Company's system. Non-exclusive, permanent use, use (including modification of the necessary limit in light of the purpose of use) and implementation.For example, the Company post user's posted information on pixiv official SNS account such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, website operated by our company, or materials created by our company for the purpose of promoting and introducing this serviceã» It can be reprinted.
- The Company may provide a function that allows user to view posted information on pixiv and individual services, and our affiliated services. Post information may be processed according to the display format provided by the service. The Company will provide a means for users who have posted the information to check how the posted information is displayed in the service, and a contact point for inquiries about it.
- In regards to the information of posted works on "pixiv Literature", the Company or and third parties licensed by the Company may selectively review the information of posted works through the Service and Individual Services. Users are considered to agree to the use and reviewing of posted works' information for selection and reviews.
- User shall not exercise authorâs moral rights against the Company and third parties licensed by the Company in relation to the use, application or implementation etc. within the extent prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
- When the Company uses Posted Information in the format specified in Paragraph 3, the Company is entitled to omit display of some information or names and so on (including display of nicknames and other modified names).
Article 21-2. Use of Posted Information on pixiv Encyclopedia
- On âpixiv Encyclopediaâ, users may use the article body or the text in the comments sections of the Posted Information of other Users in accordance with the following conditions. Within the extent necessary for such use, when User posted the Posted Information, such User shall be deemed to give licenses the Company to sublicense other User to use such Posted Information:
- Use of an excerpt of information in whole or in part is desirable, and in cases of unavoidable modification of information, a statement to that effect shall be made;
- Use shall be for non-commercial purposes; and
- The scope of use shall be limited to the web, and use in any other media is not permitted.
- In relation to the use of other Usersâ Posted Information on âpixiv Encyclopediaâ, User shall acknowledge that such Posted Information has been posted at such Usersâ responsibilities and that the Company shall not make any express or implied warranties regarding the veracity etc. of their contents.
Article 22.3: Original work and translation in the translation function:
In the Service, in order to deliver the work to more users, a function has been set to solicit a translation from the user for the title, caption (description) or the text of the work in some of the posted information. The process up to the reflection of the translation and the attribution of the rights of the translation submitted by applying for the offer are as follows.
- work submission user:
- A work submission user is a user who submits a work on the Service.
- When submitting or editing a work on the Service, the work submission user sets whether or not to request a translation for each work.
- The user who submits the work can choose whether to approve the translation provided by the translation user (defined in the next section). In addition, the work submission user can choose whether to publish only the approved translation or to publish the provided translation once and approve it later.
- If the Work Contributor determines that the translation is malicious, the Work Contributor may block the Translator who posted the translation and return the translation of the Work to the content immediately prior to the translation by the Translator.
- Upon approval of the translation by the work submission user, the copyright of the translation (including Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) is transferred from the translation user to the work submission user free of charge.
- Translation user:
- A translation user is a user who provides a translation on the Service. No special qualifications required.
- If a translation is solicited for a work posted on the Service, the translation user can provide a translation to the translation solicitation part of the work. However, if the translation user is blocked by the user who submits the work, no translations can be provided to the work of the user who submits the work unless the block is removed.
- The copyright of the translation approved by the Work Contributor shall be transferred to the Work Contributor free of charge at the time of the approval. When a translation user submits a translation, at the time of the submission, the translation user consents to the transfer of the copyright in respect of the translation submitted by the translation user to the user who submitted the work and to the non-exercise of moral rights.
- When a translation is approved, the user name of the translation user who posted the translation before the translation is approved is listed as a translation contributor. However, this does not apply to translation users who are blocked by the user who submitted the work.
Article 22. Translation of Tags
Within the functions of some of the Services, User may propose translations of tags attached to Posted Information into Roman letters or other languages (âTag Translationsâ) for the purpose of facilitating the use of search functions within the Services by individuals who use various languages. In such cases, User shall comply with the conditions set forth in the following items. Users shall propose Tag Translations after agreeing to the following items.
- Proposed Tag Translations shall be used anonymously on the Services. The names of Users who make proposals shall not be displayed.
- Proposed Tag Translations may be used and modified without charge and non-exclusively to the extent necessary for the effective provision of the Services and related services, facilitation of use, advertising and publicity, and development, improvement, and maintenance of the Companyâs systems. See (help) for examples of suggested translations .
- Proposed Tag Translations are provided to third parties as âanonymous translation data not including personal informationâ to enhance the quality of translations.
Article 23. Monitoring Operations
- The Company and third parties entrusted by the Company shall have the right, at the Companyâs sole discretion, to monitor whether User is using the Services in accordance with these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. and to confirm that User is not engaged in any conduct in violation of these Terms of Use or other inappropriate conduct unless such monitoring or confirmation violates such Userâs secrecy of communications.
- The Company shall have the right to mechanically filter messages sent and received on pixiv Message, to maintain appropriate operation of the Service by suspending the message feature of the User who sent messages including inappropriate wordings.
Article 24. Disclaimers
- The Company will not participate in User communications and transactions, etc. Even in the event of a dispute between Users or between a User and a third party, the matter shall be resolved between the relevant Users or the User and third party, and the Company will not bear any responsibility whatsoever.
- In cases where the Company determines that it is necessary, the Company may, at its discretion and without the provision of notice to Users, modify, suspend, discontinue, or terminate the Services (including SDK and the like distributed by the Services, hereinafter in this Article 25 the same shall apply.) or delete or modify the particulars of the Services. In this case, the Company will not bear any liability to pay compensation or indemnification for any direct or indirect damage, losses, or other expenses (whether foreseeable or unforeseeable) incurred as a result of such modification, etc. of the Services.
