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"Miles must bear the double burden of being a prophet and a genius, which makes him sometimes appear a bit ridiculous. But who else rails so eloquently against both of the established, academic artworlds~the highbrow and the middlebrow?"
Chris Miller

Best of the Fake Events Essays of Miles Mathis
a short selection from the past decade

Best of the Art Essays of Miles Mathis
a short selection from the past decade

Essays 2020 and Updates

Essays 2019

Essays 2018

Essays 2017

Essays 2016

Essays 2015

Essays 2014
Essays 2013
Essays 2012
Essays 2011
Essays 2010
Essays 2009
Essays 2008
Essays 2007
Essays 2006
Essays 2005
Essays 2004
Earlier Essays
Sif & Trelawney (faerie tale)
Art Novel Excerpts
Photography Book
Letters to the Editor
Tom Turtle (humor column)
SQUIB and HELIUM HORNRIM (cartoon strips)