List of paid-now-free games of 2020

List of games that were paid and now are free. What does that mean? It means that either they have changed their business model, it just become free or perhaps they will be payable again later. So, just in case, why not link the license to your account? Also, in case it's removed, you'll be able to download it.
📝 Keep in mind these packages are FreeOnDemand, not NoCost.
📝 If I already have a pay game, I can't tell if it was available for free. So there may be more.
📝 RaChart friendly.

✳️ The most promising (subjectively).
✴️ No longer free.
🚫 Removed but you can still claim it.
Permantly removed.

March 2020

!addlicense ASF 444698,446305,446309,438066,444734,438044,443793,446263,438027,444475,445190,442739,438031,445058,445637,445151,446287,442320,445188,438035,438042,363946,441969,441742,445094,445189,442418

Game ASF Price before / Date
2DGameManias !addlicense ASF 444698 1.60€ / Mar 25
✳️ Applewood !addlicense ASF 446305 5.00€ / Mar 29
Attack of the alien thingies from lava! !addlicense ASF 446309 4.00€ / Mar 29
Beer and Skittls VR !addlicense ASF 438066 1.60€ / Mar 01
Bomber Barn !addlicense ASF 444734 8.20€ / Mar 25
Borderlight !addlicense ASF 438044 0.80€ / Mar 01
CandyVenture !addlicense ASF 443793 4.00€ / Mar 21
Cobalt WASD !addlicense ASF 446263 7.00€ / Mar 29
Cold Bite !addlicense ASF 438027 0.80€ / Mar 01
✳️ Flem !addlicense ASF 444475 6.00€ / Mar 24
Goofballs !addlicense ASF 445190 4.00€ / Mar 26
✳️ Imperil !addlicense ASF 442739 1.60€ / Mar 18
Land of Dread !addlicense ASF 438031 0.80€ / Mar 01
Money Maker !addlicense ASF 445058 2.40€ / Mar 25
✳️ Omegaland !addlicense ASF 445637 3.00€ / Mar 27
Penguins of The North !addlicense ASF 445151 4.00€ / Mar 26
Raccoon The Miner !addlicense ASF 446287 2.40€ / Mar 29
Reflecting Reflections !addlicense ASF 442320 6.60€ / Mar 16
Rhome !addlicense ASF 445188 4.00€ / Mar 26
Roanoke !addlicense ASF 438035 0.80€ / Mar 01
Slime Crunch !addlicense ASF 438042 0.80€ / Mar 01
The Final Image !addlicense ASF 363946 2.40€ / Mar 06
The Land of Crows !addlicense ASF 441969 2.40€ / Mar 15
✳️ The Slimeking's Tower !addlicense ASF 441742 7.00€ / Mar 14
They Came From a Communist Planet !addlicense ASF 445094 4.00€ / Mar 25
Up in the Air !addlicense ASF 445189 4.00€ / Mar 26
Wardens of the Amber Cage !addlicense ASF 442418 10.00€ / Mar 17

February 2020

!addlicense ASF 433835,433582,435603,434331,431055,433537,432474,431578,436577,431397,437401,432312,432212,432663,435818,435071,432664,435081,436397,436581

Game ASF Price before / Date
A.V. !addlicense ASF 433835 7.00€ / Feb 13
Beached !addlicense ASF 433582 2.00€ / Feb 12
BellyBots !addlicense ASF 435603 8.00€ / Feb 20
Boo Boo Bananas - 3.30€ / Feb 26
Chameleon Video Player !addlicense ASF 434331 6.60€ / Feb 15
Curse of the Old Gods !addlicense ASF 431055 3.00€ / Feb 03
Darwin's Demons !addlicense ASF 433537 2.40€ / Feb 12
FLS !addlicense ASF 432474 8.20€ / Feb 08
Huge Enemy - Worldbreakers !addlicense ASF 431578 5.00€ / Feb 05
Kings' Cross !addlicense ASF 436577 2.40€ / Feb 24
✴️ Leap of Champions - 2.40€ / Feb 02
Mini World: Block Art !addlicense ASF 431397 1.60€ / Feb 04
Outbreak in Space VR !addlicense ASF 437401 2.40€ / Feb 27
Pizza Connection 3 - Pizza Creator !addlicense ASF 432312 1.00€ / Feb 07
PROP AND SEEK !addlicense ASF 432212 12.50€ / Feb 07
Retro Space Shooter !addlicense ASF 432663 12.50€ / Feb 09
Risnuch !addlicense ASF 435818 3.30€ / Feb 21
Shadows and Dust !addlicense ASF 435071 3.30€ / Feb 19
Spork: The Manic Utensil Storm !addlicense ASF 432664 2.30€ / Feb 10
Storm VR !addlicense ASF 435081 2.00€ / Feb 19
Terracotta - Shards of Doom !addlicense ASF 436397 4.00€ / Feb 24
Virtual Foosball !addlicense ASF 436581 3.00€ / Feb 24
✳️ Wienne !addlicense ASF 432316 4.00€ / Feb 07