- Even if provision of the Services is delayed, interrupted, etc. as a result of any of the reasons set forth below or other reasons, the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever for the resulting damage incurred by Users or other persons, except when specifically provided in these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc.
- Implementation of periodic or emergency maintenance to the Servicesâs equipment, etc.;
- Unavailability of the Services because of disaster, power outage, or the like;
- Unavailability of the Services because of earthquake, explosion, flooding, tsunami, or other natural disaster;
- Unavailability of the Services because of war, riot, civil disorder, disturbance, labor dispute, or the like;
- Breakdown, upkeep, maintenance or the like of equipment and systems used by the Company;
- Decrease of display speeds or other failures due to excessive accesses or other unforeseeable factors;
- Occurrence of a security problem that cannot be prevented by the usual techniques such as preventing viewing use , known-free software and anti-virus measures
- In other cases where the Company determines that temporary suspension of the Services is necessary for operational or technical reasons.
- The Company makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, reliability, or suitability for particular purpose of the Services, the absence of any actual or legal defects, or the absence of any infringement on the rights of third parties. The Company will not bear any duties whatsoever to provide the Services free of such defects etc. Further, the Company makes no warranties including warranties regarding the status of provision of the Services, accessibility, or status of use.
- In cases where User uses the Services or information learned from the Services, User must comply with laws and regulations in the country or region of use, and the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever regarding violations of laws and regulations by User.
- The Company shall provide to Users a simple and high-quality payment environment and information on User needs, but the Company makes no warranties regarding the absence of problems and so on in payment transactions. Further, the Company will not bear any duties to make permanent updates or improvements to or correct problems etc. in the Services.
- The Company will not bear any duty to manage or store Posted Information Posted etc. by Users.
- The Company will not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the lawfulness, accuracy, and so on of Posted Information Posted etc. by Users. The Company will also not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the compliance of Posted Information Posted etc. by User with the internal rules and the like of the corporations, organizations, and so on with which the relevant User is affiliated.
- In the cases set forth below, the Company is entitled to access, store, or disclose to third parties (referred to in this paragraph as âAccess etc.â) the details of the relevant Posted Information unless such Access etc. violates such Userâs secrecy of communications. The Company will not bear any liability whatsoever with regard to any resulting damage incurred by Users.
- If the Company sends an email or text message to the Registered Email Address of the User who Posted etc. the Posted Information requesting consent to Access etc. and the circumstances set forth in the any of the following items occurs;
- If User consents to Access etc.;
- If an email or text message response from User is not received by the Companyâs email servers within seven days from when the Company sent an email or text message requesting consent to Access etc.; provided, however, that this shall not include instances resulting from emergency or other unavoidable circumstances;
- In cases where Access etc. is necessary to identify and resolve technical problems with the Services;
- In cases where a proper inquiry is received from a court, the police, or other public agency pursuant to laws and regulations;
- In cases where a User engaged in conduct in violation or suspected of being in violation of these Terms of Use, and the Company determines that it is necessary to confirm the particulars of Posted Information;
- In cases where there is an imminent risk to the life, body, or property of a person and the Company determines that there is an urgent need for Access etc.; or
- In other cases where Access etc. is necessary for proper operation of the Services or related services.
- If the Company sends an email or text message to the Registered Email Address of the User who Posted etc. the Posted Information requesting consent to Access etc. and the circumstances set forth in the any of the following items occurs;
- In cases where the Company determines that ther
- Notwithstanding the Companyâs disclaimer set forth in Paragraphs 1 to 10 and the other provisions of these Terms of Use (referred to as the âDisclaimersâ), in the case where the agreement between the Company and User relating to the Services (including these Terms of Use) constitutes a consumer contract specified in the Consumer Contract Act, the Disclaimers shall not apply and the following items shall apply:
- the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever for damage incurred by User because of the Companyâs nonperformance of obligations due to the Companyâs negligence (excluding gross negligence) or unlawful conduct by the Company and that has occurred due to special circumstances (including cases where the Company or User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage).
- the Company will compensate for actual damage incurred by User arisen normally and directly because of the Companyâs nonperformance of obligations due to the Companyâs negligence (excluding gross negligence) or unlawful conduct by the Company; provided, however that for User who incurred such damages in relation to fee-based services the amount of such compensation shall not exceed the total amount of payment for use fees etc. that is actually received by the Company from the damaged User within the period of 1 month prior to happening of the cause of such damages, or for Uses who incurred such damages in relation to free services the amount shall not exceed 1,000 JPY.
- Other than the cases fell in the preceding paragraph, in cases where the Company, by any chance, bears liability to User in relation to use of the Services by User pursuant to the preceding paragraph, except in the case of the Companyâs willful misconduct or gross negligence, the Company shall pay compensation for actual damage incurred by User to the extent of ordinary and direct damage, and in the case of fee-based services, up to the aggregate amount of use fees paid to the Company by User during the one-year period before User has made a claim for such compensation for damage.
Article 25. Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces
- User represents and warrants that it is currently not a member of an organized crime group, a person cease to be a member of an organized crime group within the past five years, a quasi-member of an organized crime group, a constituent member of a company affiliated with an organized crime group, a corporate extortionist (sokaiya), a social campaign advocate racketeer (shakai-undo-to-hyobo-goro), a crime group with special intelligence, or any other person comparable to the foregoing (âAnti-Social Forces etc.â) and that it does not cooperate with and is not involved in the maintenance, management, or operation of any Anti-Social Forces etc. such as by the provision of funds or otherwise does not have any interaction with or involvement in any Anti-Social Forces etc.
