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Encyclopedia Dramatica
"In lulz we trust."
Serving 14,396 articles since December 10th, 2004
Article of the Now
Taekesi (Powerword: Matthew J Harrison), is a wapanese self proclaimed YouTube trolling legend. He's been on YouTube under countless identities. Usually his accounts can be determined by badass names like "SecretAgentTaekesi" and the use of clips from shitty Azn action movies. This kid calls himself "legende". Let that sink in. What the fuck is a "legende", anyway?
Ray Gordon 2 days ago |
Drug 4 days ago |
Ouija Board 6 days ago |
Did You Know...
From Encyclopædia Dramatica's endless supply of factoids:
- ... that we are back on twitter? Follow
- ... that it took the site two whole months to come back online?
- ... that we are currently needing your help to restore the site to full glory?
- ... that the 2020 Presidential Election in the USA is finally down to just a few candidates, after months of endless fighting? Get your popcorn ready, folks...
- ... that Bill Gates is currently attempting to make a vaccine for the COVID-19 Virus, even though he couldn't even keep Microsoft Windows free of Viruses?
- ... that Toilet Paper Hoarding is now an international past-time because folks need TP for their bungholes?
- ... that Coronavirus is now creating new Bath Salts-induced-like Zombie fits?
- ... that if you state plain facts about the origin of the Coronavirus, you'll probably be called a racist by woke leftists?
- ... that the south's trashcan manages to embarrass itself yet again when somehow a guy pretending to be a cop pulls over an actual cop?
- ... that everyone these days is such an attention whore that they can't even pop a cap in someone's ass without posting the whole thing on Facebook?
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