Arduino Leonardoで\記号を打つ [Arduino]
Arduino LeonardoでUSBキーボードエミュレーションを行う場合、IDE付属のKeyboardライブラリを使うと記号が化けたり、「\」「|」「半角/全角キー」などの打てない文字・キーがあったりします。
そこで、Keyboard.h/Keyboard.cppを改変し、日本語106/109キーボード対応版を作成してみました。(Arduino IDE 1.6.7で動作確認済)
ユーザーフォルダ\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Keyboard_jp フォルダを作成して、そのフォルダ内に下のKeyboard_jp.h、Keyboard_jp.cppを保存すると利用できます。
vold begin(void)
void end(void)
size_t write(uint8_t k)
size_t press(uint8_t k)
size_t release(uint8_t k)
void releaseAll(void)
Keyboard_jpで追加された関数は以下の3つです。動作はKeyboard.write、Keyboard.press、Keyboard.releaseと同じですが、引数が(キーコードではなく)UsageIndexであることに注意してください。UsageIndexの詳細は、「Keyboard Scan Code Specification」(Microsoft Word形式)を参照してください。
size_t writeRaw(uint8_t k)
size_t pressRaw(uint8_t k)
size_t releaseRaw(uint8_t k)
[ Keyboard_jp.h ]
[ Keyboard_jp.cpp ]
以下は、サンプルスケッチ(Keyboar_jp使用例)です。Digital Pin 2-GND間、Digital Pin 4-GND間に接続したタクトスイッチを押下すると、円記号を含む文字列を出力します。Pin 2ボタン押下時はKeyboard.write、Keyboard.printを使用して出力、Pin4ボタン押下時はKeyboard.writeRawを使用して出力しています。
[ Keyboard_jp_test ]
Keyboard_jpライブラリの作成にあたり、「まごころ誠実堂~Arduinoで任意のUSBコードを送る 解決編」を参考にさせていただきました。
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そこで、Keyboard.h/Keyboard.cppを改変し、日本語106/109キーボード対応版を作成してみました。(Arduino IDE 1.6.7で動作確認済)
ユーザーフォルダ\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Keyboard_jp フォルダを作成して、そのフォルダ内に下のKeyboard_jp.h、Keyboard_jp.cppを保存すると利用できます。
vold begin(void)
void end(void)
size_t write(uint8_t k)
size_t press(uint8_t k)
size_t release(uint8_t k)
void releaseAll(void)
Keyboard_jpで追加された関数は以下の3つです。動作はKeyboard.write、Keyboard.press、Keyboard.releaseと同じですが、引数が(キーコードではなく)UsageIndexであることに注意してください。UsageIndexの詳細は、「Keyboard Scan Code Specification」(Microsoft Word形式)を参照してください。
size_t writeRaw(uint8_t k)
size_t pressRaw(uint8_t k)
size_t releaseRaw(uint8_t k)
[ Keyboard_jp.h ]
/* Keyboard_jp.h Copyright (c) 2015, Arduino LLC Original code (pre-library): Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Barrett Modified for Japanese 106/109 Keyboard by Toshiyuki UENO MMXVI This library is free software; you can redistribute it y it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef KEYBOARD_h #define KEYBOARD_h #include "HID.h" #if !defined(_USING_HID) #warning "Using legacy HID core (non pluggable)" #else //================================================================================ //================================================================================ // Keyboard #define KEY_RETURN 0x80 // 0x28 #define KEY_ESC 0x81 // 0x29 #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0x82 // 0x2a #define KEY_TAB 0x83 // 0x2b #define KEY_KANJI 0x8d // 0x35 Hankaku/Zenkaku | Kanji #define KEY_CAPS_LOCK 0x91 // 0x39 #define KEY_F1 0x92 // 0x3a #define KEY_F2 0x93 // 0x3b #define KEY_F3 0x94 // 0x3c #define KEY_F4 0x95 // 0x3d #define KEY_F5 0x96 // 0x3e #define KEY_F6 0x97 // 0x3f #define KEY_F7 0x98 // 0x40 #define KEY_F8 0x99 // 0x41 #define KEY_F9 0x9a // 0x42 #define KEY_F10 0x9b // 0x43 #define KEY_F11 0x9c // 0x44 #define KEY_F12 0x9d // 0x45 #define KEY_PRINT_SCREEN 0x9e // 0x46 #define KEY_SCROLL_LOCK 0x9f // 0x47 #define KEY_PAUSE 0xa0 // 0x48 #define KEY_INSERT 0xa1 // 0x49 #define KEY_HOME 0xa2 // 0x4a #define KEY_PAGE_UP 0xa3 // 0x4b #define KEY_DELETE 0xa4 // 0x4c #define KEY_END 0xa5 // 0x4d #define KEY_PAGE_DOWN 0xa6 // 0x4e #define KEY_RIGHT_ARROW 0xa7 // 0x4f #define