- User represents and warrants that it shall not directly or through the use of third parties engage in the conduct set forth in the following items with regard to other Users and the Company.
- Use of violent or threatening expression or behavior;
- Unjust demands that exceed legal responsibility;
- Conduct damaging the reputation or obstructing the business of other parties by spreading rumors, or using fraudulent means or force;
- Other conduct comparable to the preceding items.
Article 26. Links to External Sites
- With regard to external sites linked from content or advertising in the Services, the Company does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for particular purpose with regard to information displayed on those external sites, and even in the case where User or a third party incurs damage or detriment as a result of using such external sites, the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever. Each User is requested to access external sites based on its own determinations and under its own responsibility.
- The presence of links to external sites from information provided on the System does not signify the existence of any commercial relationship between the Company and the relevant external site.
Article 27. Notices and Communications
- In cases where it is necessary to provide notice to or communicate with the User, the Company shall mail documents, post on a website, or use email or. In cases where User determines that communication with the Company is necessary, User shall communicate with the Company by using methods designated by the Company. In cases where the Company provides notice to or communicates with User by posting on a website, such notice or communication shall take effect after the passage of 48 hours from its posting, and in the case where the Company uses other means, the notice or communication shall take effect when sent by the Company to User.
- Except in cases where the Company determines that it is particularly necessary, the Company shall not accept communications by telephone or in person.
- Except when pursuant to laws, regulations, statutes, and the like in Japan, the Company shall not disclose or divulge to third parties other than User any personal information of User learned in relation to provision of the Services and shall not use such personal information in excess of the scope necessary for provision of the Services.
- Except in the cases specified in the following paragraph, the Company shall not disclose email communication histories to third parties.
- The Company may disclose the subject matter of an inquiry without obtaining Userâs agreement in the case of investigation, seizure, or the like in the form of compulsory disposition pursuant to an order issued by a judge, in the case of an inquiry (Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 197, Paragraph 2) from a public agency with investigative authority pursuant to statute, and in other cases where provision is required pursuant to laws and regulations.
Article 28. Effectiveness of these Terms of Use
- Even if a portion of these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. is determined to be void pursuant to laws and regulations, the other provisions of these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. shall remain valid.
- Even in the case where a portion of these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. is determined to be void or is cancelled in relation to a particular User, these Terms of Use or Individual Terms of Use etc. shall remain valid in relation to other Users.
Article 29. Assignment of Business, etc.
- In the case where the Company assigns the business relating to the Services to a third party or in the case where the Company undergoes a corporate division, merger, or other organizational restructuring (âBusiness Assignment etc.â), the Company is entitled to assign to the relevant third party its status under agreements between User and the Company (including these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc.) and information provided by User to the Company in the course of using the Services.
- In the case of the preceding paragraph, User consents in advance to a Business Assignment etc.
- The Company is entitled to assign to third parties its claims against Users, and the relevant User approves the provision of its personal information to such third parties for such purpose.
Article 30. Governing Law and Court of Competent Jurisdiction
- These Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
- If litigation between User and the Company becomes necessary, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance.
Article 31. Language
The Japanese versions of these Terms of Use and Individual Terms of Use etc. shall be the official version. In the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese versions and any versions in another language, the Japanese versions shall take precedence.
Supplementary Provisions
- These Terms of Use shall take effect on June 1, 2008.
- These Terms of Use shall also apply to conduct undertaken by Users before these Terms of Use came into effect.
- October 27, 2016: The terms of use for pixiv, pixiv Comic, pixiv Novel, and pixiv Bungei integrated.
- April 12, 2018: âTranslationsâ added to the scope of âinformation relating to posted worksâ specified in Article 2, Paragraph 8.
- March 30, 2020ïŒThese Terms of Use positioned as the terms of use for the Services overall, coordinated with individual terms of use, and revised throughout.
Privacy Policy
Article 1. Definitions
In this Privacy Policy, âPersonal Informationâ means personal information defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
Article 2. Methods of acquiring Personal Information
- Company shall acquire the Personal Information of Users to the extent that Users use the Services.
- Acquisition of other Personal Information shall be performed by appropriate and lawful means. Personal Information shall not be acquired by improper methods contrary to the intentions of Users.
Article 3. Information Company acquires and purposes of use (according to each Service)
Company shall acquire or may in the future acquire from Users the User Information specified in each of the following items via the Services or Individual Services in the cases specified in each item for the purposes of use specified in each item.
items - (1)Email address, password, nickname, gender, date of birth
Time of acquisition
At the time of registration for the Service(s)
of use - To provide the Services and to provide appropriate contents to the user.:
- To use User Information for making determinations regarding improvement of the Services, provision of new services, posting and distribution of advertisements, and the like on the basis of Usersâ age, gender, interests etc.;
- To prevent ways of use contrary to the Terms of Use of the Services and to resolve operational problems;
- To prepare statistical data on ways of use by Users and so on (in cases where such date is prepared, however, the data shall be processed so that individuals cannot be identified);
- To confirm applications for email distribution services and to distribute email;
- To send notices regarding the results of contests, campaigns, prizes, and so on, to deliver goods, and to send rewards for questionnaires and the like;
- To provide information regarding various membership services and other types of services;
- To request cooperation with surveys and participation in events and to report on the results etc.; and
- To determine the status of use of the Products, Services, Website, and so on and to provide information, surveys, and so on regarding Company and other companies or organizations believed to be beneficial to Users.
