coronavirus COVID COVID-19

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms,


before proceeding to a medical facility.

Kadena Medical Clinic: 630-4817 or 098-960-4817

U.S. Naval Hospital: 090-6861-5230

Symptoms include: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea



March 25, 2020

Team Kadena,

As posted in other venues, yesterday the Commander, U.S Indo-Pacific Command elevated the Health Protection Condition (HPCON) to “Charlie” for the theater, which includes Japan and Okinawa. This elevation was to even further align baseline measures throughout the Pacific amidst the global ongoing community transmission of the disease while also acknowledging the vast differences in environment and COVID-19 risk depending on location. Team Kadena leadership, along with the greater medical community, have been monitoring the developing situation 24/7, including risk particular to Okinawa and our community. Based on this assessment, many protective measures typically associated with HPCON Charlie have already been enforced on Kadena, while others have not. You have undoubtedly already noticed some of these such as additional screening at the gates, theater and chapel closings, cancelled events, DFAC table arrangements, encouraging telework and many others. Although tighter measures are currently in place, other places as highlighted in many news outlets, Kadena and the other installations on Okinawa have been tailoring their measures based on the current and forecast situation in the region and on Okinawa. Our efforts are focused on staying ahead of the threat while ensuring accomplishment of other ongoing critical mission requirements. Based on this focus, there will likely be further changes to our posture in the near future as the situation evolves. 

Please stay tuned to this and other communication through the chain of command for future changes. Safety of our community will remain paramount as we continue our important mission of providing peace in the Pacific.

Thank you again for all you do for one another!

Brig Gen Joel L. Carey
Commander, 18th Wing

Page updated March 30, 2020

Restriction of Movement (ROM) Guidance

COVID-19 Information

Link to CDC website. What you need to know in PDF format.