KEY_LEFT_ARROW 0xa8 // 0x50 #define KEY_DOWN_ARROW 0xa9 // 0x51 #define KEY_UP_ARROW 0xaa // 0x52 #define KEY_KANA 0xe0 // 0x88 Katakana/Hiragana #define KEY_HENKAN 0xe2 // 0x8a #define KEY_MUHENKAN 0xe3 // 0x8b #define KEY_LEFT_CTRL 0xf8 // 0xe0 #define KEY_LEFT_SHIFT 0xf9 // 0xe1 #define KEY_LEFT_ALT 0xfa // 0xe2 #define KEY_LEFT_GUI 0xfb // 0xe3 #define KEY_RIGHT_CTRL 0xfc // 0xe4 #define KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT 0xfd // 0xe5 #define KEY_RIGHT_ALT 0xfe // 0xe6 #define KEY_RIGHT_GUI 0xff // 0xe7 // Low level key report: up to 6 keys and shift, ctrl etc at once typedef struct { uint8_t modifiers; uint8_t reserved; uint8_t keys[6]; } KeyReport; class Keyboard_ : public Print { private: KeyReport _keyReport; void sendReport(KeyReport* keys); public: Keyboard_(void); void begin(void); void end(void); size_t write(uint8_t k); size_t press(uint8_t k); size_t release(uint8_t k); void releaseAll(void); size_t writeRaw(uint8_t k); size_t pressRaw(uint8_t k); size_t releaseRaw(uint8_t k); }; extern Keyboard_ Keyboard; #endif #endif
[ Keyboard_jp.cpp ]
/* Keyboard_jp.cpp Copyright (c) 2015, Arduino LLC Original code (pre-library): Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Barrett Modified for Japanese 106/109 Keyboard by Toshiyuki UENO MMXVI This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "Keyboard_jp.h" #if defined(_USING_HID) //================================================================================ //================================================================================ // Keyboard static const uint8_t _hidReportDescriptor[] PROGMEM = { // Keyboard 0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop) // 47 0x09, 0x06, // USAGE (Keyboard) 0xa1, 0x01, // COLLECTION (Application) 0x85, 0x02, // REPORT_ID (2) 0x05, 0x07, // USAGE_PAGE (Keyboard) 0x19, 0xe0, // USAGE_MINIMUM (Keyboard LeftControl) 0x29, 0xe7, // USAGE_MAXIMUM (Keyboard Right GUI) 0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 0x25, 0x01, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1) 0x75, 0x01, // REPORT_SIZE (1) 0x95, 0x08, // REPORT_COUNT (8) 0x81, 0x02, // INPUT (Data,Var,Abs) 0x95, 0x01, // REPORT_COUNT (1) 0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8) 0x81, 0x03, // INPUT (Cnst,Var,Abs) 0x95, 0x06, // REPORT_COUNT (6) 0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8) 0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 0x25, 0xfe, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (101) *** modified 0x65 to 0xfe 0x05, 0x07, // USAGE_PAGE (Keyboard) 0x19, 0x00, // USAGE_MINIMUM (Reserved (no event indicated)) 0x29, 0xfe, // USAGE_MAXIMUM (Keyboard Application) *** modified 0x65 to 0xfe 0x81, 0x00, // INPUT (Data,Ary,Abs) 0xc0, // END_COLLECTION }; Keyboard_::Keyboard_(void) { static HIDSubDescriptor node(_hidReportDescriptor, sizeof(_hidReportDescriptor)); HID().AppendDescriptor(&node); } void Keyboard_::begin(void) { } void Keyboard_::end(void) { } void Keyboard_::sendReport(KeyReport* keys) { HID().SendReport(2,keys,sizeof(KeyReport)); } extern const uint16_t _asciimap[128] PROGMEM; #define SHIFT 0x8000 const uint16_t _asciimap[128] = { 0x00, // NUL 0x00, // SOH 0x00, // STX 0x00, // ETX 0x00, // EOT 0x00, // ENQ 0x00, // ACK 0x00, // BEL 0x2a, // BS Backspace 0x2b, // TAB Tab 0x28, // LF Enter 0x00, // VT 0x00, // FF 0x00, // CR 0x00, // SO 0x00, // SI 0x00, // DEL 0x00, // DC1 0x00, // DC2 0x00, // DC3 0x00, // DC4 0x00, // NAK 0x00, // SYN 0x00, // ETB 0x00, // CAN 0x00, // EM 0x00, // SUB 0x00, // ESC 0x00, // FS 0x00, // GS 0x00, // RS 0x00, // US 0x2c, // " " 0x1e|SHIFT, // ! 