- (2)Login information of:
PayPal, SP-Mode payment (docomo), au Kantan payment (au), SoftBank Matomete Shiharai (SoftBank), App Store payment, and Google Play payment. Time of acquisition
When registering for pixiv Premium
Purpose of use
To collect usage fees from Users of pixiv Premium
* Company does not retain credit card information, and payment is made via the settlement service company.- (3)Email address, user account, details of inquiry
Time of acquisition
When making an inquiry regarding the Services
Purpose of use
To respond to the inquiry
*Users may be asked to provide nicknames for inquiry as necessary depending on the services.- (4)Internet domain name, IP address, in-site search query information, and other information relating to viewing the Services
Time of acquisition
When using the Services
Purpose of use
To improve the Services by analyzing User usage environments, to develop new services, and to prevent violations of the Terms of Use and other improper use of the Services
- (5)Cookies relating to Usersâ use of the Services
of acquisition When using the Services
Purpose of use
- To ascertain the status of use by Users for improving the Services and developing new services; and
- To provide more personalized content with a higher degree of relevance to Users on the Services
Details are set forth in 13: Use of Cookies.- (6)Information relating to receipt and opening of emails sent by Company to Users
Time of acquisition
When Company sends emails to Users
Purpose of use
To confirm receipt and opening of emails.
* Limited to cases where Users are using email software with confirmation functions.- (7)Name, postal code, address, telephone number, Bank account information
Time of acquisition
When Users purchase goods and when Company receives replies from contest winners
Purpose of use
- To deliver goods purchased by Users; and
- To deliver prizes to contest winners and campaign winners
- To transfer prize money for contest winners and campaign winners to their bank account
- Individual Services
- (1)Email address, password, nickname, gender, date of birth
Time of acquisition
At the time of registration for the Individual Service
Purpose of use
- To provide the Services and to provide appropriate contents to the user.:
- To use User Information for making determinations regarding improvement of the Services, provision of new services, posting and distribution of advertisements, and the like on the basis of Usersâ age, gender, interests etc.;
- To prevent ways of use contrary to the Terms of Use of the Services and to resolve operational problems;
- To prepare statistical data on ways of use by Users and so on (in cases where such date is prepared, however, the data shall be processed so that individuals cannot be identified);
- To confirm applications for email distribution services and to distribute email;
- To send notices regarding the results of contests, campaigns, prizes, and so on, to deliver goods, and to send rewards for questionnaires and the like;
- To provide information regarding various membership services and other types of services;
- To request cooperation with surveys and participation in events and to report on the results etc.; and
- To determine the status of use of the Products, Services, Website, and so on and to provide information, surveys, and so on regarding Company and other companies or organizations believed to be beneficial to Users.
- (2)Name, postal code, address, telephone number, Place of employment, affiliation, address of workplace, telephone number of workplace
Time of acquisition
When contact information is added
Purpose of use
To deliver Products to Users
- (3)PayPal login information, Rakuten Pay login information
(In cases of bank/convenience store payment) Name, telephone number Time of acquisition
When Users purchase Products
Purpose of use
To receive payment for the Products
* Company does not retain credit card information, and payment is made via the settlement service company.- (4)Name, address, telephone number and transfer destination
Time of acquisition
At the time of registration for the shop owner
Purpose of use
To bill Users who used the Individual Service for use fees, to receive payment for products purchased by Users, to make payment of the amounts received to Sellers
* Company does not retain credit card information, and payment is made via the settlement service company.
- pixiv PAY
- (1)PayPal login information, bank account information
Time of acquisition
When registering for the Individual Service, when adding registration information
Purpose of use
To bill Users who used the Individual Service for use fees, to receive payment for products purchased by Users, to make payment of the amounts received to Sellers
* Company does not retain credit card information, and payment is made via the settlement service company.
- pixiv Sketch LIVE
- (1)Bank account information
Time of acquisition
At the time of remittance for rewards
Purpose of use
To make payment by remittance to the specified bank account for rewards as cash
Article 4. Restrictions on Use of Personal Information
Except in the cases set forth below, Company shall use Personal Information acquired from Users through use of the Services by Users only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use specified above.
- In cases in which the handling of Personal Information is based on laws and regulations;
- In cases where the handling of Personal Information is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person whom the Personal Information concerns;
- In cases where the handling of Personal Information is specially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person whom the Personal Information concerns; and
- In the case where the handling of Personal Information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, local governmental body, or an individual or a business operator entrusted by one in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person whom the Personal Information concerns are likely to impede the execution of those affairs.
Article 5. Provision of Personal Information to third parties, etc.
- Except in the cases set forth in the following items or in paragraph5.2, Company shall not provide User Information that constitutes Personal Information to third parties (except the persons specified in each item of Article 23, Paragraph 5 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information).
- In cases where the User consents in advance to the provision to the third party;
- In cases the provision of Personal Information is based on laws and regulations;
- In cases where the provision of Personal Information is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person whom the Personal Information concerns;
- In cases where the provision of Personal Information is specially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person whom the Personal Information concerns;
- In the case where the provision of Personal Information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, local government, or an individual or a business operator entrusted by one in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and where obtaining the consent of the person whom the Personal Information concerns are likely to impede the execution of the affairs; and
- In cases where an inquiry is received from police, a prosecutor, secretary of a public prosecutorâs office, tax officer, drug enforcement agent, bar association, court, or other person with legal inquiry authority or in the case where Company makes a determination that the circumstances constitute averting present danger or justifiable self-defense.
- Company may provide the User Information specified below that constitutes Personal Information to third parties via the Individual Services indicated below.
