(cache)World Trade Center 7 building did not collapse due to fire: Report - Politics Forum.org | PoFo
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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.

* Ian Harvey, "World Trade Center 7 building did not collapse due to fire: Report", Daily Commercial News (ConstructConnect Canada, Inc.), May 20, 2020, https://canada.constructconnect.com/dcn ... ire-report , https://megalodon.jp/2020-0522-0340-17/ ... ire-report , http://www.freezepage.com/1590086392GKXDMKHJJD .

Below is the report referred to in the above news article, of which report was made possible by a grant from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( https://www.ae911truth.org ):

* J. Leroy Hulsey, Zhili Quan and Feng Xiao, "A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7--Final Report", Institute of Northern Engineering (University of Alaska Fairbanks), INE Report 18.17, March 2020, https://files.wtc7report.org/file/publi ... ch2020.pdf , https://web.archive.org/web/20200505211 ... ch2020.pdf , http://www.freezepage.com/1590168485LICTGKTGQT .

The following is the University of Alaska Fairbanks webpage for the foregoing report:

* "A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7", Institute of Northern Engineering (University of Alaska Fairbanks), http://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7 .

And below is the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth webpage for the above report:

* "University of Alaska Fairbanks WTC 7 Study", Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, https://www.ae911truth.org/wtc7 .

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