






    • 01. 研究会活動、全国大会開催、
    • 02. 論文誌、会報誌、ニューズレター
    • 03. 国内外の機関との連携
    • 04. STEM教育に関する情報の
    • 05. STEM教育の研究、普及
    • 06. その他、上記の目的を達成するために



日本STEM教育学会 会長 新井 健一








About JSTEM(Japan Society for STEM Education)

With the advancement of science and technology, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education has been introduced as an approach to develop 21st century competencies, mainly in developed countries. The concept of STEM has been expanding, and some derived concepts are seen such as STEAM by adding Arts, or STREAM by adding Robotics.

Coding education is one of the well-known activities. It will be introduced to the education standard for elementary schools in Japan, and will be taught in science and math classes from the viewpoint of STEM education. However, there are no academic societies organized in Japan so far to conduct research on STEM education from academic points of view, that may lead to more effective educational practices.

In order to respond to expectations from society, we decided to establish JSTEM to promote educational practices of STEM field, including coding education, with systematic and theoretical background. Based on STEM and its derived forms, JSTEM also aims to define the next generation STEM education, and to contribute to the development of the 21st century competencies by collaborating with academic societies overseas.


Japan Society for STEM Education conducts the following activities to achieve the above objectives.

    • 01. SIG (Special Interests Group), annual conferences, symposia and seminars
    • 02. Publication of journals, newsletters, and books
    • 03. Collaboration with domestic and foreign organizations
    • 04. Research and gathering information on STEM education
    • 05. Awarding STEM education researches, practices and promotion activities
    • 06. Other necessary projects to achieve the above objectives

Message from the Chairperson

I am honored to be assigned as the chairperson of the newly established Japan Society for STEM Education.

STEM Education received attention in the United States when the country introduced the term in the educational policy in 1990s, for training science and technology professionals to increase international competitiveness. It is almost 20 years since the 21st century has begun, and we are entering the new advanced technology paradigm, such as AI. To prepare for the new era, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology revised the education standards, and starting to introduce one of STEM education activities, Programming to the Japanese school curriculum.

There are already many STEM education practices in the world. Some added Art (STEAM), Robotics (STREAM), and even Ethics and extended the concept of STEM education in various ways. However, the recent interest has shifted to practical theory in addition to its conceptual discussion.
Initially, we had discussed whether we should call the society STEM or STEAM, and we decided to use STEM, by including all the current and the future STEM variations. Whatever it may be called, we believe that the basic concept of integrating multiple domains of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (and may include Arts or Robotics...) and solving the real-world problems remains. The thinking process seen in Programming education can be a typical example.

This society will not only focus on Programming education, but also discuss and propose the future model of STEM Education through practical research, for the coming AI era. To make this happen, it is important to have various participants from multiple academic domains engaging in the discussion. I hope the society will have a culture to respect each other, fuse together to solve problems, and share innovative, creative and emotional values.
I look forward to see many participants to join this society.

Kenichi Arai
President of the Japan Society of STEM Education
Chairperson, Center for Research on Educational Testing
Chairperson, Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute