The Coronavirus Hoax by Dr. Ron Paul
Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security.
It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans.
Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease.” He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.
State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.
The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis.
On Face the Nation, Fauci did his best to further damage an already tanking economy by stating, “Right now, personally, myself, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant.” He has pushed for closing the entire country down for 14 days.
Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States? By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where’s the panic over this?
If anything, what people like Fauci and the other fearmongers are demanding will likely make the disease worse. The martial law they dream about will leave people hunkered down inside their homes instead of going outdoors or to the beach where the sunshine and fresh air would help boost immunity. The panic produced by these fearmongers is likely helping spread the disease, as massive crowds rush into Walmart and Costco for that last roll of toilet paper.
The madness over the coronavirus is not limited to politicians and the medical community. The head of the neoconservative Atlantic Council wrote an editorial this week urging NATO to pass an Article 5 declaration of war against the COVID-19 virus! Are they going to send in tanks and drones to wipe out these microscopic enemies?
People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus “pandemic” could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit – financially or politically – from the ensuing panic.
That is not to say the disease is harmless. Without question people will die from coronavirus. Those in vulnerable categories should take precautions to limit their risk of exposure. But we have seen this movie before. Government over-hypes a threat as an excuse to grab more of our freedoms. When the “threat” is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back.
Barbara Roberts
March 21, 2020 @ 4:56 pm
I salute you for speaking up…Indeed the virus is there but we have had worse ones than this within the past 10 years and nothing like this shutdown happened. So why the shutdown? That is the question. Each individual’s chance of dying is really small. the total can be large but we are freaking out as if no one ever dies out there unless they get this virus. We need common sense. I am however being cautious and staying home most of the time.
The Truth
March 20, 2020 @ 3:50 am
Thank god I found this article. First bit of common sense I’ve seen about this so-called “epidemic”.
It’s really scary how many sheep out there will believe anything and everything that the dishonest media and dishonest government tells them.
Terrorists couldn’t destroy us, but we Americans are doing a better job killing our country than the terrorists could ever do.
Rajeev Samuel
March 20, 2020 @ 8:36 pm
It’s a totalitarian nightmare.
March 19, 2020 @ 6:02 pm
We’re making decisions based on incomplete data. We don’t know how many people have contracted COVID-19, so we don’t know how big of a threat this disease really is.
There’s a shortage of tests, so we’re only testing the sickest people (e.g. the people most likely to have poor outcomes). We simply don’t know what we’re up against. We don’t know what percentage people who get infected will develop a serious illness or die. In order to calculate that you would need to know how many people have been infected and we just don’t know.
We don’t even know if “flattening the curve” will ultimately save lives. COVID-19 isn’t the only thing that kills people. If we flatten the curve, we increase the duration of the pandemic and we keep the healthcare system tied-up for longer.
During the pandemic, people will continue to have heart attacks. They will continue to have strokes and get into car accidents. They will continue to develop cancers and contract other diseases that require medical attention. What effect will lengthening the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic have on the quality of care they receive? We know that medical errors kill 250,000 to 400,000 Americans every year. The longer the pandemic lasts, the more fatigued our healthcare workers are going to be and the more mistakes they’re going to make. The longer they’re tied up with COVID-19 patients, the less time they have for other patients. The quality of the care that people will receive during this pandemic is bound to suffer.
Flattening the curve will certainly reduce the number of people who die from COVID-19, but if it keeps the healthcare system tied-up for a prolonged period of time and it increases the number of people who die from other things we may not have accomplished anything.
If we just let the pandemic run its course and don’t do anything to stop it, more people will certainly die from COVID-19 but the pandemic will end sooner and the disruption to the healthcare system won’t last as long, which could save more lives in the long run — or it might not.
The bottom line is, we just don’t know what we’re up against. We don’t know how deadly the disease is, and we don’t know if the measures we’re taking to combat it will, on the balance, save lives over the long run. For all we know, we’re locking down the country and destroying the economy for nothing.