- In cases where the Company determines that it is necessary for provision of the Services. In cases where transactions are conducted on the Services in particular, the email address and delivery address of the purchaser-customer will be disclosed to the Shop Owner. Information of parties to transactions that is disclosed shall be used only for the relevant transaction, and such information shall not be disclosed to third parties without the purchaser-Userâs prior consent;
- In cases where provision of User information is required by a court, administrative agency, supervisory authority, or other public agency;
- In cases where a member causes inconvenience to third parties and Company determines that disclosure is necessary to resolve the matter;
- In cases where Company determines that the disclosure of information is necessary to protect the rights and interests of Users of the Services and third parties; and
- In cases where Company otherwise determines that disclosure is necessary for maintenance of the Services.
- In the cases set forth in the following items, Company may provide User Information that constitutes Personal Information without the Userâs consent pursuant to Article 23, Paragraph 5 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
- In cases where operations are entrusted in whole or in part to service providers which Company has found to be sufficiently reliable, including sole proprietor, and with which Company has entered into personal information confidentiality agreements in order to process User Information, provide information to Users, administer campaign questionnaires, and so on and in other cases where Company outsources a portion of the Services and provides User Information to the extent necessary for performance of the outsourced services;
- In cases where the Personal Information of Users who use fee-based services is entrusted to settlement system companies, credit card companies, and banks that are Company service providers for the purpose of billing Users who use the fee-based services for use fees;
- In cases where items delivered to Users are entrusted to delivery service providers; and
- In cases where Companyâs business is assumed pursuant to a business transfer or the like.
- The company may tabulate and analyze Personal Information of individuals, process that information in formats that do not allow for the identification of individuals, and disclose statistical data relating to that information for the purpose of providing statistical data to third parties.
- To measure the frequency of use of the Services for the purposes of making improvements to the Services, Company uses external services to collect anonymous traffic data. Individual users cannot be identified through this conduct. Details stated on Article 13.
- To create anonymously processed information, Company will:
- Anonymize appropriately based on laws and regulations
- Take security control measure based on laws and regulations to prevent information leakage of data and procedure of anonymizing
- To announce item of information included in the anonymously processed information based on laws and regulations
- To not attempt actions that lead to recognition of the individual of the information used to create anonymized data
- When providing anonymously processed information to a third party, to announce the item of information included in the anonymously processed information and procedures to providing, as well as specifying to the third party that the data is anonymized
Article 6. Disclosure, Correction, etc.
- Users may request that Company disclose the Personal Information in its possession in accordance with the procedures specified separately by Company; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the cases specified in the following items.
- In cases where Company is unable to confirm the identity of a User making such request;
- In cases where there is a likelihood of harm to the life, body, property, or other interests of the User or a third party;
- In cases where there is a likelihood of substantial impediment to the proper execution of Companyâs business operations; and
- In cases where disclosure would be contrary to laws and regulations.
- In the case where the Personal Information of a User in Companyâs possession is not factually correct, the User may request correction, supplementation, or deletion (âCorrection etc.â) of the particulars of the relevant information in accordance with the procedures specified separately by Company. In such cases, Company shall without delay perform necessary investigations to the extent necessary to achieve the objectives of use of the relevant Personal Information and, on the basis of the results, shall Correct etc. the particulars of the Personal Information.
- When performing the disclosure procedures specified in Paragraph 1, Company may request submission of the Userâs personal identification documents to the extent necessary to confirm that the request for the disclosure of Personal Information is from the Users whom that information concerns.
Article 7. Personal Information Necessary for Account Maintenance
In the case where a User does not consent to the provision of an email address and other Personal Information necessary for maintenance of a User account on the Services or for use of the Services, the User cannot use the Services.
Article 8. Deletion of Service Accounts
In the case where a User deletes a Service account, Company shall properly process the User Information of the User in accordance with the Terms of Use, incidental agreements, and this Privacy Policy.
Article 9. Disclaimers
Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever in relation to the acquisition of Personal Information by third parties in the following cases.
- In cases where a User itself disclosed Personal Information to a third party using the functions of the Services or otherwise;
- In cases where a User identified himself or herself by inputting information or the like on Services;
- In the case where a User registers or applies for or orders the Services using a browser not compatible with transport layer security (TLS) or provides User Information by email or postal mail and a third party not under Companyâs management accesses or steals that information during the process of delivery to Company; and
- In the case where a User or third party incurs damage as a result of improper conduct by unauthorized access or others despite the implementation of security measures by the Company.
- In cases where a User used the Service with third party apps that are not recommended by the Company.
Article 10. Access from Overseas
Please refrain from accessing the Websites from countries or regions where the use, management, and operational methods of the Services or the content posted on the Services is unlawful or improper.
Article 11. Revision
This Privacy Policy is subject to revision. When revising this Privacy Policy, Company shall disclose the revised policy by means specified separately by Company and shall provide notice to the effect that this Privacy Policy was revised by the method specified by Company.
Article 12. Inquiries
- Except in cases where there is a likelihood of impediment to the proper execution of Companyâs business operations, Company shall maintain a condition whereby only the persons whom Personal Information concerns are able to learn Personal Information in Companyâs possession. Please use the method designated by Company to confirm, correct, or delete the particulars of that information.
- Inquiries, complaints, and consultations regarding the disclosure of Personal Information and its correction or deletion from the persons whom the Personal Information concerns and inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy can be made using the following email form.
Article 13. Use of cookies and Advertising Identifier etc
When Users access pages while using Services, User cookie information, Advertising Identifier (IDFA) provided by Apple Inc., Advertising ID (AAID) provided by Google Inc., and other such cookies (âCookies and Advertising Identifier etc.â) are used to automatically gather information concerning advertisements and pages viewed by the User, applications, the Userâs use environment, and other information, and the Cookies and Advertising Identifier etc. are stored on Companyâs servers. The purpose of this information is not the identification of individuals, but enhancement of the Services and optimization of advertising distribution. The purposes and methods of use are set forth below.
