The White Hats are pleased to announce a global partnership with our good friends in Japan who will be opening a mirror White Hats Report website for readers and viewers in their country. We are honored to be working with, supporting and collaborating with HOOH Club, Ryuhei Mochizuki’s online salon in Japan.  We have had a very close relationship with Japan since we started publishing our reports almost 10 years ago. This partnership will continue to expand the message to other countries and hopefully the rest of the planet in the near future.

The new website in Japan is currently under construction and projected date for going live is next month. We will provide an update and link when its finished and would encourage everyone to visit when it is active.

- Paladin

The Decision to Monetize

The concept for the White Hats Report was born approximately 25 years ago when it became apparent that information accumulated during investigations could be utilized in multiple ways after a particular case was concluded. Due diligence, backgrounds, surveillance, asset searches, skip tracing and a variety of other investigations created a “database” that could be utilized to supplement future assignments. At the time, there was not a sufficient software program that was capable of providing the proper interface for a myriad of information that could link individuals, companies, entities, ventures, partnerships, events, civil lawsuits, criminal investigations/convictions and even disputes and “wars”.

In our line of work, documents are a staple of our end product as they provide a timeline and a sequence of events that cannot be disputed. They are critical for litigation support and criminal prosecution in addition to being of immeasurable value to the client.

The collateral information developed while performing the simplest investigations would surprise most. Factor in the intelligence gathered during investigations of sophisticated financial skullduggery such as a multi-million-dollar ponzi scheme. Or an international money laundering operation. Or an offshore trust set up to siphon funds from government coffers for entry into evergreen trading programs. Or copies of SWIFTs used to defraud the American public of $15 trillion backed by phony gold reserves that don’t exist. Or obtaining originals of trading programs that expose the theft of trillions of dollars from true humanitarians who wish to make the planet a better place. In our world, this is called hitting the JACKPOT.

We have endeavored to release this information through our White Hats Reports, starting with our first release almost ten years ago. Since, we have published 67 reports and the time has come to expand the effort into additional venues to maximize the effect.

Every major media conglomerate is a tool of the cabal. EVERY ONE. Their objectives are to impose the narrative on the masses and provide cover for the ruling apparatus of this planet. To shape our thinking, to influence our perspective and to, above all, hide the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the cabal’s puppet masters who hide in the shadows, pulling the strings of the lackeys who sell their souls for fame, fortune and “power”. When the hammer falls, they should be held to account with the other Satanists, pedophiles and monsters who they’ve worked hard to obscure from the public.

We are on the cusp of a new beginning where the old will soon be destroyed and become a footnote, not to be forgotten by future generations. This period will be marked in history as the turning point when humanity took back this planet from the dark forces. Whether you decide to participate in that effort is up to you. We….are the media now.

All of us.

The concept that was born 25 years ago will now become reality with everyone’s help. We have created a Patreon account, have monetized our YouTube channel (White Hats Media Group), have opened a retail store and will now be accepting donations. As we go forward, we will add additional venues to our list of resources so that we can grow our platform and reach more people all over the planet. As minds open, they need a place to go to enhance their knowledge base and expand their consciousness. We are not meant to be slaves for the few but instead, powerful individuals who have the ability to shape our own futures and realize our dreams.

Your support will allow us to organize, collate and release our information on a timely basis with full documentation, explanation and citation. Everyone can be a White Hat….EVERYONE. We are all here…at this time…for a reason. Look inward to find the answers to the questions of who you are, what is most important to you and what your destiny is. Changes or adjustments will have to be made for we, as a collective, have allowed this planet to devolve into a prison. It is our responsibility to change it.

Join the White Hats team and get involved to help the message reach critical mass around the world so our children and future generations have a better planet to inhabit.

“I prefer peace but if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”
-Thomas Paine
