What Are Shaders in Minecraft?

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Apr 2 · 2 min read

Minecraft shaders will change your cozy cubic world beyond recognition and will give you a new look at it. They will completely change the graphics of Minecraft, making it more realistic, add many interesting effects, such as realistic shadows, reflection from the water, the movement of grass and foliage on trees and so on.

How are Minecraft shaders different from texture packs?

Unlike texture packs, shaders do not change textures, but impose an effect when drawing a particular game object. Therefore, Minecraft 1.15.2 Shaders can be used with almost any set of textures. The only minus of Minecraft shaders is that only really powerful computers “pull” them without delay. But beauty, as they say, requires sacrifice.

What Minecraft shaders to use?

Despite the absurdity of the question, it becomes more and more relevant every day, because new shaders, new settings, etc. are constantly appearing. And the players are simply confused in this variety. We will consider all types of shaders that are relevant at the moment.

So, initially, the author of the shaders for Minecraft was daxnitro, which basically came up with methods for loading them into the code responsible for drawing blocks. The mod is called GLSL Shaders. Shaders themselves can be written separately, which gave such a surge of modifications to the original code.

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