To this day, millions of people around the world face illness and death from drinking disease-ridden surface water. To fight this crisis, development agencies and national governments pushed for the widespread drilling of tube wells, which bring unpolluted water from deep underground. The 1980s were even declared the "International Water Decade," (Eat shit Earth, Air, and Fire!) with the UN coordinating a major drive to drill tube wells in impoverished countries like Bangladesh. The water was completely untouched by humans, so it was assumed to be pure. They mostly didn't even bother to test it, or only tested for bacterial contamination. And then everyone started getting sick.
Bangladesh's underground water turned out to contain large amounts of naturally occurring arsenic, which often accumulates deep underground in delta regions over millions of years. Turns out, experts accidentally recommended digging the wells to exactly the depth where most arsenic is found. As a result, millions of people have been poisoned by arsenic from "clean" wells built with international development funds. And because arsenic builds up slowly in the body over time, the problem wasn't noticed for years (Similar to Mountian Dew poisoning found in gamers). In fairness, the tube wells also stopped millions of people from dying of water-borne diseases, but the arsenic poisoning could have been largely avoided if the wells had just been drilled to a different depth.
Things aren't much better in large parts of India, where UNICEF's tube wells accidentally tapped into large underground fluoride deposits, causing widespread bone defects and kidney failure. Over in China, an estimated 50 million people have been dangerously exposed to arsenic, fluoride, and iodine from tube wells. As a result, governments and development agencies are currently working on a second clean water program to fix the problems with the first one.
April 12th, 2020 • 12/04/20 • 6:24 am
RE: #1
I mean... I would certainly HOPE they were 'armed gunmen', right? They were probably aided by 'bicycle-wielding cyclists' and 'plane-possessing pilots', eh?
April 12th, 2020 • 12/04/20 • 7:36 am
So you’re saying that the World Health Organization has made some bad decisions that led to a lot of people dying?
April 12th, 2020 • 12/04/20 • 5:13 am
Did anyone ever see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty? Sean Penn in that movie is definitely what Sean Penn thinks hes like in reality.