0x1f|SHIFT, // " 0x20|SHIFT, // # 0x21|SHIFT, // $ 0x22|SHIFT, // % 0x23|SHIFT, // & 0x24|SHIFT, // ' 0x25|SHIFT, // ( 0x26|SHIFT, // ) 0x34|SHIFT, // * 0x33|SHIFT, // + 0x36, // , 0x2d, // - 0x37, // . 0x38, // / 0x27, // 0 0x1e, // 1 0x1f, // 2 0x20, // 3 0x21, // 4 0x22, // 5 0x23, // 6 0x24, // 7 0x25, // 8 0x26, // 9 0x34, // : 0x33, // ; 0x36|SHIFT, // < 0x2d|SHIFT, // = 0x37|SHIFT, // > 0x38|SHIFT, // ? 0x2f, // @ 0x04|SHIFT, // A 0x05|SHIFT, // B 0x06|SHIFT, // C 0x07|SHIFT, // D 0x08|SHIFT, // E 0x09|SHIFT, // F 0x0a|SHIFT, // G 0x0b|SHIFT, // H 0x0c|SHIFT, // I 0x0d|SHIFT, // J 0x0e|SHIFT, // K 0x0f|SHIFT, // L 0x10|SHIFT, // M 0x11|SHIFT, // N 0x12|SHIFT, // O 0x13|SHIFT, // P 0x14|SHIFT, // Q 0x15|SHIFT, // R 0x16|SHIFT, // S 0x17|SHIFT, // T 0x18|SHIFT, // U 0x19|SHIFT, // V 0x1a|SHIFT, // W 0x1b|SHIFT, // X 0x1c|SHIFT, // Y 0x1d|SHIFT, // Z 0x30, // [ 0x89, // Yen(Backslash) 0x31, // ] 0x2e, // ^ 0x87|SHIFT, // _ 0x2f|SHIFT, // @ 0x04, // a 0x05, // b 0x06, // c 0x07, // d 0x08, // e 0x09, // f 0x0a, // g 0x0b, // h 0x0c, // i 0x0d, // j 0x0e, // k 0x0f, // l 0x10, // m 0x11, // n 0x12, // o 0x13, // p 0x14, // q 0x15, // r 0x16, // s 0x17, // t 0x18, // u 0x19, // v 0x1a, // w 0x1b, // x 0x1c, // y 0x1d, // z 0x30|SHIFT, // { 0x89|SHIFT, // | 0x31|SHIFT, // } 0x2e|SHIFT, // ~ 0 // DEL }; uint8_t USBPutChar(uint8_t c); // press() adds the specified key (printing, non-printing, or modifier) // to the persistent key report and sends the report. Because of the way // USB HID works, the host acts like the key remains pressed until we // call release(), releaseAll(), or otherwise clear the report and resend. size_t Keyboard_::press(uint8_t k) { uint8_t i; uint16_t c; if (k >= 0xf8) { // it's a modifier key _keyReport.modifiers |= (1 << (k-0xf8)); k = 0; } else if (k >= 0x80){ // it's a non-printing key and KANJI key k -= 0x58; } else { // it's a printing key c = pgm_read_word(_asciimap + k); k = uint8_t(c) & 0xff; if (!c) { setWriteError(); return 0; } if (c & SHIFT) { _keyReport.modifiers |= 0x02; } } // Add k to the key report only if it's not already present // and if there is an empty slot. if (_keyReport.keys[0] != k && _keyReport.keys[1] != k && _keyReport.keys[2] != k && _keyReport.keys[3] != k && _keyReport.keys[4] != k && _keyReport.keys[5] != k) { for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (_keyReport.keys[i] == 0x00) { _keyReport.keys[i] = k; break; } } if (i == 6) { setWriteError(); return 0; } } sendReport(&_keyReport); return 1; } // release() takes the specified key out of the persistent key report and // sends the report. This tells the OS the key is no longer pressed and that // it shouldn't be repeated any more. size_t Keyboard_::release(uint8_t k) { uint8_t i; uint16_t c; if (k >= 0xf8) { // it's a modifier key _keyReport.modifiers &= ~(1<<(k-0xf8)); k = 0; } else if (k >= 0x80) { // it's a non-printing key and KANJI key k -= 0x58; } else { // it's printing key c = pgm_read_word(_asciimap + k); k = uint8_t(c) & 0xff; if (!k) { return 0; } if (c & SHIFT) { _keyReport.modifiers &= ~(0x02); } } // Test