I've only met a handful of nuns in my life, all at work, and from my observations apparently being married to god makes you a snarky fucker. Ican respect that.
I'm a Baby at animal crossing so today I managed to lock two guests on the dock with a chair because I thought it would be hilarious. It . . . was not )= they hit me with axes
Quarantine movie watch list:
- contagion
- cargo
- The Terminal
- I am legend
- osmosis Jones
- the stuff
- we live in public
- the day after
- aaah! Zombies!
- between
- the big sick
I've been trying to call in so I could be like "hey I'll pay the cost of a visit if you can just listen to my symptoms on the phone because I'd feel irresponsible otherwise to come in just for an antibiotic" but their number isn't working