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ResearchPaper-Signature Assignment S19.docx:


Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

After you read the following prompt, please be sure to read Research Paper rubric in order to have a complete understand of the desired elements.

This research paper is on the topic you chose for your annotated bibliography. At the end of this prompt, I have attached a peer review worksheet. It can help you evaluate your work. The few minutes it takes is time well spent. You will also be completing one for a fellow student for which you'll be graded.


The following provides some guidelines to help you write a successful paper. While some information might be redundant, it is important to recognize that we only become proficient at any skill with practice and application.

Writing An Analysis

Peer review worksheet follows



The thesis sentence
1. a. What is the thesis sentence?

1. b. Is the overall purpose of the paper clear to you from the thesis sentence? State the intent.

1. c. Does the thesis adequately predict the paper's plan of development?

Support for the thesis
2. a. What are the topics used to support the thesis? (These should be clearly stated in the thesis statement.)

2. b. Does every paragraph and sentence in the paper clearly support the thesis?

2. c. Are there portions of the paper unrelated to the thesis? (For example, are there unnecessary summaries or sections of apparent padding?) What are they?

3. Are there sufficient examples and pieces of evidence to support the thesis persuasively? What is the strongest evidence? What is the weakest?

4. a. Is the overall organization of the paper clear and effective?

4. b. Did you feel lost at any point? If so, where?

5. Does the paper convey interesting insights into its subject? What are they?

Overall quality
6. What are the paper's main strengths?

7. What are the paper's main weaknesses?

Suggestions for revision
8. What specific recommendations can you make concerning the revision of this paper?

Some "Do's" and "Don't's" of Peer Evaluations

Peer Evaluations: Some "Do's" Peer Evaluations: Some "Don't's"


Research Paper-Signature Assignment Rubric.docx:

4 3 2 1 score
Formulate an argument
CT #3

Asks a relevant question or takes a relevant position or presents a relevant thesis

Offers a clear and precise position

Takes into account the complexities of an issue.

Others’ points of view are synthesized and convincing replies are provided.

Asks a relevant question or takes a relevant position or presents a relevant thesis

Offers a clear position

Takes into account minimal complexities of an issue.

Others' points of view are acknowledged within position and replies were provided.

Asks a relevant question or takes a relevant position or presents a relevant thesis

Offers a vague or indecisive position

Acknowledges different sides of an issue.

Anticipates objections to position but does not respond to them.

Attempts to formulate a position

Fails to anticipate objections to his/her point of view or fails to consider other perspectives and position.

Incorporate Evidence
CT #4


Information is from reliable source(s)

interpretation/evaluation rigorous enough to develop a comprehensive and coherent analysis or synthesis.

Information is from reliable source(s)

enough interpretation/evaluation to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.

Reliability or relevance of sources is questionable

some interpretation/evaluation, but not enough to develop a coherent analysis or synthesis.

Reliability and relevance of sources is questionable

and/or information is taken from source(s) without any interpretation/evaluation.

Understand Implications and Make Conclusions
CT #5

Identifies a conclusion

thoroughly evaluates implications, conclusions and consequences, while addressing all of the presented assumptions, contexts, data, and evidence.

Identifies a conclusion

briefly evaluates implications, conclusions and consequences while addressing most of the presented assumptions, contexts, data, and evidence.

Identifies a conclusion

summarizes implications, conclusions, and consequences while addressing a few of the presented assumptions, contexts, data, and evidence.

Identifies a conclusion

that is inconsistently tied to implications,

some of the presented assumptions, contexts, data, and evidence are oversimplified or not considered.

Evaluate information critically
IL #3

Utilizes a variety of information sources appropriate to the scope and discipline of the research question after considering the importance of multiple criteria, such as relevance to the research question, currency, authority, audience, and bias or point of view.

Utilizes a variety of information sources appropriate to the scope and discipline of the research question using multiple criteria, such as relevance to the research question, currency, and authority.

Utilizes a variety of information sources

Using basic criteria, such as relevance to the research question and currency.

Utilizes a few information sources

using limited criteria, such as relevance to the research question.

Use Information Effectively to Accomplish a Specific Purpose
IL #4

Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose, with clarity and depth.

Communicates, organizes and synthesizes information from sources.

Intended purpose is achieved.

Communicates and organizes information from sources.

The information is not yet synthesized, so the intended purpose is not fully achieved.

Communicates information from sources. The information is fragmented and/or used inappropriately (misquoted, taken out of context, or incorrectly paraphrased, etc.), so the intended purpose is not achieved.
