While countless of useless pervs were able to enjoy a good free fap for 7 years thanks to the chans, there's little doubt our shameless piracy policy has also badly hurt the profits of active producers, leaving the whole community with less content. We'll try to make up for that on here now by listing and continuously updating active ontopic agencies and studios so niggas among you who are not on welfare well off could give back and support them.
Weird/dead agencies:
- Happy models Selling awesome vintage content from Austria. Apparently must email them directly
- Imouto Only if you can read Yellow
- TeenBeautyFitness Latina grannies disguising as underage lolis
- Newstar/Tinymodel For OCDs enjoying the same outfit/poses over and over. RIP?
Head over to 155chan for current chan-like community sites, or 144chan for ontopic shekeleer sites. And bookmark our emergency page at Trichan.to
If we missed any active agencies or studios please let us know. And if you'd like to rent a cheap banner on this page and get thousands of daily views drop us a line on mods#trichan,to (fix the wrong "at" and "dot" symbols)