January 2020

!addlicense ASF 426052,428029,430206,428807,427778,425204,425756,424039,424038,427034,430393,426930,430427,430407,423220,426279,428995,430220,430389,428283,422826,428525,430369,425639,427254

Game ASF Price before / Date
Ah, Love! !addlicense ASF 426052 0.80€ / Jan 15
Alpha/Omega: The Christian RPG !addlicense ASF 428029 1.00€ / Jan 23
Azusa RP Online !addlicense ASF 430206 8.20€ / Jan 30
Battle Royale Survival !addlicense ASF 428807 4.00 / Jan 27
Bigger Guns !addlicense ASF 427778 2.40€ / Jan 22
C-War 2 !addlicense ASF 425204 1.60€ / Jan 13
Cat Simulator !addlicense ASF 425756 5.00€ / Jan 15
Crystal Reign !addlicense ASF 424039 0.80€ / Jan 09
CYCOM: Cybernet Combat !addlicense ASF 424038 0.80€ / Jan 09
Dinosaur Hunting Patrol 3D Multiplayer Online !addlicense ASF 427034 0.80€ / Jan 19
Hard Times !addlicense ASF 430393 5.70€ / Jan 31
Just Spin !addlicense ASF 426930 1.60€ / Jan 18
Kyklos Code !addlicense ASF 430427 6.00€ / Jan 31
Lotia !addlicense ASF 430407 5.00€ / Jan 31
Neptunian Donut !addlicense ASF 423220 1.00€ / Jan 06
Pandemic Express !addlicense ASF 426279 12.50€ / Jan 16
Prison Ball: Full Blown !addlicense ASF 428995 4.00 / Jan 27
✳️ Runes: The Forgotten Path !addlicense ASF 430220 13.30€ / Jan 30
Runes of Brennos !addlicense ASF 430389 5.00 / Jan 31
Stormworm+ !addlicense ASF 428283 5.00 / Jan 24
Tessa's Ark !addlicense ASF 422826 4.00€ / Jan 04
Useless Box - 0.80€ / Jan 16
VIDEO GAME !addlicense ASF 428525 1.60€ / Jan 25
World Leader Card Game !addlicense ASF 430369 0.80€ / Jan 31
奇幻秘境 !addlicense ASF 425639 2.40€ / Jan 14
九劫曲:诅咒之地 NINE TRIALS !addlicense ASF 427254 16.80€ / Jan 16

How can I add it to my account?

  1. From ASF's own console, if you don't know how, read this.
    • Can I do this from a mobile? Unless you have ASF running somewhere and another Steam account to send the command to, no.
  2. From Steam, just click the "Play" button.
    • Can I do this from a mobile? No.

What is the difference between "FreeOnDemand" and "NoCost"?

FreeOnDemand games don't increase the counter, don't drop cards and can be removed from the licenses page. NoCost games are just the opposite, except for cards with the latest Steam changes.

9 hours ago*

Thanks & Bump!

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

Thanks for sharing. Too bad most of them look like s**t.

What is the difference between "FreeOnDemand" and "NoCost"? Does that mean they are free to keep forever?

8 hours ago

FreeOnDemand games don't increase the counter, don't drop cards and can be removed from the licenses page. NoCost games are just the opposite, except for cards with the latest Steam changes.

7 hours ago


8 hours ago

Thanks for Applewood and Flem.

I've been seeing ASF references but don't understand why they're offered. What is it and how is it useful?

8 hours ago

Archi Steam Farm is an executable that can do many things such as idle your games automatically for you to generate cards or add licenses to your account in bulk.

7 hours ago

on windows you can also just use RUN put this in box steam://install/game number

7 hours ago

You have to do that for everyone tho, and it's easier to do it from the store in any case, by clicking on Play.

7 hours ago

copy and paste 1 number set, not hard

7 hours ago


7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Thanks very much! Have a heart :)

7 hours ago

Thanks for sharing!

6 hours ago

OMG! tks....

3 hours ago

Thanks! Very useful (•̀ᴗ•́)و

32 minutes ago

Ohhh, great work! Thanks for the asf cmds.

29 minutes ago

Thank you!

26 minutes ago

f2p games

11 minutes ago

thanks for this

9 minutes ago
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