- Retention of basic settings
Cookies are used to retain settings such as User customized displays regarding Services in order to provide more convenient service environments to Users.
- Login and account authentication
Services use cookies for automatic account authentication. When an individualâs pixiv account is used to login, the Services can be used without the need to input account information when accessing other pages and when logging in for the second and subsequent times.
- Determination of use conditions and investigation of service improvements
The status of use of Services is determined and analyzed and Google Analytics provided by Google Inc. are used as reference for the provision of services more suitable to individual User interest in needs. Each services' procedures of access information data collection are established by each services' Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
- Google Analytics Terms of Use - Firebase Terms of Use
h - Google CloudïŒBigQuery Terms of UseïŒ - Looker Terms of Use - Google Privacy Policy - Looker Privacy Policy - Repro Privacy Policy
- Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on
- Google Analytics Terms of Use
- Implementation of surveys
Qualaroo, Google forms, and the like are used to implement surveys on Services. Qualaroo uses cookies that do not include Personal Information. Detailed information regarding Qualaroo cookies can be found in Qualaroo privacy policy on the following page.
- Display of advertisements
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Artiicle 14. Use of reCAPTCHA
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Details concerning Googleâs privacy policy can be found at the following page.
Article 15. Cases where the use of Cookies and Advertising Identifier etc. are not allowed
Users can set whether to allow the use of Cookies and Advertising Identifier etc. In cases where use of Cookies and Advertising Identifier etc. is prohibited, however, it may not be possible to use certain service settings and services that require Cookies and Advertising Identifier etc.
- æ¬ãã©ã€ãã·ãŒããªã·ãŒã¯ã2015幎3æ23æ¥ããæœè¡ããŸãã
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- March 30, 2020 Modified overall Terms of Use as Master Terms of Use and related Individual Terms of Use
- April 18, 2019 Added reCAPTCHA to Article 11 "Use of Cookies etc." to understand usage for reCAPTCHA use , and for service improvement update
- September 12, 2018 Added company names and links to Display of Advertisements on Article 11 "Use of Cookies etc."
- May 16, 2018 Added Article 12 regarding the recommended function in Article 2 "Terms of Use" based on General Data Protection Regulation by European Union. Modified to detailed procedures and disabling methods of data use (of login, data use, advertisements etc.) on Article 11 "Use of Cookies etc."
Guidelines on registered trademark
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Individual Terms of Use
Article 1. Introduction
- These Individual Terms of Use apply to all conduct in cases where User uses the âpixivFANBOXâ service (âIndividual Serviceâ) provided by the Company.
- These Individual Terms of Use set forth conditions for use of the Individual Service. User agrees to, and shall use the Individual Serve in accordance with, these Individual Terms of Use.
- These Individual Terms of Use are the individual terms of pixiv service Master Terms of Use ("Master Terms of Use"), which are applied for all services throughout pixiv Inc.'s services, and cases unspecified in these Individual Terms of Use, unless specified to exclude in the Individual Terms of Use, shall follow Master Terms of Use and other relating guidelines ("Terms etc.") set by the Company.
- By using the Individual Service, User shall be deemed to have agreed to the entire content of these Individual Terms of Use.
- Unless User agrees to these Individual Terms of Use, User may not use the Individual Services.
Article 2. Definitions
The terms used in these Individual Terms of Use shall have the meanings set forth in the following items. Unless otherwise provided, terms used in these Individual Terms of Use other than those defined below shall have the meanings specified in the pixiv Master Terms of Use.
- âSiteâ means the website known as âpixivFANBOXâ ( and operated by the Company.
- âIndividual Serviceâ means all services provided on the Site.
- âUserâ means a user who registered an account with the Company and uses the Site.
- âCreatorâ means a User who completed creator registration for the Individual Service in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
- âSupporterâ means a User who supports Creators through the Individual Service in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
- âPosted Dataâ means profiles created, edited, and posted on the Site by User, comments transmitted using the comment function, and all other data posted or transmitted by User using certain functions on the Site (excluding Posted Content).
- âContentâ means text, voice data, music, images, videos and other information.
- âPosted Contentâ means Content posted by a Creator on the Site or a related site.
Article 3. Scope of Application of these Terms of Use
- The conditions for use of the Individual Service are set forth in these Individual Terms of Use or other terms of use and the like on the Site. Such other terms of use and the like constitute a part of these Individual Terms of Use, regardless of designation.
- In the case of a discrepancy between these Individual Terms of Use and other terms of use and the like, such other terms of use and the like shall apply preferentially.
- Any matters not specified in these Individual Terms of Use or other terms of use and the like shall be governed by the pixiv Master Terms of Use.
Article 4. Creator Registration
- Any persons who wish to use the Individual Service as Creators agree to the content of these Individual Terms of Use and apply for registration by the method prescribed by the Company.
- A person who applied for registration (âRegistration Applicantâ) shall become a Creator when the Company approves the registration application.
- In the case where a Registration Applicant falls under any of the following, the Company may, at its discretion, reject the Registration Applicantâs registration application without disclosing the reason.
- In cases where the Registration Applicant applied for registration not using the method prescribed by the Company;
- In cases where the Registration Applicant was the subject of compulsory withdrawal in the past on the grounds of violation of the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, other terms of use and the like, or the terms of use and the like of other services operated by the Company;
- In cases where it is determined that the registration information provided to the Company is false in whole or in part; or
- In other cases where the Company determines that the application is inappropriate.
