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LoOna | 
A server that has been advertised quite frequently on this forum ,, HLTV forums " known as the Kings of HLTV are being OPENLY transphobic / spreading transphobic sentiments... PROOF: In the screenshot you will see one emote of THEIRS => :transWheelchair: This emote IMPLIES that being trans is a disabilty, as a proponent of the TRANS community I feel like this should be addressed by them. Being transphobic is never okay, even if you are being sarcastic. PROOF BEING TRANS are not a disibility: #TransRights #WeDemandJustice
2020-03-16 19:50
Wow that is rude. I totally support trans rights.. So wrong
2020-03-16 19:51
mika | 
Turkey lil_ghost 
2020-03-16 19:51
Finland ozturk93_ 
nobody cares
2020-03-16 19:52
Are you transphobist?
2020-03-16 19:53
Finland ozturk93_ 
i dont care
2020-03-16 20:01
Wait he actually dont like trans people?
2020-03-16 20:02
Belgium Baitlander 
Cringe And ur really 32 years old?
2020-03-16 19:53
LoOna | 
2020-03-16 19:53
Czech Republic Xedys 
Lost all respect for ARBOGA wait I didn't have any
2020-03-16 19:53
LoOna | 
Korea ARBOGA messed up dude. racist. sick. disgusting.
2020-03-16 19:58
mika | 
Turkey lil_ghost 
2020-03-16 20:02
CIS maaka 
i hope you burn in hell
2020-03-16 19:56
The only thing wrong with that server is that they are very racistas against Brasilians!
2020-03-16 19:59
being a transphobe is better than being a pedophile
2020-03-16 19:59
You have my support
2020-03-16 19:59
No one cares /close
2020-03-16 20:00
Perfect emoji
2020-03-16 20:02
it's an emoji for the latest and upcoming transexual special olympics
2020-03-16 20:03
fat | 
United States girls 
who cares also stop snitching
2020-03-16 20:04
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