the key report to see if k is present. Clear it if it exists. // Check all positions in case the key is present more than once (which it shouldn't be) for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (0 != k && _keyReport.keys[i] == k) { _keyReport.keys[i] = 0x00; } } sendReport(&_keyReport); return 1; } void Keyboard_::releaseAll(void) { _keyReport.keys[0] = 0; _keyReport.keys[1] = 0; _keyReport.keys[2] = 0; _keyReport.keys[3] = 0; _keyReport.keys[4] = 0; _keyReport.keys[5] = 0; _keyReport.modifiers = 0; sendReport(&_keyReport); } size_t Keyboard_::write(uint8_t c) { uint8_t p = press(c); // Keydown release(c); // Keyup return p; // just return the result of press() since release() almost always returns 1 } size_t Keyboard_::pressRaw(uint8_t k) { uint8_t i; if(!k){ return 0; } // Add k to the key report only if it's not already present // and if there is an empty slot. if (_keyReport.keys[0] != k && _keyReport.keys[1] != k && _keyReport.keys[2] != k && _keyReport.keys[3] != k && _keyReport.keys[4] != k && _keyReport.keys[5] != k) { for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (_keyReport.keys[i] == 0x00) { _keyReport.keys[i] = k; break; } } if (i == 6) { // setWriteError(); return 0; } } sendReport(&_keyReport); return 1; } size_t Keyboard_::releaseRaw(uint8_t k) { uint8_t i; if (!k) { return 0; } // Test the key report to see if k is present. Clear it if it exists. // Check all positions in case the key is present more than once (which it shouldn't be) for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (0 != k && _keyReport.keys[i] == k) { _keyReport.keys[i] = 0x00; } } sendReport(&_keyReport); return 1; } size_t Keyboard_::writeRaw(uint8_t c) { uint8_t p = pressRaw(c); // Keydown releaseRaw(c); // Keyup return p; // just return the result of press() since release() almost always returns 1 } Keyboard_ Keyboard; #endif
以下は、サンプルスケッチ(Keyboar_jp使用例)です。Digital Pin 2-GND間、Digital Pin 4-GND間に接続したタクトスイッチを押下すると、円記号を含む文字列を出力します。Pin 2ボタン押下時はKeyboard.write、Keyboard.printを使用して出力、Pin4ボタン押下時はKeyboard.writeRawを使用して出力しています。
[ Keyboard_jp_test ]
/* * Keyboard_jp サンプルスケッチ * Written by Toshiyuki UENO */ #include "Keyboard_jp.h" // define Button Pin Number // Button[0] = 2, Button[1] = 4 const int BUTTON[] = { 2, 4 }; void setup() { int i; for( i = 0; i <= 1; i++ ){ pinMode(BUTTON[i], INPUT_PULLUP); } Keyboard.begin(); delay(1000); // wait for initialization } void loop() { int i; for( i = 0; i <= 1; i++ ){ if( !digitalRead(BUTTON[i]) ){ if( i == 0 ){ // if press button[0] Keyboard.write('a'); Keyboard.write('A'); Keyboard.write('_'); Keyboard.write('\\'); Keyboard.write(KEY_RETURN); delay(100); Keyboard.print("aA_\\"); Keyboard.write(KEY_RETURN); } else if( i == 1 ){ // if press button[1] Keyboard.writeRaw(0x04); // 'a' Keyboard.pressRaw(0xe1); // press LeftShift Keyboard.writeRaw(0x04); // 'A' Keyboard.writeRaw(0x87); // '_' Keyboard.releaseRaw(0xe1); // release LeftShift Keyboard.writeRaw(0x89); // '\' Keyboard.writeRaw(0x28); // Return(ENTER) } delay(100); // button debounce while( !digitalRead(BUTTON[i]) ){}; // wait button release delay(100); // button debounce } } }
Keyboard_jpライブラリの作成にあたり、「まごころ誠実堂~Arduinoで任意のUSBコードを送る 解決編」を参考にさせていただきました。
サインスマート(SainSmart) レオナルド 互換 Leonardo R3 ケーブル付 ブラック
- 出版社/メーカー: サインスマート(SainSmart)
- メディア: おもちゃ&ホビー
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