Article 5. Cancellation of Creator Registration
- In the case where a Creator wishes to cancel his or her registration, the User shall submit notice of cancellation of the Creator registration to the Company by the method prescribed by the Company.
- In the case where a Creator engages in the conduct set forth in any of the following items, the Company may, at its discretion, cancel the Creator registration, compel the Creator to withdraw also as a User, and refuse use of the Individual Service and related services.
- In cases where it is determined that the registration application was not performed using the method prescribed by the Company;
- In cases where the Creator violates the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or other terms of use and the like; or
- In cases where the Company determines that registration is inappropriate.
Article 6. Creation of Support Plans
- Creators may create support plans using the method prescribed by the Company.
- When a Creator creates a support plan, the Creator shall do so to the extent and by the method prescribed by the Company, and the following matters shall be specified.
- Creation of multiple support plans and setting monthly fees for each support plan;
- Details of the Supporter-exclusive Posted Content to be provided to Supporters according to a support plan; and
- Details of other privileges that Supporters can enjoy (âPrivilegesâ).
Article 7. Posting
- After setting the scope of disclosure using the method prescribed by the Company, Creators can publish posts on a Creator page at their discretion.
- Creators may not publish posts that fall under any of the following. If the Company determines that a post falls under any one of the following, the Company is entitled to request that the registered Creator revise the post or make the post private in whole or in part, and depending on the circumstances, the Company may cancel the Creator registration of the relevant Creator.
- Obscene or excessively deviant sexual expression;
- Violent or cruel expression that causes strong feelings of disgust or discomfort;
- Expression that glorifies or promotes extreme ideas or anti-social behavior;
- Expression that glorifies or promotes discrimination on the basis of race, belief, occupation, sex, religion, and so on;
- Expression that glorifies or promotes cult-like religious behavior or extreme political behavior;
- In the case where a third party makes a claim of infringement of rights or other assertion, and following investigation by the Company, a determination is made that the third partyâs claim is not baseless;
- A post regarding which a public agency or an expert (a national or regional public body, a credibility confirmation organization specified in the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders, Internet hotline, attorney, etc.) indicates or expresses an opinion that the content is unlawful, contrary to public morals, or infringes on the rights of another person;
- Expression that infringes on the rights of a third person or falls under Article 18 (Prohibitions) and is determined to be inappropriate for provision on the Individual Service even when taking into consideration the freedom of expression; or
- Further to the above, expression that violates the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or other guidelines.
Article 8. Monitoring of the Site by the Company
The Company and third parties entrusted by the Company are entitled to monitor all areas of the Site for the purpose of investigating whether Posted Content has been posted to or transmitted on the Site in violation of these Individual Terms of Use, whether Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges are provided in violation of these Individual Terms of Use, and whether registered Creators are in compliance with laws and regulations.
Article 9. Support by Supporters
- Users may support Creators under a particular plan by the method prescribed by the Company.
- In the case where User applies for a particular support plan, a two-party agreement (âSupport Agreementâ) shall be formed with the Creator who created the relevant plan. The principal content of such agreement shall be the provision of access to Supporter-exclusive Posted Content and Privileges by the Creator to the relevant User and the payment of support monies by the User as consideration for such provision.
- Users may access Supporter-exclusive Posted Content published by the Creator and receive Privileges as long as the User is a Supporter.
- User confirms and agrees that the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever regarding the particulars of Supporter-exclusive Posted Content and Privileges.
Article 10. Performance of Duties under Support Agreements, Availability of a Cooling-Off Period, etc.
- Supporters may not demand refund of support monies that were previously paid. Support amounts are not subject to a cooling-off period, and therefore, refunds under a cooling-off period cannot be made.
- Supporters cannot cancel or obtain a refund of support monies previously paid on grounds relating to the particulars of the Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges, but in the case where Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges are not provided in accordance with the relevant plan and in cases where such Supporter-exclusive Posted Content or Privileges contain defects as to form (incorrect file format, inability to download, etc.), Supporters may contact the Company using the Contact Form on the Site.
- Creator shall comply with the Act for the Prevention of Unreasonable Premiums and Misrepresentation concerning Products and Services, the Specified Commercial Transactions Act, and other relevant laws and regulations and shall properly perform labeling on the Site required under the Specified Commercial Transactions Act.
Article 11. Term, Renewal, and Cancellation of Support Agreements
- The term of Support Agreements shall be from the day of provision of support by User to the relevant Creator until the last day of the month in which that day occurs. In subsequent months, Support Agreements shall automatically be renewed on a monthly basis from the first day to the last day of each month.
- In the case where a Creator or Supporter wishes to cancel automatic renewal of a Support Agreement, such person shall cancel automatic renewal using the procedures prescribed by the Company by the following month.
- Even in the case where automatic renewal of a Support Agreement is canceled, Supporters may not demand daily pro rata refund of support monies paid pursuant to the Support Agreement for the month in which the day of cancellation of automatic renewal falls.
- In the case where a registered User makes late payment of support monies (including cases where payment procedures are not performed as a result of a credit card error or the like), the relevant User shall automatically be deemed to have canceled automatic renewal.
Article 12. Cancellation of Particular Support Plans
- Notwithstanding the preceding article, a Creator may delete the particular support plans by using the procedures prescribed by the Company and cancel the Support Agreements of Supporters for such support plans.
- When a Creator cancels a plan, no duties for the Creator to provide new Supporter-exclusive Posted Content and Privileges shall arise and no duties for Supporters to pay support monies shall arise with regard to the relevant plan as of the month (from the first day to the last day) following the day of cancellation of the plan.