Dissplaced Rebel
March 19, 2020 @ 4:51 pm
Before one comments, it would be good to do your own research. There are things not being reported in mainstream media and that includes right wing networks. There are things going on behind the scenes that can not be reported and will continue to be carried out. If you are not astute enough to do your own research then perhaps comments should be withheld. I’m not saying Dr. Paul is totally correct, however he is privy to more information than the average person and that’s why the average person would be wise to do their own research. Information varies and changes from different news networks and if you rely on mainstream news networks you will not get 100 percent correct info as that will be filtered.
March 19, 2020 @ 9:24 am
You’re an idiot number 1. Number 2 #TRUMPTRAIN2020 keep the tears rolling!!!
bob o.
March 19, 2020 @ 2:21 am
some things, like a pandemic, needs the type of coordinated response only the central government can provide to progtect the citizenry. The government, however, can not protect against stupidity. That is where natural selection takes over. Im sure Mr. Paul did not live to be agazillion by doing stupid things. He just lets his devotee do it by following his bad advice. So if you believe this is all hoax, don’t let the government tell you what to do. Be bold, get sick; after all only grandma and grandpa are at risk. So there is nothing to worry about unless you are a grandma or grandpa, or have a Gamma and Pepop somewhere that you care about. By the way, no one said not to go outside, just dont congregate, ya dumb ass.
March 19, 2020 @ 12:22 am
Well said!!!! You can’t fix stupid. So let’s stick together an listen to the true cdc, health an senior services, doctors that are real #staysafeppl
March 18, 2020 @ 8:27 pm
I fought for your right to be stupid and illiterate.
March 18, 2020 @ 4:32 pm
Agree! #OneLove
March 18, 2020 @ 3:59 pm
So, are you suggesting COVID-19 doesn’t exist, that it is just a flu that had killed thousands world wide? Are you suggesting we should all go back to the nonchalant life we led and let those who are vulnerable just get it and die? Would you prefer there to be millions dead before we react? Perhaps massive deaths of innocent people would make you feel more like caring about fellow citizens. Shame on you and your ignorance for implying people’s lives are not worth us giving up some comforts in life for a while. This virus is not discriminating against political party. It doesn’t stop at your door and ask for whom you are voting. I’m guessing if you were to contract this virus you would be screaming not enough was done to prevent the spread. Your lack of compassion is disgusting, and exactly why our country is as divided as it is. This is not a time to instigate hate, but a time to put your idiocy aside and do what is right to help others. If that is beyond your capacity, you should at the very least keep your accusations quiet. But then, when the White House condones such hatred, what can we expect…and before anyone says anything, I am a never trumpster Republican.
March 18, 2020 @ 4:32 pm
I agree, Brenda!
March 20, 2020 @ 1:13 am
The Coronavirus is nothing more than viral pneumonia!
March 18, 2020 @ 6:28 pm
He’s making a point that all you people out there stacking up supplies and causing this panic to be worse are not helping the situation. And he never said let them die. He said when you look to the government to take care of you, your just handing over your freedoms and rights without question. It’s simple to create a panic with being in control of the media and never questioning there agenda. More people died last year in the world from the common flu than this corona virus. But nobody is panicking about getting the flu and buying all the water and toilet paper from a cold. He pointed everything out about how stupid people are when they hand over there rights to the government with a promise of making things safe for you. Guess what? It’s there damn job already to make things safe for us without giving up our rights. There in a civil servant position and work for the public. There not in charge of us. So all he is saying is expect them to do there do diligence in finding cures for outbreaks and don’t give them more power. They already get paid enough and use tons of our taxes for studies on medications.
March 18, 2020 @ 10:57 pm
Brenda you need to read to story again your comment is out of topic.
March 19, 2020 @ 11:17 am
Brenda do you go out in public with that level of stupid? It’s embarrassing. So many assumptions and presumptions about the article, I’m not sure you have any ability of comprehension.
March 20, 2020 @ 1:14 am
Oh, and Brenda, you wouldn’t have had to clarify that you were a never trumpster….we could tell by your stupid comments that you were!
March 20, 2020 @ 6:43 pm
You know when Trump says “horse face,” he means someone like you. You ugly.
March 18, 2020 @ 3:00 pm
I totally agree