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1,234 Posts
Discussion Starter #1
i bet most of you know this already, but i just came accross it in case you didn't know, it means "thunderbolt" in swedish.

314 Posts
And then they gave it four wheels and made it so we can all enjoy it :D

Too bad all I drives is a 900S :p but the Viggen is nice, from what I've seen and heard

1,665 Posts
benji9k said:
It's quite yummy. As long as it's a coupe and not a vert. Torque-steer gets annoying after boosting all day.
Maybe for the passengers, if they're the type that scare easily.:cheesy:

1,665 Posts
Yeah, SAAB 9-3 tdi conversion kit: The Vegan: Convert your car to run on Vegetable oil (I hear that the diesel engine was originally invented to run on veggie oil; there is definately at least one VW bus out there that can run on it!)

7,878 Posts
D2Rat42 said:
The Viggen was the mainstay Swedish fighter jet that provided their homeland defense during the cold war. It was built by Saab. It does mean "thunderbolt".

See link:

The viggen is indeed a Saab fighter jet, but I have never heard of the word Viggen used to describe lightening or thunder, and I speak Swedish fluently...

Thunder would be: åska
and a bolt of Lightening would be: blixt

the word "viggen" doesn't even appear in the official Swedish Schoolnet Swedish-English Lexin...

1,665 Posts
Whoa! I'm so disillusioned. Viggen doesnt mean thunderbolt?! The car mags lie again!

But I did learn something today:

Vingen means 'wing'
Vaggen means 'wall'

Where did this word come from then?

7,878 Posts
it may still mean "thunderbolt" but if it does it's not a commonly used word.

The -en suffix in Swedish is equivalent to using the word "the" in English.

Vingen would be "The Wing". Just "wing" would be "Vinge", but you pronounce the trailing e, unlike English. The pronounciation would be something like "Veenge", as the Swedish short I sound is somewhat similar to the english double e sound.

Same for "Wall" It would be "vägg", with the umlaut over the a pronounced as in German...

1,665 Posts
It's great that we have a real Swedish-speaking Swede to translate this stuff over for us! So, have I been pronouncing Viggen incorrectly all this time? Reading this, it sounds like it should be pronounced like the English word Vegan?

Super Moderator
31,228 Posts
Jezzadee said:
ROFL :lol: .
"The new Vegan from Saab - 250 bhp of pure veggie power. Contains no animal products."
(only available in green)
I'd buy one :cheesy: .

And Saab's had the ECOPOWER motor for a few years now :lol: Perfect car to get to your local WTO protest ..... and scoot away from quickly when the action gets ugly ...... :roll:

7,878 Posts
Fast_Ed said:
It's great that we have a real Swedish-speaking Swede to translate this stuff over for us! So, have I been pronouncing Viggen incorrectly all this time? Reading this, it sounds like it should be pronounced like the English word Vegan?
I think the way you have been pronoucing it is very very close It should be pronoucned with a short I:ish sound, like you probably have been pronouncing it. In Swedish it would have a slight bit more of a E:ish sound to it, but not as much as Vingen, and not at all like vegan.. The long e sound I was referring to inmy previous post is more like a cross between the sounds in "ick" and "eek"


82 Posts
Well it does appear in Nationalencyklopedin (for the rest of you: think of it as the Swedish equivalent to Encyclopædia Britannica)

vigg subst. ~en ~ar äv. vigg`e ~n viggar

ORDLED: vigg-en

• blixt [litt.]: åskvigg

HIST.: sedan yngre fornsvensk tid; fornsv. vigge 'kil; vigg'; gemens. germ. ord med grundbet. 'ngt vasst'


It does mean blixt (lightning) and as Mattlach writes the -en part of viggen is the equivalent of the word 'the'.

Or as in:
car = bil
the car = bilen
the Saab = Saaben

It also says that the word dates back to "fornsvensk tid" - which is the period between 1225 - 1526. It is rarely used these days.

343 Posts
IOTW, for Sweedish pronounciation pronounce it like you would if you had a sweedish accent! Or imagine the sweedish chef saying it, LOL.
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