Article 13. Termination of Support Agreements with Supporters for Other Reasons
- Notwithstanding the preceding two articles, in the case where the Company cancels the Creator registration of a particular Creator, all Support Agreements between the relevant registered Creator and Supporters shall terminate.
- In the case of the preceding paragraph, support monies shall not be calculated on a daily pro rata basis, and Supporters may not demand refund of the support monies for the current month.
- Even in the case where a Support Agreement terminates pursuant to this article, the Company shall be released from liability to the extent of measures pursuant to these Individual Terms of Use, and in such case, User may not make any demands whatsoever for compensatory damages to the Company.
- In the case where the Company cancels the Creator registration of a particular Creator, the Company may delete the Creator pages and posts of the relevant Creator.
Article 14. Payment
- Supporters shall pay support monies (including amounts equivalent to consumption taxes) for the month in which the day that support commenced occurs and thereafter shall pay each monthâs support monies at the beginning of each month by the method specified by the Company.
- Even in the case where a Support Agreement is canceled or terminated for any other reason during a month, no daily pro rata calculation of support monies shall be performed.
- In cases where a credit card is used, support monies shall comply with the contract terms and conditions or terms of use of the relevant credit card company. A credit card held in the name of the Supporter must be used.
- The Company shall have the authority to collect support monies paid by Supporters to Creators and to outsource such collection services to third parties specified by the Company. The duty to pay support monies of Supporters shall extinguish upon receipt of support monies from a Supporter by the Company or the third party specified by the Company.
Article 15. Direct Deposit Request
- Registered Creators may request payment of support monies by requesting direct deposit of support monies (âDirect Deposit Requestâ) by the method prescribed by the Company.
- The amounts for which a Direct Deposit Request may be made shall be from 201 yen to 1 million yen.
- In such case of Direct Deposit Request, the Company shall pay the remaining balance of support monies actually received by the Company or the third party specified by the Company pursuant to the preceding article by the time that the Direct Deposit Request is made minus the assorted fees specified below (âDirect Deposit Amountâ) by remittance to the bank account or PayPal account specified in advance by the Creator.
- The Company shall have the authority to collect support monies paid by Supporters to Creators and to outsource such collection services to third parties specified by the Company. The duty to pay support monies of Supporters shall extinguish upon receipt of support monies from a Supporter by the Company or the third party specified by the Company.
- Platform fees: An amount corresponding to 5% of the support monies (including amounts equivalent to consumption taxes; rounded to the nearest whole number)
- Payment fees: An amount corresponding to 5% of the support monies (including amounts equivalent to consumption taxes; rounded to the nearest whole number)
- Remittance fees: 200 yen in the case where the total amount received is less than 30,000 yen, and 300 yen in the case where the total amount received is 30,000 yen or more
- The Company may deduct the fees specified in the preceding paragraph from support monies to be paid to the Creator in lieu of receipt of those fees.
- No interest shall accrue during the period from when the Company or the third party specified by the Company receives support monies until the Company makes payment to the Creator.
- In the case where the Company has any claims against a Creator, the Company may set off the claims that the Creator has against the Company as specified in Paragraph 1.
- In the case where a Creator does not request payment within 365 days from the time that the Creator can request payment of support monies with a remittance amount of at least 201 yen pursuant to this article, the Company shall make payment to the bank account designated by the Creator in advance.
Article 16. Insufficient or Incorrect Direct Deposit Account Information
- In the case where a Creator makes a Direct Deposit Request but the Company is unable to make the direct deposit because of insufficient or incorrect direct deposit bank account information provided by the Creator, the Company may handle the relevant payment request as void. In this case, the Company shall notify the registered Creator regarding the insufficient or incorrect direct deposit account information and encourage the Creator to reapply for payment.
- In the case where a Creator makes a Direct Deposit Request but the Company makes a remittance to a third party due to insufficient or incorrect direct deposit bank account information, the Company may deem that the payment was made to the relevant Creator and shall be released from liability regarding claims from the Creator.
Article 17. Reaction to Problems
- Except in cases specified in these Individual Terms of Use, the Company shall not bear any responsibility or any duties relating to problems that occur between Users or between a User and a third party in relation to the Individual Service.
However, in the case where the Company determines that it is necessary for operation of the Individual Service, the Company may serve as a liaison to convey the particulars of the other partyâs claim to User or a third party. In this case, User shall respond in good faith in accordance with the Companyâs instruction; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to perform any such liaison services. - In the case where the Company receives a claim from a third party (for the purpose of this paragraph, including User) of infringement of copyrights or other rights in relation to Posted Content, the Company shall notify the User who posted the relevant Content and may make the relevant Posted Content private on the basis of its own determination.
Article 18. Prohibitions
When using the Individual Service, User may not engage in any conduct prohibited by or in violation of the pixiv Master Terms of Use, these Individual Terms of Use, or other terms of use or guidelines. In the case where User engages in prohibited conduct or commits a violation, User may be subject to compulsory withdrawal, suspension of use, deletion of posted work data in whole or in part, modification of the scope of disclosure, or other disadvantageous measures; provided, however, that the Company shall not bear a duty to take these measures and shall not bear a duty to disclose the reasons for measures it has taken.
Supplementary provision:
- These terms and conditions will be enforced from April 28, 2018.
- These individual terms also apply to any actions you have taken prior to the enforcement of these individual terms.
- March 30, 2020 pixiv Co., Ltd. The entire agreement has been revised as an individual agreement tied to the service common use agreement.
- April 28, 2018
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